Chapter 7 || My best friend was worried about me ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

After the lesson was done,the bell suddenly rang,as soon as I knew,it was break time.
I'd get out of my seat and right as I was about to leave with Hanako-Kun to the garden,I heard someone call my name,I'd look next to me to see who called by my name and see Aoi smiling at me.
Aoi would gesture to me to come this way,me and Hanako-Kun look at each other looking a bit confused,then,we looked back at Aoi,and I walked towards her to see what she wanted to ask me about.

"Nene-Chan are you okay?~" She'd look at me with the smile plastered on her face.

Of course she would ask me if I was okay right after I was shouting at Hanako-Kun and just embarrassed myself in front of the whole classroom since the didn't know that I was talking to a ghost who was dead 50 years ago.

"Yea,I'm okay,why do you ask?" I'd smile awkwardly at her with a bit of sweat on my forehead.

I hope she doesn't believe that I am crazy or anything..even though having a short ghost who just died many years ago which can grant wishes and follows you everywhere just to make sure you are safe sounds kind of like a made up story from a crazy minds child.

"Nene-Chan.." Her face would soon fade from her lips and she would start to look serious at me.

She obviously knew that I was lying,ahh.. what do I do?!

"You seem in a bit of trouble there." Hanako-Kun stared blankly between me and Aoi.

I'd look away glaring at Hanako-Kun while a small droplet of sweat would be on my cheek like I didn't know what to say to her and I needed help from him since this was his fault.
Suddenly Aoi grabs both of my hands together for me to pay attention back to her.

"Nene-Chan..If there is anything bothering you,you know you can just talk about it with me right?" She'd have a worried expression across her face.

"Ao-Chan..." I would let her name softly escape from my mouth as I wouldn't finish my words.

"Listen Nene-Chan,i know that you fall for boys very easily,but you have to keep in mind that boys aren't always as they seem..Please tell me if anything is on your mind." She insisted.

Aoi always knew how to handle things and the chose of words since her appearance was cute and she always would have a smile on her face,but if something would be wrong with me she would stop smiling so brightly and be worried about me.

"Nene-Chan?" She would wait for an answer with a confused expression.

"Yashiro wake up ,she's waiting for your answer,if you keep falling into your thoughts she will get even more worried." The ghost looks in front of me right as soon as I'd wake up back to reality.

"Ao-Chan,you don't have to worry about me.." I'd smile at her gently my eyes and hold Aoi's soft hands back and gently held them together with mine.

Aoi would look at me with a surprised expression on her face since i grabbed her hands.

"I'm okay,see?" I'd open my eyes looking at her to give Aoi a gentle smile to calm her down.

She was clearly worried about me,I'm guessing it's because I have been kind of acting strange for these past few days after I met Hanako-Kun..

"Alright Nene-Chan,if you say so.." She'd smile back sweetly and giggle a bit.

"Oh! speaking of which,I have to go to the gardening practice spot and plant the new seeds before i run out of time!" I'd let go quickly and dash towards my pink backpack,taking out the two different kinds of seed bags outside of my strawberry pink backpack.

"Goodbye Ao-Chan! I'll see you later!" I'd run out of the classroom into the hallway and head straight to the garden going down the stairs.

"Hey! Wait for me!" The ghost boy shouted after me,flying after me.

"Goodbye Nene-Chan!" Aoi waved at me with a smile plastered on her face.

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