Chapter 10 || Waking up ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

I'd finally open my eyes,in front of me it looked like i was in the nurses office,I was on a white nurse bed,next to the bed would be a white bed side drawer,a would be covering my legs blanket over my legs,and my head on the soft white pillow,the bed was next to a window,it was sunset.
My clothes were changed to my night wear,where did my student uniform go? who changed my clothes and how where they get my sleeping clothes from?
I'd look around more and hear a door open,footsteps could be heard walking towards where I was,the footsteps got louder and louder.
I'd wait to see who would be coming at this hour,it looked like it was already sunset and it would be late.
Suddenly,I could see the person who would be walking towards me,it was a blonde haired boy with sky blue eyes,I instantly knew who it was,it was Kou-Kun!!

"Kou-Kun!" His name escaped from my lips.

After Kou-Kun would turn around to face me,he would have a bouquet with light blue flowers and light pink flowers in it,he'd drop it,having a shocked expression on his face,and then,he'd start to dash towards me.

"Senpai! Thank god your awake! I thought that you would never wake up!" He would come towards me and hug me tightly with tears in his eyes.

"What happened? how long was i fainted for?" I'd look a bit concerned,how long was i fainted? Is Hanako-Kun okay? why did Kou-Kun start crying?

"You were fainted for almost two days!" Kou-Kun exclaimed.

"W-What?" I was shocked,I didn't know how to react,two days? usually people wouldn't faint for that long! "I thought it was 4 minutes!" I'd have a shocked expression on my face.

"No! you were almost fainted for two days! I was scared that something else bad would happen to you!" He cried.

I'd hug him back to calm him down,patting his back gently,telling him that it's okay and that I am awake now.
I couldn't believe this,I was fainted for almost two days? Who does that? How- Why..
I'd let out a soft sigh,after a few minutes Kou-Kun would stop tearing up and calm down,he stopped hugging me and sat in a chair next to me.
A lot of questions would pop up inside of my mind.

"Who carried me here? Who changed my clothes? Where did everyone go? Did I worry my parents? Is Ao-Chan okay? Is she worried?" I couldn't stop asking questions,i was worried if something might of happened while I was fainted,I couldn't help but just want to know if everything was okay.

"Senpai,calm down,let me tell you what happened yesterday." He'd try to calm me down before explaining.

I'd let out a sigh and calm down to listen for what he has to tell me,and then I'd nod,ready to hear what happened while i was fainted.

"First,everyone is okay,I told the nurse what happened and the nurse called your parents that you fainted and that you will be staying in the nursery until you wake up." He'd pick bakc up the bouquet of flowers and put it inside of the vase on the bed side drawer that was next to me.

"The one who carried you here was Hanako-Kun,and the nurse changed your clothes,she called your parents here to get your night wear here for you since you wouldn't loo really comfortable in your gardening outfit." He'd give me a small smile while looking back at me.

"Phew.." I'd sigh out of relief.

"Everyone else has left to go home,the nurse isn't here right now since their shift was over,and they asked me to look for you incase if you ever woke up." He'd scratch the back of his neck a bit.

"What about Aoi-Chan? Is she okay? Is she worried about me?" I'd look at him a bit worried again.

"She's fine,she visited to check on you yesterday though while you were fainted." He'd shake his hands in front of himself like it's nothing.

"Ah that's good to hear.." I'd smile a bit.

Thank god everything is okay.

"How was your sleep?" He'd ask me.

"It was good,i slept well..if that's even what you call it.." I'd smile akwardly,sweating a bit.

Suddenly something would get my attention,I'd look at my hands,and geez they were pale!
I'd have a shocked expression showing on my face looking at my hands.

"You okay?" He'd look at me a bit confused of why i am shocked looking at my hands.

"I am so pale..paler than usual...I'm almost white.." I'd talk softly out of shock.

"Well you did faint...Hey are you thirsty? would you like a cup of water or anything?" He'd ask,looking with his gaze somewhere else.

"Ah,yes please,i am kind of thirsty.." I'd smile a bit.

"Alright,I'll go get you some water." He walked away outside of the room to go get a cup of water.

At least everything is fine...wait,what about Hanako-Kun? Is he okay?..
I guess after i drink the water I'll go ask Kou-Kun for my uniform so that i can go change,I'm guessing that Hanako-Kun would be at the rooftop about now,i wonder if he was worried about me.

"I'm back with your water!" He'd come back entering inside the room i was in and hand me the cup of water that i asked for.

