Chapter 1 - Got A Secret?

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Michelle's POV:
"And you're sure she has no idea what's going on?" Stephanie asks.
"She definitely doesn't have a clue. Soon enough we can get our dream and I can dump her... again." I say.
Stephanie laughs on the other side of the call. "Alright. I'll see you soon babe. I love you!"
"I love you too." I hang up.
Just as I do that Emily comes out.
"Are you okay babe?" She asks.
"Oh I'm okay Emily." I say, smiling. "Actually... I'm more than okay."
Emily smiles and puts an arm around me. "Alright let's get inside. The dancers will be here soon."
I nod as she leads me back into the studio.
She sits down at the desk, biting the edge of her pen.
"What's up?" I ask her.
"Nothing. I'm just thinking about what we can do with this place after we buy it."  Emily replies.
"Oh... cool. What are you thinking?"
She motions for me to come closer and I do so.
"So I was thinking about maybe extending the office, and add some pink into it. For you, I mean." She says.
"Oh that's so sweet Em." I smile at her.
"Anything to make you feel happy my love." She kisses my cheek.
"Stop being cringey and cheesy. It's cute but I'm the one who's supposed to say cringey things." I laugh.
"Oh no... are you talking about..." She looks at me, telling me with her eyes not to say it.
"It's lit, fam!" I shout.
Emily puts her head in her hands and groans.
"Michelle... we love you but please stop." I hear a voice call out from outside the office.
I turn around. "Oh... Reuben. Hey. Why are you here early?"
"Uh... I'm not. We're all here... on time. Keep track of the time boomers." He says.
Michelle Talking Head:
Reuben... the dance captain of A-Troupe. He's a joker but he's great for the team.
Michelle's POV:
"Boomer?" Emily asks.
"Never mind Miss Emily. Okay. Rehearsal time. A-Troupe get onto the dance floor!" Reuben shouts. "Oh and uh Michelle..." He pauses for a moment before whispering. "There's lipstick on your cheek."
I quickly wipe it off. "Oh umm... that's uh-"
"Save the excuses Michelle. We all know exactly where it's from." He laughs before walking onto the dance floor.
"That's your fault!" I say, playfully hitting Emily on the arm.
"I'm sorry, hun. Love you?" She smiles.
"Love you too." I say, taking her hand and squeezing it.
"Alright... let's get this rehearsal started." Emily says, standing up and walking out the room.

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