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"Morning Pikachu!"

Ash said as he woke up ready for his first day at Shalour University. Him, Pikachu and all his other pokemon were extremely enthusiastic about today. Especially considering that he along with his friends had gotten the same exact letter invitation to the school.

After Ash got ready and dressed, he headed downstairs. His mom, Delia, had already headed out for her job. She works as a Waitress at a popular dine-in restaurant in Lumiose city.
There was a note left on the table for him to read, telling him 'good luck' at his first day at school.

He wasn't really coming back home after school. It had dorms.

After minutes of getting packed, Ash and Pikachu headed out the door on the way to School. Walking up and down the long sidewalks and pathways while humming a happy tune to himself, Ash finally found the entrance of the school.

 Walking up and down the long sidewalks and pathways while humming a happy tune to himself, Ash finally found the entrance of the school

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Not even Ash himself could deny how huge it was. The benches, the beautiful cherry blossom trees at the entrance, there was even a big fountain at the front. Everyone came from all kinds of directions. Left, right, down the hall, from the entrance, into a classroom or even out a classroom.

"Wow buddy! Can't believe we're here! It's cool right?"

Pikachu could agree with Ash on basically anything and everything. He squealed in both agreement and excitement.

Not even a moment after, an intriguingly loud "Hey Ash!!" could be heard down the hall. Ash turned in curiosity to see who it was.

Ash's POV

I turned around to see who called my name. "Gary??"

"Haha, it's been a long time hasn't it Ashy-boy?"

I sighed in light annoyance.
"On the low Gary, we're like 18 now and you're still calling me that?"

"I was just joking dude!" Gary jokingly said, "How's it going buddy?"

'Buddy?' I thought. Me and Gary haven't really been on very good terms since, well; the start of my journey. I guess he finally had the courage to man up and stop toying with me..? I don't really know. But for one thing, we haven't really been buddies. But I just shook it off, nothing really serious anyway. We're grown.

"Eh." I said. "I've been doing good. How about you?"

Gary rubbed the back of his head. "Been doing just fine!"

I smiled. Glad to see he at least had a change of heart. "Well, I gotta get to the Principal's office so I can find my dorm. We do have a free day before our real first day tomorrow."

I hear Gary chuckle. "Well, I'll be on my way too. Nice seeing ya Ash!"

I wave to him and with that, he walks away and I make my way to the Principal's office to get my dorm number and key.

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