Chapter 32: You Spare Some You Kill Some

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"Absolutely not!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Damon in the doorway. "We can think of something else quicker. Like just killing them. They wouldn't be able to take both Stefan and I."

"Damon! We can't kill humans. They have lives and families and everything else." I look at Alaric, "I am fine with your idea. Let them take me to Katherine."

Damon starts to argue. I look at him, "Damon, this is my choice. They want me they can have me. Just lurk back far enough. It'll help you guys find Katherine if Niklaus hasn't already."

Damon nods and says, "I would so tell you to stay here if you were still sired to me." He groans as he heads back down the stairs.

I smile at him then look back at Alaric, "So I guess I am going to surrender myself to them."

"Be careful," He says then follows it with, "and I am killing anyone that tries to come into this house."

"You be careful Alaric. I am a bit harder to kill than you are." I laugh as I walk down the stairs. Damon was waiting for me at the door.

"I am handing you to one of them and then Stefan and I are going to follow just far enough back that it isn't too obvious." He then pulls me up to him, "I really don't care if your the Hybrids mate." He kisses me hard before handing me off to one of the humans, "You hurt her and I will kill you my damn self."

I am dragged away. I watch Damon and Stefan get out of sight. I don't fight them even though I easily could.

I start to think about how pissed Niklaus is going to be that I agreed to be bait. I let my mind wander about what he might do to me after this. It helps distract me from what might actually happen to me.

Before I know it I'm standing in front of Katherine and Trevor. I am still held back by humans. "You guys can let her go," Katherine commands, "if she wanted to break free she would have a long time ago." Then looking at me she continues, "so no back-up? You put up no fight. What's going on in your head."

I shrug, "if you really want to know what I'm thinking. I'm think about Niklaus bending me over hi-"

"Yeah I don't need to know that," Katherine cuts me off. "I meant why did you come willingly? You put up no fight at all."

"Well no one has to get hurt if I step forward. I give myself to you. You don't have to hurt anyone I care about."

As soon as those words leave my mouth a wolf comes out and bites Katherine in the neck. Elijah grabs Trevor debating if he should snap his neck or not. "Niklaus, bite him so we can get information out of him."

The wolf moves towards Elijah biting Trevor. Then Elijah says, "the only way to cure a wolf bite is with Niklaus's blood. You corroborate and he might heal you. You try to run you'll be dead by sunrise."

He walks over to me and asks, "are you okay? You know once he turns you're going to be in a lot of trouble."

I shrug, "I'm fine. Just figured this way was the best to protect the twins. Stefan and Damon should meet us here in a minute. Also Elijah, I'm not afraid of what your brother might do to me. Frankly I'll probably enjoy it."

I grab my dad as Elijah grabs Katherine. Niklaus follows close behind me still in wolf form.

Just as he start to head towards the house Damon and Stefan meet up with us. I look at Damon and smile, "I told you nothing would happen to me."

Stefan grabs Trevor from me, so I wait for Niklaus. His wolf was huge. I run my hand through his fur as I walk with him. He's really soft too. I love the streaks of red that catch in the dirty blond colored fur. His wolf was a beautiful color.

He nudges me every so often on the walk back to the house. I know he wants to turn back human but he doesn't want everyone to see him naked. Honestly I don't want anyone else to see him naked either.

Elijah and Stefan tie Katherine and Trevor to a tree before heading inside. Damon stands over them keeping watch. I follow Niklaus around to the back of the house. I watch as he turns back human. "I really hate turning," he groans as he pulls on a pair of jeans he had put out by a tree.

He slides on his boots but doesn't bother with a shirt right now. He pulls me close to him letting me bury my face into his bare chest. "You will be bent over my knee later," he whispers as he bends down to kiss me.

He stands there kissing me for a long while before finally breaking away. "You're also getting bent over my knee for letting Damon do that to you earlier."

How did he know Damon kissed me before I gave myself to Katherine? We head into the house to meet with everyone else.

Mom is up from the basement while the twins slept. While everyone els, besides Damon, stands in the living room. "So what are we going to do with the two vampires?" Mom asks.

Niklaus shrugs, "let my bite slowly kill them and then burn them with the rest of the bodies out there."

"Give Dad your blood and let him go," I whisper. "warn him if he ever comes back for us again I personally will kill him on the stop."

Alaric replies, "your call what happens to him. Now what about Katherine."

I smirk, "We hide a vile of Niklaus's blood and make her hunt for it. Take her daylight ring and hide it right where the sun will hit. It'll be up to her if she gets healed or not. OR we can just let her die slowly tied up in the chains out there."

Niklaus looks at me and smirks, "I like the way you think."

I smile. I head out the door with mom and Niklaus behind me. I give him a vile of Niklaus's blood and tell him the conditions, "you stay away from us: me, mom, the twins, the Mikaelsons, Salvatores, and Alaric. You try to save Katherine I'll kill you. This is your one chance to go be free away from here. Go before I change my mind and kill you." As he drinks Niklaus unties him and he takes off like a bat out of hell.

I shrug at Katherine and walk towards the house. I think she can suffer a little while. Or just die out there for all I care. If she tries anything she's going to die anyways.

I smile knowing she has no chance. I know I'm just going to let her die out there tied to that tree. With very little hope that I might let her live.

Finally everyone's enemy won't bother them anymore.  

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