Chapter 14: Fights for Plans and Dominance

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I sit there in Damon's lap listening to his heartbeat. It was calming. I start to drift off when I hear the door to Alaric's office open. I open my eyes and I see Stefan holding a box. He sets the box down on Alaric's desk and opens it.

Damon looks up at Stefan as he looked into the box, "I thought you said you only had a couple of bags."

"It is only a couple... hundred." Stefan teased. "But I also figured you should feed too." Damon reached into the box and pulled out a bag handing it to me. I could feel the veins rush back up my face.

"O negative," He said, "The best there is." Then he grabbed a bag for himself and starts drinking. So I follow suit. He was right O negative tasted amazing.

Not too long later Alaric came back in. He saw me drinking my second blood bag and says, "I'm glad you got her on those, now she doesn't have to drink me dry." Then as I went to grab a third bag he looked at Damon and said, "You'll have to teach her to control that, you know."

Before I started to drink the third bag Damon looked at me and held out his hand. "That's enough for now Emaily."

I made a pouty face at him as I sat the bag down in his hand. After a couple seconds the veins start to fade from my face again. Alaric shakes his head as if he was trying to figure something out. He went back to typing in his phone.

Damon sets the bag back in Stefan's box and says to me, "We'll work on your self control. For now you're only getting 2 every so many hours."

I nod and lay my head against his chest. Alaric starts writing on the board he had in his office.

"So, here's what we know," Alaric says while writing, "1. Emaily got turned because Klaus and Damon are idiots. 2. Katherine is out for revenge. And she won't be happy when she finds out Emaily isn't dead. 3. Stefan has some information, and Klaus is working with Elijah to get more."

He keeps talking as he is scribbling stuff on the board. I stop paying attention because most of it was directed towards Stefan and Damon anyways. I am listening to Damon's heartbeat again. As if listening to it helped calm everything else going on in my body. It felt safe.

I am brought back by Alaric yelling, "EMAILY! EMAILY!"

I look up confused. Stefan raised an eyebrow and said, "We were starting to come up with plans to getting back at Katherine. Like how do you feel about being used as bait?"

I glared at Stefan of course I wouldn't want to be used as bait, but to my own shock, I went to protest but instead I said, "What's the plan consist of and how will you use me as bait?"

Alaric started typing on his phone again, as if he was taking notes of me. Probably trying to monitor how I handle the transition.

Damon smirks as he looked up at Alaric. There's something they're not telling me.

Stefan gets us back on track by explaining plan A. No matter what we do they have to wait until I figure out my strength and self control. Damon looks at Alaric and smiles but before he says anything Alaric yells, "You are not telling her to flip her humanity switch! So don't even say it. Do You realize she's bonded to you?!"

Damon grins, "I was suspecting it. When she just handed me the blood bag with no fight."

"What does that mean? Bonded to you?" I look up at Damon.

Stefan steps in for this one, "basically you feel indebted to him for some reason or you had some sort of very strong feelings, before you turned. And when you turned the feeling of indentment or the strong feelings made this bond and basically anything he suggests you do."

I look him and ask, "Is there a way to break a sire bond?"

"There's a couple ways that we know of, but you're not going to like either of them." Alaric said.

I groan as I bury my head into Damon's chest. "what are the two options?'

Damon replies, "either I make you forget me and who I am, or I have to tell you to flip that switch in that pretty little head of yours."

I whine again, "so what if I want to do neither?"

"we'll deal with it later. Okay?" Damon kisses me softly and then squeezes me tightly.


A couple hours had passed of the boys going back and forth trying to make any sort of basic plan. Niklaus had came back with Elijah so there were 5 men fighting over what plan was the best. I think half of the arguing was just a fight for dominance.

They had asked me a few times how I felt about certain things. Most of the time though I was just listening to Damon's heartbeating. I knew Niklaus wanted to be where Damon was, but instead he was pacing around writing things on Alaric's board.

I have finally gotten tired of the bickering. I stand up and climb on top of Alaric's desk I yell, "Hey! Guys!" they stopped and looked at me. "Can you guys listen for just a second? Here's the plan. Stefan she loved you the most, after we find where ever she is hiding in Mystic Falls, you will 'ironically' run into her someplace. Flirt with her. Seduce her. Whatever I don't care. But you need to get her to go to the Salvatore house for a dinner, we'll figure out a night when we actually find her. I'll be there, at the dinner, with Damon.

Now Niklaus, Elijah, and Alaric you'll wait for Stefan's signal before coming in. Alaric, since you're human and she can actually kill you, all you have to do is get me out of there because apparently none of you want me to get hurt. Niklaus you are the strongest out of you 4, so if you can contain Katherine without killing her. Now think of a plan B, C, D, and even E. We need to have all the basis covered."

I hop off the desk and storm out of Alaric's office. 

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