"Thank you Kou-Kun!" I'd smile at him gently.

"It's no problem." He'd blush a bit scratching behind his ear.

I'd drink the cup of water and then hand him the empty cup.

"Anything else you need?" He'd wait for me to say something.

"Yeah,do you know where my school student uniform is?" I'd have a confused look over my face.

"Yeah,It's right near you." He'd point to the bed drawer where on it would be the vase with the bouquet inside,and my student uniform.
He'd place the empty cup that i drank water from and stood up.

"Well,I have to go now,It's almost night time." He'd look at the window looking at the sky.

"Wait,It's already that late? It was just sunset a minute ago!" I would be concerned.

"Yeah,well time passes by quickly,anyway,i must go home soon so see you tomorrow senpai!" He'd give me a confident smile at me and wave at me,while walking slowly outside of the nurse room.

"Yeah,see you tomorrow Kou-Kun!" I'd smile at him gently,He'd open the door and close the door behind him,leaving me behind inside the room.

I'd get up pushing the blanket off my legs,and stand up next to the white nurse bed,I'd walk towards my drawer where my uniform is,and change into my cream colored clothes.
I'd look at the beautiful raze of the glistering moonlight,with the beautiful stars above the sky like shining hopes and dreams of people across the navy blue sky.

"Alright,time to see Hanako-Kun!" I'd say delicately and softly to myself.

I'd head out of the nurses office and enter the hallway,after entering the hallway I would head for the stairs which would lead to the school rooftop,after a few seconds of climbing those stairs,I'd open the door to the roof top,and enter outside.
I had to admit,it was a bit cold outside,but i just wanted to make sure that Hanako-Kun was okay since I forgot to ask Kou-Kun if Hanako-Kun said anything about me,or if he was worried.
I'd look around on the rooftop,not a single trace of him could be seen.

"Hanako-Kun! Are you there?" I'd scream out loud his name.

I'd look around more on the rooftop until i finally find him on top of a roof laying on his back against it looking at the sky.I'd walk towards the small roof.

"Hanako-Kun? are you okay?"

"Huh?.." He'd turn his head around to see who would be talking to him this late,when he saw me he instantly gets off the roof and hugs me I seen a small glimpse of him being shocked,I'd be surprised,i never saw him like this before.


"Don't scare me like that..." He'd mutter quietly,but i didn't quiet understood what he said.

"E-Eh? What did you say?" I'd look a bit confused.

"Nothing,never mind." He'd let go and grin like a child at me.

"Oh,Okay then.." A small tone of disappointment would appear in my voice,I honestly thought that he would of been worried about me..

What did i expect,he's not my type after all..

"So how are you feeling?" He'd stare at me with a small smile.

"I'm feeling good,but Hanako-Kun why are you up here?" I'd look at him with a bit of a confused look on my face.

"I was just counting the stars and waiting for you to wake up." He'd respond with a delicate tone in his voice.

" were waiting for me?" I'd look a bit concerned.

"I mean,yeah.." he'd pause looking flustered a bit,glancing somewhere else smiling a bit akwardly. "What else could i possibly do other than just staying here and do nothing?"

"Hanako-Kun..." His name would escape from my lips quietly..

"Anyway,I actually waited for you to ask you a question,cause i am curious." He'd jump back onto topic.

"Huh? What is it?" I'd respond curious what his question was.

"Are you going to the school summer vacation?" He asked seriously.

"No..not really.." I'd answer his question with a disappointed expression on my face.

"Hm? Why not?" He'd look a bit concerned,looking back at me.

"Well,I swallowed the mermaid scale remember? And if I go to the beach,there could be accidents like someone splashing water onto me or trying to drag me in water,which would make me turn into a fish..and that would be kind of risky.." I explained while Hanako-Kun would be listening to me.

"Besides,I can't go in the water and it would be no fun,And I am your assistant after all!" I'd give him a warm smile.

"Yashiro.." He'd look a bit concerned,he'd pause a bit to think.

"Alright,so then neither you or the kid will be going to the beach then huh?.." He'd place his hand on his chin to think.

"Okay,that sounds good." He'd make up his mind.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I'd ask a bit confused of why he said that,he clearly had something in his mind.

"Meet me at the girls bathroom after school,me and and boy will be there." He smirked at me.

Hello reader! Sorry if this chapter was too long! i had to stay up late to write this! So i think i have made some mistakes,at least i hope you liked it!
Right now I will be getting some rest and sleep cause it's 2:12 AM,so goodnight!
See you on the next chapter!!

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