Chapter 19 || A Heart Chasing Moment In The Forest (FINALE of part 6)

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

"My wish?" I repeated the last part,asking myself.

"Yeah." Hanako nodded,listening closely.

After all this time,I only wanted to forget that my fate was near and only have fun with everyone,and live like I normally and usually do.
I wanted to spend time with everyone and forget the end that is near,I wanted to do lots of stuff in the future,and talk with Aoi giving theories with them over the phone of what the future would hold.
I wanted to spend time with Kou-Kun and cook more donuts with him.
I wanted to plant more flowers with Hanako-Kun.
I wanted to have a family,I wanted to laugh and spend time with my friends..

But I can't have any of that anymore now,if this really is a puzzle to confess my true desire..

"I want to stay longer with you!" As I said that,I raised my voice out loud,while I would think out loud my last thought.

Hanako-Kun then seemed surprised,his expression changed to a concerned one,he looked as he wasn't expecting me to say them out loud.

"I want to live longer,and see everyone smile!" I cried out loud.

My throat started to get dry and starting to hurt as I tried to stop the tears from pouring down my rosy cheeks,my heart racing faster then I could even remember,starting to ache like a small spike of pain inside of my chest.As I bit my lower lip,I tried to stay strong.

"A-Ah- Nene- why are you-" Hanako would start to stutter and trip along his words,hesitating since he didn't know how to react to me crying.

"I want to laugh,have fun with everyone,and try to make you smile more!" I continued.

"I know that my life span is close to it's end! But I want to make the most of how much time I have!" As I continued,I could feel my throat starting to ache more.

"But most importantly I wanted to spend more time next to you!" As I finally said my last wish,I then stopped raising my voice and only continued to mumble quiet words softly while crying.

Since my cheeks were wet of my tears,I tried to cover my face with both of my small and soft hands.
I couldn't believe I actually started to cry in front of Hanako-Kun,I never even expected this to happen for either.
As I was crying,I then felt warm hands touching mine,and removing my hands gently from my face.
I then tried to stop crying to see what was happening,Hanako was now even closer to me then earlier,he then cupped my cheeks with his hands and started wiping my tears with his thumb carefully.

"Hey..No need to cry.." He said in a caring and sweet tone,while he gazed back into my eyes carefully.

"Those ruby eyes of yours should not be filled with tears of sorrow." He smiled softly,as I would be slightly concerned by this kind of reaction.

I could feel a slight tint of warmth on me cheeks as I was blushing,Hanako then pulled me into a warm embrace,hugging me tightly.
My tears then stopped from rolling down,my chin then rested on his shoulder.

I was surprised actually.

I never thought that even the slightest bit of fear would break out of me,since I have been bottling it and kept it all inside all this time.
I was scared,and even now I am scared of what was about to come,I always would ask myself each night about my death,about how I would die in the end.

Would I even survive?

I knew that Kou and Hanako have both tried so hard to protect me and tell me that everything would be okay.I trust them,very much.

|| Hanako x Yashiro Fanfiction! || I Would Do Anything For You || (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now