Chapter 2: The Best Birthday Ever Tour

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I had gotten home a lot later than originally planned. Alaric had let me out at around 6 pm but there were still so many errands I needed to run and so much I still had to do before the babysitter got to my house. I ran up the stairs to my room, stripping and throwing my clothes half-mindedly on the floor and jumping into the shower.

I try my best to wash the dust out of my hair. Alaric had me organizing some old books that were claimed to be witch grimoire. I don't know why he believes in any of that stuff, but I don't question it. It's not my place to judge other's beliefs.

I wrap my hair up in a towel as I dry the rest of my body. I am starting to get nervous about what might actually happen tonight, and who D.S. might be. But mom was right, I needed to live my life, get out there and take chances.

Mom snuck in shortly after I slide the dress on. Just in time for her to zip up the back of it. Her smile glowed and lit up her face.

"Geez whoever your 'Mystery Man' is, has great taste in apparel and is apparently great at sizing people up. Probably one of those people you see at carnivals that guesses your weight," she starts to tease.

I roll my eyes playfully, she was right though. It fit me perfectly. It's so weird. Obviously, this person had seen me before, and more than once.

"Oh shit!" Mom says looking down at her watch. "I have to go! The sitter should be here any minute. Have fun tonight AND BE SAFE!" she shouts as she runs down the stairs and out the door.

I head over to the living room where the twins were building a fort. Or what Ambrelle claimed was her castle. They were giggling and play fighting. They truly are best friends.

After watching them play for a couple of minutes there was a knock at the door. The sitter must be here.

I open the door and this blonde that I have never seen before is standing there. "Hello, I'm Rebekah. I am here to babysit," She pauses as she glances down at her phone, "Angel-o and Amber-ella?" She had a foreign accent. Maybe British?

"Angelo and Ambrelle?" I didn't even know if I was correcting or questioning her.

"Yes, I am here to babysit them. Or do I have the wrong house?" She's checking her phone again.

I looked at her for a moment. Where did my mom find her? "You're at the right house," I began. She is still standing on the front porch. Maybe she is just trying to be polite so she doesn't want to step in before someone asks her too? "You can come in. You don't have to stay out there on the porch."

Looking relieved she took a step in. I fill her in on what all needs to be done before they go to bed. I look at the clock behind her, "Shit, I have to go. Here's my phone number in case you need anything. My mysterious date who, I am pretty sure initials, are D.S. is probably waiting for me!"

"D.S.?" She whispered before I grabbed my phone and purse to head out. Right before I shut the door I hear her mumble, "oh no."

I am running too late to turn back and question why she said, "oh no." Maybe she knew D.S.? Who knows. I really don't have time to worry about this. I told my mom I would give it a chance. I know she just wants me to live my life.

I pull up in front of the Mystic Grille. Still not entirely sure who I'm looking for. I park my car and start to head towards the building. Just as I get to the door I hear a deep voice behind me that sends shivers down my spine, and yet holds a familiarity to it. "You're late".

I turn around and see Alaric's friend. "Damon Salvatore?" I question.

"Emaily Sterns" he responds back. His voice was smooth as always. "Who else did you think D.S. was?" He was smirking at me. His icy blue eyes holding a playful gleam, almost glowing in the dark.

I had met Damon when I first started working for Alaric. He was often at the armory helping with whatever secret project Alaric was doing. A few times he'd stop what he was doing to help me with a box or reaching a high shelf. But for the most part, we haven't really talked more than just pleasantries.

"I don't know who. But I really didn't think it'd be you." I replied. "Kind of a nice surprise." I couldn't deny he was probably the hottest looking guy I had ever met, and sure, when he was grabbing something from a high shelf and his shirt would ride up a little, or he bent down to pick up a box, maybe my eyes drifted. Who wouldn't look at that!

He grabbed my hand and headed towards his car. When we got to his light blue 1969 Camaro, he opened my door for me and helped me in before climbing in on the driver's side. "I am going to make this a birthday you'll never forget." He says smirking. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I was equal parts scared and excited.

The entire drive was only a little awkward and fairly quiet, on the account I didn't know where we were going, so obviously I would occasionally ask "okay, where are we going?" Which his only response being, "that would ruin the surprise."

We finally pull into a long drive that ended at a plantation house. There was music coming from the house as we walked up to the door. He looked over at me and smiled before saying, "this is only the first stop on our 'Best Birthday Ever Tour.'"

Damon banged on the door and it wasn't long before a man opened it and slurred, "Hey man, come one in!"

Damon slowly walked over the threshold into the house. Wow, people today seem to be really polite about entering other people's houses. I am definitely overdressed for this party, but Damon said it was just the first stop. We wandered around meeting some of his friends, a couple of Alaric's interns were there.

I stood waiting by the bar with some fruity cocktail in front of me. I slowly drank it as I was watching Damon from across the room. Alaric comes up with a small black box that had a little red bow on it. "Here, I meant to give you this at work today but the day ended up being a bit hectic. Happy Birthday, Emaily."

I take the box from him and inside was a beautiful charm bracelet. "Oh my god Ric, this is beautiful! You didn't have to."

"It was my wife Isobel's. She never took it off. It is very special." As he helped me put it on Damon came swaggering back over.

"I'll take her from here Ric," Damon said receiving a glare from Alaric. "Finish that drink up darling we got a few more places to hit before the night is over."

As I downed the rest of the drink I hugged and thanked Alaric. Then Damon took my hand and lead me back towards his car.

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