Chapter 12 || The surprise??! ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

"We're here~" Hanako would have an evil tone.

"Huh?" Suddenly I'd started to not feel my legs,I'd try to sustain myself,but in the end I'd fall down feeling numb.

"Yashiro!!" Kou-Kun's voice echoed in my ears.

What is this? did i knock out? I can't move..I can't feel my body,not again..
I guess i fainted again huh? I was sure that I felt okay this time..
I wonder if the others are worried again..
I would wait to see if I would wake up,eventually,the darkness around me started to fade away as soon as I see the light appearing slowly in front of me.
I'd open my eyes and look around,In front of me would look like a big door in the middle of a dark room,at my left there would be a window with a painted sky and a fake moon outside the window.

"A door?" I asked myself.

I'd open the door,behind the door would be complete darkness,something would push me towards the open door and I would fall down letting out a scream,falling inside the darkness.
I'd yelp,opening my eyes and jumping awake from my weird nightmare.
I'd look around,I was in a bus,the sun was setting and there were classmates from my school chatting with each other,laughing and even some of them fallen asleep,was I on a trip?

"Hey are you okay?" A familiar voice near me could be heard.

Looking around my surroundings,I noticed something odd,my head would be resting on someone's shoulder,looking down I could see that it was someone with a white shirt and navy blue jeans,I'd pull my head away from resting my shoulder blushing a bit,and look who it could of been,I hope it's a handsome boy like in my dreams-
I stopped my thought right at the moment I noticed Hanako-Kun next to me,who would be the one who i was resting my head on his shoulder.
I'd began to be surprised even more and my cheeks began to turn into a light pink tone,blushing from realizing who it really was.

"H-H-Hanako-Kun?!" I raised my voice stuttering when mentioning his name in a surprised way

"Did you rest well?" He'd smirk at me.

I'd notice that most of the people from the bus where looking at me so i kept my voice lower.

"What are you doing here?!" I said softly placing my hand next to his ear to whisper.

"Hm? what do you mean?" He'd had a confused expression across his face.

I paused,something was wrong,something almost similar to this happened when we all were trapped in Shijima-San's painting..
Wait,no,it can't be..could it be?!

"No,don't tell me were.." I'd have a worried expression across my face.

"Hm?" He'd look at me waiting for what I am about to ask.

I'd glare at him to make sure that it's not him and that it's just one of Shijima-San's clones.
Is he the real Hanako or is he the fake one?

"Okay,okay calm down,it's me." He assures me having a smirk across his face again.

"Why am i here? Where is Kou? Are we in Shijima-San's painting again?!"

"Calm down,let me explain." He sighed.

"First of all,Kou is in this bus ride as well,second of all what your seeing right now is happening all inside Shijima-San's painting."

"Wait,no don't tell me that your planning to trap me aga-"

"No,I am not." He'd cut me off before panicking again.

"But didn't i unseal her yorishiro though?"
I'd ask with a confused expression.

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