Chapter 24: Operation Saving The Brothers

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Damon's P.O.V.

I sit there glaring at Trevor thinking of the 700 different ways I would torture him before I kill him. I could tell he was contemplating something. Probably writing another annoying monologue. That's what the villain always does.

Trevor continues to pace as he finally opens his mouth, "You wanna know what's funny? The reason I was never able to go back home?"

I smirk, "I love me a good story. Please enlighten me."

"I tried to go home. I tried to return you know. The problem was, Emaily's mom, Jenna, she was a werewolf. She triggered the curse when we were teenagers. She was hunting with her father. Saw movement in the trees. Her dad told her to shoot so she did. She shot a man. Her dad swore he saw a deer. That full moon she turned. I go to the door and she looks at me, 'You're not coming in' she said. She told me to stay away. That she'll bite me if I ever showed up again. I tried to go home Damon."

"It sucks doesn't it? Not being with the one you love. You don't know my story with Katherine. How I loved her and practically begged her to turn me so I could be with her forever. Funny thing is, it never worked. She turned me and ran off to screw over the next guy."

Trevor looked at me confused, "She made it seem you 4 guys were in the wrong."

"I wasn't until I got myself a little bit of revenge. Stefan never loved her, she compelled him to. Elijah loved her, but his brother Niklaus was out for her blood literally. Doppelganger blood is something else. Niklaus used Elijah's love for her to get at her. Making Elijah guilty in her eyes." I smirk at him. I know he'll just be added to her list of guys she'll screw over.

Trevor sighs and turns and walks out the door. He was done with my crap. Perfect. I ignore the burning into my wrists as I tilt the chair until it falls to the ground causing it to bust into a bunch of pieces. I remove the ropes from my arms and grab a leg from the chair. I can use it to stab some vampires.

I sneak out the door and listen. I hear Trevor and Katherine talking to my left so I run out towards my right looking for Stefan and Elijah. As I turn the corner a group of vampires come storming towards me. I quickly stab the wooden leg through their hearts one by one. I continue down the hall listening for Stefan's or Elijah's voice. But I don't hear anything.

I run up the stairs into the second floor looking for any sign of either Elijah or Stefan. While trying to avoid being seen by both Trevor and Katherine. I'm fucked if they catch me.

I hear soft groans from the room at the end of the hallway. I run down to it and peak in. Stefan was tied to a chair with a vampire standing in front of him. He must be an older Vampire for Katherine to trust guarding Stefan. I decide to do something completely dumb to try to get the vampires attention. I punch the door hard enough for it to make a loud noise but not hard enough to break it. The vampire looks out the window next to the door. He didn't see me.

I bang on the door again this time causing him to open the door. Before he had time to see me I lunge forward stabbing him with the wooden leg.

I run into the room and untie Stefan. "come on, hurry. We need to find Elijah. I think they have the white oak stake." I yell at him.

"Why should we have to worry about Elijah? We've wanted the Originals dead for years now." Stefan argued. He just wanted to save himself. I mean I don't blame him.

I sigh and look Stefan in the face. "If you care about Emaily at all, you'll help me save Elijah. She cares about him a lot so if anything happens to him we're screwed if we don't die. And that's not mentioning how Niklaus will react."

Stefan knew I was right. We ran through the Armory checking every room we pass. We couldn't find him anywhere. I stop and think. Where would I keep Elijah if I was holding him hostage. And the answer dawned on me. Alaric's office. That's where the white oak stake was kept. That's where Katherine would be.

We slowly carefully sneak down the halls killing any vampire that got in our way. I know fighting Travis would be easy. Fighting Katherine is going to be the hard part. Around the corner from Alaric's office I look at Stefan. "We need a plan if we're gonna get Elijah out of there. Without having to fight Katherine and Trevor."

Stefan groans, "I'll get Katherine and Trevor out. You get Elijah." As another vampire walks down the hall Stefan takes the stake, "You want to die? No? Then do as I say and I won't kill you. Go in that office and tell them Stefan and Damon escaped. Then run."

The young vampire took off running towards the office. Not too long later Trevor and an older Vampire go running. Stefan smirks then says, "now it's my turn." And walks right into Alaric's office. Within a few minutes him and Katherine come down the hallway kissing each other hard. I know he's not gonna hear the end of this one. I run in and cut the ropes off of Elijah.

I grab the white oak stake and smile at Stefan, who breaks Katherine's neck and runs too us, "We need to go before she wakes up. She's going to be pissed."

Stefan was right. All 3 of us takes off running down the hall and out of the Armory.

We run after Elijah towards where Niklaus was. 

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