Chapter 7 - Between Us

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Emily's POV:
I wake up for the second time that day, this time to the sound of my alarm, earlier it being the sound of Michelle's phone. Who would be texting her at 5am? I check to see if Michelle is still sleeping before slowly getting out of bed and walking over to her side to check her phone. I don't know why I'm doing this, I trust her... I just want to know what's going on though.
I press the power button and wait for it to come on. The Apple logo shows and then I hear a voice.
"What are you doing?" Michelle asks.
I drop her phone on the bedside table.
"Uh... nothing... I just-" I let out a sigh, knowing what I'm doing is wrong. "I'm sorry."
Michelle smiles. "It's okay."
She grabs me gently and pulls me onto the bed.
"So... how are the dances going for Regionals?" She asks.
"Okay... I guess?" I shrug. "They're really talented kids... but they lack the team feel. Everyone is keeping secrets from each other... it's weird. Were we like that?"
"They're teenagers Em... of course they have secrets. And if you don't remember... we were secretly dating." Michelle laughs.
"Yeah but that's only because you didn't wanna come out. You're just like-" I stop myself before accidentally spilling Reuben's secret.
"What? Who?" She asks.
"Nobody, it doesn't matter." I say.
Michelle shrugs, obviously thinking nothing of it.
"So what are our plans for today?" I ask.
"I'm not too sure." Michelle says, reaching for her phone.

Michelle's POV:
I reach for my phone and check my messages from Stephanie.
"Actually... I have to go out today. I won't be home too late though." I say.
Emily shrugs. "Okay."
I get up and go to the shower before quickly pulling on my clothes and heading out.
"Bye, I love you." I shout before closing the door.
I drive to Express Cafe where Stephanie texted me to meet her.
As I enter the coffee shop I see her right away, looking as beautiful as ever.
"Hey." I say as I walk over to her.
"Hey babe." She smiles.
"So what did you want to meet me for?" I ask her.
"No specific reason." She smiles. "I just really missed you. And I figured we could go back to my place for a while, maybe watch a few movies?"
My face forms a smile, not knowing whether it's real or fake. "I'd love that."
"C'mon, I assume you brought your car?" She says.
I nod.
"Okay then. You can drive us back to mine." She stands up.
"Didn't you bring your car?" I ask.
"No, I took an Uber." She let's out an annoyed sigh. "God Michelle, you can be so stupid sometimes."
"Sorry... how was I supposed to know?" I shrug, a little intimidated by Stephanie.
"Well did you see my car outside?" She asks.
"No." I shake my head.
"Well obviously I didn't drive here then." She sighs again.
"I'm sorry, I'm an idiot." I say.
Stephanie's angered look turns into a smile. "Let's go." She takes me hand and pulls me up.
As I pull up to Stephanie's I don't feel right. I knew I would be living there in a few months time after we buy the studio. It was nothing like Emily's place... it just didn't feel like a home.
"Come on then." Stephanie said to me.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car.
As Stephanie unlocks the door to the apartment, I look around, just in case anyone was watching us.
She opens the door and lets me in.
"Make yourself at home." Stephanie says.
I sit down on her couch which was pretty uncomfortable compared to Emily's.
Everything about this feels weird.
"So what do you think? Pretty cool huh?" Stephanie says.
I shrug, mumbling a "Yeah, I guess so."
I see Stephanie's face turn to anger. "What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing I just-" I say but am cut off by Stephanie.
"You just what? Prefer you're little girlfriend Emily's home?" She says in a mocking tone.
"Stephanie... please stop. I love this. It's amazing." I smile at her.
"I know it's amazing." Stephanie smiles and kisses me.
"So what are we watching?" I ask.
"Jeez, calm down Michelle." She says as she sits down.
"Sorry." I say.
"I've picked out a few movies already, all horrors, obviously." Stephanie smiles.
I fake a smile. I always hated horrors, but Stephanie would always make me watch them.
During them, when I would get scared, I would try and snuggle up to Stephanie but she would always push me away telling me I was 'ruining the movie for her'.
I wasn't paying much attention to the movies she had on, my mind was racing, all of my thoughts about Emily. I felt bad about being here with Stephanie. I don't know why I feel bad though, I don't like her. I just think it's wrong.

Emily's POV:
Michelle had been gone for hours. I got bored watching TV and decided to do some paperwork for the studio. I was starting to get pretty hungry so I ordered myself a pizza, leaving half of it for Michelle when it arrived.
I left her a note on the fridge and went to bed considering it was getting a bit late and I had nothing else to do.

Michelle's POV:
Once we finished watching a few movies I checked the time.
It was 7pm.
"Shoot." I say. "I should be getting back to Emily's. She'll be wondering where I am."
"Oh come on Michelle." Stephanie says, planting little kisses on my jawline.
"Steph... I gotta go." I say, standing up.
Stephanie rolls her eyes and lets out an angry sigh. "Ugh... fine, whatever."
"Love you." I say, opening Stephanie's door.
"Yeah yeah." Stephanie says.
I sigh sadly, noticing she didn't say 'I love you' back and close her door and get in my car.
Once I drive home I sit in my car, wondering what I'll tell Emily.
I decide on a lie and go into our home.
"I'm back!" I shout quietly.
I see a note on the fridge and read it.
Left some pizza in the oven, heat it up in the microwave if you're hungry ~ Em x
I smile at her note and go into the bedroom, assuming she's there.
"Em?" I say, quietly. "I'm home."
"Hey." I hear a voice say in the darkness.
I walk over to her, my eyes adjusting to the dark.
"Where were you?" She asks.
"I went shopping with Daniel." I say.
"Oh... well I hope you guys had fun." Emily says.
"Thanks." I smile, finding my way to her face and kissing her.
"Did you get my note? I left you some pizza." She says.
"I got it... but I don't know how long to microwave the pizza for." I laugh, a bit embarrassed.
"You're a nightmare." Emily laughs, first sitting, then standing up.
"I know I know..." I say.
Emily walks to the kitchen and tales out the pizza, putting it in the microwave.
"Let's just say 3 minutes yeah?" She says.
I nod and she sets the microwave to 3 minutes and turns it on.
"Is that lipstick on your jaw?" Emily asks, making a weird face.
"Oh uh- yeah." I stammer. "Daniel and I were uh- testing out lipsticks... for fun."
Emily laughs and shakes her head. "Okay. Well tell Daniel it's my job to get lipstick on your jaw, 'kay?"
I laugh and nod my head. "Yeah."
Emily rubs her eyes and yawns. "I'm going back to bed. Once the microwave dings, eat your pizza and come straight to bed. We have work tomorrow."
"Okay." I smile as she walks off. "I'll be in soon to give you lots of cuddles!"
"You better." Emily replies as she walks off into the darkness of the bedroom.

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