Chapter 28: Plans and Mates

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I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling for a long time. Niklaus is my mate. Of course he is. That's why Katherine wanted me. Niklaus had been after her for years. She take away his mate would be the ultimate revenge.

I am brought back from my thoughts from a knock on the door. I jump slightly because it startled me. Mom giggles as she got up and opened the door to Alaric standing there. Looking at me he says, "what's her problem?"

My mom laughs before saying, "she found her mate."

I grab the pillow pulling it over my face groaning. Alaric looks at her and says, "Lemme guess, Niklaus?"

"Yep. Now she doesn't know what to do about it." Mom says.

I groan again, "Of course you knew."

Alaric walks up and takes the pillow from me, "she can talk to him about it later, right now we need a plan. Katherine and Trevor will be here any time to attack."

I stand up and hug my mom. I glare at Alaric as we all head down stairs.

When we get downstairs, I sit back on Niklaus's lap and lay my head on his shoulder. How did I not know we were mates. Then again I didn't even know I was a wolf.

He grabs my chin so I could look at his face. "What are you thinking about, Love."

I just shake my head as Alaric begins to talk. "Alright guys. We need a new plan. Katherine and Trevor could attack at anytime. They know we are here. I bet we will have a few days so they can rebuild their new blood army. Or recruit older vampires. Either way, we need to be prepared when they get here."

I chime in with, "And can we not argue about it this time. Everyone can have a chance to talk, but if you wake the twins My mom and I will kick your ass."

I can feel Niklaus's smile grow against my shoulder trying not to laugh. I elbow him softly in the side.

Alaric continues talking, "My idea is to let them come here, they'd have to come at night, they don't have that many daylight rings to attack during the day. Trying to hunt her down didn't work the first time. So we let her come to us, this time prepared."

Elijah stands up and takes Alaric's place in the center of the living room, "Niklaus and I can compel the vampires to attack each other. Or we can just rip all of their hearts out."

He smiles and then sits down. Damon doesn't stand up he just starts talking, "Okay having them come here is nice and all, but there's children here. Katherine would kill them, especially if she knows they're wolves." Then looking at my mom he asks, "Where's your pack? We could get use their help."

"They won't be much help without a full moon, Damon" my mom snaps back, Damon knew she was right and didn't press it any further.

Alaric stands back up, "how about we sign the deed to this place over to Jenna or myself and keep the twins in here so no one vampire can get in. Of course we'd invite only you guys in."

Stefan stood this time, "How about Damon and I handle her swarm of baby vampires, while Niklaus and Elijah push to find Katherine and Trevor. Let Niklaus or Jenna bite them. If they want a chance to live they'll do what we want. And then maybe Niklaus heals them. We use the wolf venom to our advantage."

"I like that idea," Alaric says. He starts writing into a notepad.

"Will I actually be allowed to fight this time? I will be safer out there with you guys. Mom would be safest in here with the twins. If it's not a full moon." I say.

Niklaus was the one to answer, "I do believe you could handle yourself out there. But I really don't want you to get hurt, Love."

"Niklaus I can handle myself fighting with you guys." I try to argue. "I've been training."

"Training or not, what if Katherine gets to you before we get to her? It isn't safe for you, Love. Especially being out in the open like that. You need to be protected. In here is safest." Niklaus wasn't going to let me out there to fight. I know this.

Damon chimes in, "Niklaus we have been training with her in your absence. She's gotten better. Can even hit Elijah a couple of times. I think with all of us by her side, she could handle fighting baby vampires as you and Elijah find Katherine and Trevor."

Niklaus gives Damon a death glare. He doesn't want to agree with Damon at all. "I don't want her in the middle of the battle."

"It's her choice not ours," Damon argued, "And if you really want to piss her off use that sire bond or compel her. But she will fucking hate you for that."

I can't believe Damon actually told Niklaus that I hated the sire bond control. But I am glad he did.

Niklaus looked down at me and then up at Damon, "I don't want anything happening to her. I don't want to lose my Mate."

"Wait. Your mate?" Damon about flips out. He is finally realizing why Niklaus wanted to take me from him so bad. Because I was Niklaus's. Niklaus was mine.

I bury my face into Niklaus's shirt and he wraps his arms tight around me, "Yes Damon she's MY mate." 

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