Chapter 6 || The visit ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

I'd be panting and huffing in the hallway with a slice of toast in my mouth while I'd be clutching my backpack tightly,I was running my way to class,and I was sure late.
"Crap! I'm late!!" I shouted to myself.
I must have slept too long since I couldn't sleep well for some reason from a weird dream,whatever the dream was I didn't really like it...I would usually dream about handsome boys hanging out with me saying that my legs were the normal size they should be,but this time it was a completely different dream.
I'd arrive in front of my classroom,I could hear the teacher doing roll call,I'd grab the doors handle and slide it open right when the teacher would say my name.

"Yashiro Nen-" He'd be interrupted by the sound of the door sliding wide open.

With my last breath,I'd open my mouth to say something.

"H-here! Present!!" I huffed and panted,I was so exhausted running up those stairs.
I'd fall down on my knees and take my toast out of my mouth out of exhaustion.

Everyone from class looked at me,they had concerned and surprised expressions on their faces.

"Nene-Chan? Are you okay?" My best friend Aoi would get out of her seat coming up to me with a worried look on her face kneeling down at me.
I'd look up at her while I would be trying to regain my breath,and try to breathe normally.

"I- huff made it!" I'd smile at Aoi out of relief,to reassure that I was okay.
Aoi seemed to calm down from my smile,she sighed and smiled back at me.

"You made it just in time!~" Aoi chirped with the smile plastered on her face.

Me and Aoi would giggle,thank god I made it,I thought I would die of exhaustion if I kept on running on those stairs.

The sweet relief was soon interrupted by the teacher clearing his throat,making me and Aoi to look at him to pay attention.

"Now,that is enough chit chat,it's time to get back to our lesson,Aoi,Yashiro,please sit back at your seats." He sighed.

"Y-Yes Sensei!" I stuttered.

Aoi would help me get up by lending me a hand,I'd grab it and stood up,then Aoi gone back to her seat and I'd go to mine.
I'd prepare what I needed on my desk,my math notebooks,especially my pinkish cherry notebook that I would draw in in case if I got bored,and my pencil case.
After preparing what I needed on my desk from my backpack,I'd leave my backpack hanging on the side of my desk and sit down.
After the teacher waited for me to prepare everything that I needed on my desk he returned back to roll call and then started to begin the lesson.
I would open my note books and math book to follow the lesson.
Thank god i made it,otherwise i would have been fried! I'd let out a sigh.
I would open my my pinkish cherry notebook and started to draw a sketch,while sketching I wished that I could of touched water,but because I swallowed the mermaid scale as a fool,I can turn into a fish..
I'd let out a soft sigh,until something caught my attention,next to me would appear a haku-joudai with a pink circle marking on it.
I'd let out another sigh,it was Hanako-Kun's hakujoudai that would watch me in case if something happened.
It is kind of annoying though,nothing bad would happen in class,so why did he always have to watch every move i make with his haku-joudai? I mean,yea when the Mokke's rumor changed and they had to follow it so that they wouldn't disappear out of existence and attacked me when I looked at them,because that was the rumor,if you loose your stuff even if you was sure that you were very careful with it,it would be Yousei-San,and if you even looked at Yousei-San,well..lets say that you would be out of existing.
But now I fixed that rumor a long time ago,the Yousei-San were actually the Mokke bunnies,they were so cute.
But still! Hanako-Kun doesn't have to keep an eye on me every time,especially in class!
I'd groan in annoyance quietly.
Suddenly I'd feel a cold shiver down my back,and I could see that something appeared above me,I'd look up to see what it was,and above of me would be..

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