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I woke up to the sounds of my daughter crying I quickly got out of bed and proceeded to breastfeed her on my bed. It was only 5 am and I had about an hour before I had to get up. I had school around 7:30am so I was soon gonna be getting ready. For now I got on my phone and checked my schedule for the day after class.

Today was my free day to do anything I wanted well most days are like that for me. Some days I hang to out with my dad we always meet up. Now you probably have questions about me. Who am I? How old am I? How do I have a baby?

I am Beyoncé Knowles, I'm 16 In highschool and I got pregnant at 15 I gave birth two months ago. Yes I am very young but I have taken care of my daughter well. I am doing well for being kicked out of the house my mom didn't like the fact I got pregnant.

My parents are a prominent figure to celebrities my dad owns a record company and my mom a fashion line only the elite buy from. I was supposed to be the number one role model but things happen. Although my mom was mad my dad was there for me he supported me and helps me monetarily.

They say if you get pregnant young you must handle it on your own but it isn't as simple as that. I understand the responsibility of being a mom I have taken care of my daughter since day one. My dad convinced me not to work and let him provide for me to avoid stress on the baby. I had to focus on receiving the best grades possible and I was sure doing that. I might not of been in class the first month but I was up to date on all the homework for the class.

Blue finally finished eating after fifteen minutes and I decided to get up because I didn't have much time to be in bed. I burped her then out her back in the momaroo I had bought for her. She fell back asleep and I hoped into the shower to wake myself up. I took a longer time than usual because today was my first day going back to school.

After the shower I put on some lotion and looked for a nice outfit not to tight. I still had baby weight on me so I wasn't the most confident yet to rock what I used to wear. I decided to were a cute flowery dress that I could easily breastfeed in. Then I decided to put on some make up to cover my lack of sleep.

When I checked the time I saw it was 6:30 which was pretty close to the time I left. I tried my best not wake up Blue will getting her ready but she woke up. Thankfully she was actually quite happy this morning and allowed herself to get ready. Once I finished getting her ready I made myself a breakfast to eat quickly before my dad picked me up.

He made his schedule work well enough that he'd pick me up on his way to work. I can't be more grateful for him because there is no one who has helped me so much. I heard my dad honk and I got Blue in her car seat making sure she was secure. I got the stuff we need and we got in the car.

"Good morning Daddy how's it going?", I said.

"Going good we gonna have a productive day, your first day back to school how you feel?", he asked.

"Nervous but good I wonder what people are gonna think or be saying about me. I am gonna get to have her in some of my classes and I'm so glad for that."

"Don't let other people who have nothing to do with you affect you too much remember you're an amazing mother and that is all that matters. You can accomplish anything you want and with how your grades are you'll be good", he told me.

"Thanks I will try my best", I said arriving to my school.

I brought down the car seat and headed to the front office to leave the car seat. They had a small day care for the other moms who were in the same situation as me. They allowed us to have our babies with us in certain classes. I had to leave her only for my 3rd and 4rth period only because that class was more complicated. It was just gonna be weird to be one of the only ones with a baby on them.

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