Chapter 1: The Gift

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Waking up this morning started like any other day. The twins running around chasing after either the dog or each other, but it's their screams and giggles that wake me. Groaning I shove my pillow over my head, knowing they'll be in here any minute jumping on my bed begging me to do something with them.

But instead of waiting for them, I head downstairs and start the coffee pot before mom gets home from her late-night shift at the hospital. As I start breakfast for the twins they come running through the kitchen almost crashing into me while I was holding a cup of chocolate milk. "Angelo! Ambrelle! Sit Down!" I yell at them.

Ambrelle pushed her soft blonde curls out of her face as she shouted, "But Emaily, Angelo took MY puppy again."

Rolling my eyes I take the little stuffed puppy dog from Angelo as he looked up at me with his big brown eyes, "Tell her to give me my elephant back then!"

I laugh a little as I look over at Ambrelle, "give your brother back his elephant."

They swapped toys and bickered, while I finished up their breakfast. At least they weren't chasing each other and screaming. For a couple of 5-year-olds, they surely know how to drive you insane.

After they finish their breakfast, I instructed Ambrelle and Angelo to their rooms and start getting changed into their school clothes that I had laid out for them, while I was in my room getting changed for my morning run.

Downstairs, I hear the front door slam shut and not even a couple of seconds after, I hear my mom yelling up the stairs at me, "Emaily! Come down here! There was something for you on the porch."

I finish tying my long brown hair back into a ponytail and run down the stairs to see what was there. She hands me a box that had a card on top. I took it from her confused looking it over.

"Well, see who it's from!" Mom exclaims, her big blue eyes filled with excitement. I am the only one who got her eyes. Both of the twins ended up with the dark brown eyes like their father.

I slowly pull the card out of the envelope and opened it up. Inscription was:

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays. Here is something you should wear tonight when you meet me outside The Mystic Grille for a very special birthday dinner. 9 pm Don't be late.
Best Wishes,

Who the hell is D.S. and how does he know it's my birthday? I think to myself. As my mom is still standing there pushing me to open the box.

I slowly slid off the lid and inside sat a dress. The prettiest shade of blue, honestly almost identical to my eyes. I carefully pick it up out of the box. Almost too afraid to touch it. It was beautiful. I push it up against my body and saw it came about mid-thigh.

I carefully lay it back in the box and look up at my mom. She was almost bouncing she was so excited. "Are you gonna go?"

"Mom, you have to work tonight I can't go." Giving the first excuse I could come up with.

"Emaily, I told you if you ever wanted to go out, have fun, be a normal 24-year-old, that I could find a sitter. Plus it's your birthday, and I already feel terrible about not having the time and money for a real birthday."

Poor mom, raising three kids on her own had been tough, having to pull more shifts at work to keep us afloat. I honestly didn't mind missing out on a birthday party or even getting a present, but I know it still bothered her.

However, that did not change the fact I didn't want to go out. I preferred my nights curled up in bed or watching tv with mom and the twins. I was not about to give up. Time for my second best excuse (and only one left).

"Mom I don't even know who this 'D.S.' is."

Trying to hide her smirk, mom looks at me, "Then think of it as a blind date. Just please give it a try! You've not been out since Konor left and even though I really appreciate all the help, they're not your kids to worry about. Go out and do something fun for once."

I hate to admit it but she was right. The twin's dad left when they were babies. I was just about to graduate from high school when he left. Since then, I was working at the local Armory to help support and raise two babies. I had finally gotten enrolled at Whitmore College last fall after mom begged and pushed for me to do something for me. Twenty four and just now heading into my sophomore year.

Groaning I respond, "Fine, but if anything happens to me it's your fault." I tease at her.

Ambrelle comes running down the stairs. Stopping instantly in front of us, her brown eyes got as big as the moon, "Ooooo! Pretty!! Can I try it on?"

"Maybe some other time, okay Ambie?"

Mum checks her watch before bending down to her daughter's height. "But right now we need to get you and Angelo outside because the school bus will be here any moment."

She takes off to get her bookbag yelling, "Gelo, Bus!" She drawls out, not 20 seconds later the little dude comes running by grabbing his bookbag.

Right as I go to open the door for them, mom stops me, "Hey Emaily, why don't you go get ready for work. I can get them on the bus today."

"Are you sure mom, I was gonna head out for a run before I went to work this morning. Ric had a morning class this morning so he won't be at the Armory until after 10."

"Hun, it's no big deal. I'll see you later, okay?" She reassures me before following the twins out the door. 

I groan as I go to lace up my tennis shoes. I had gotten a job with my first semester Occult Studies professor. Alaric Saltzman. This semester every Wednesday he had an 8 am class to teach so I didn't have to meet him until later. Giving me more time to help mom get stuff ready for the twins before she went to sleep.

After getting my tennis shoes on I head out for the day. First my run, then work, and for some reason, my Wednesday classes got canceled because both professors apparently had some family emergency. So that'll give me plenty of time to get prepared for tonight.

I had to admit, I was nervous, but a small part of me was excited for tonight. I just hoped whoever this guy was is normal.

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