Chapter 17 - Regionals II

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Emily's POV:
My alarm goes off and I wake up suddenly. I didn't get much sleep but I was excited for today. Today was the day we were going to Regionals. All our hard work we put into these past months is either going to make or break us within these next few days.
I turn over to wake Michelle up but she wasn't there.
My immediate thought was that she was in the kitchen but when I checked and saw she wasn't there I began to panic.
Where was she?
I text her about 20 times, mostly just saying 'Where are you' and 'Are you okay'.
I calmed myself down, not wanting to get stressed on a competition day. Even though I wasn't competing, I didn't want my stress to rub off on the dancers and they wouldn't dance their best.
I grabbed Michelle's suitcase and frantically began packing for her. I had packed in advance but Michelle's never been that organised.
Once I had finished packing, I got ready and texted Michelle one last time.
Michelle!! The bus leaves at 8am. Be there, please. I'm worried about you.
I grab both mine and Michelle's suitcase and head out the door and to the car.
I park around the back of the studio to the staff car park where the bus would be picking us up to take us to the competition.
All of the dancers were already there, sitting on their cases.
It was around 7.45am when the bus arrived and the dancers started piling on.
"Where's Michelle?" I hear a voice say from behind me.
I turn around to see Niall and Reuben.
"I don't know. She'll be here in time though, don't worry." I say, faking a smile.
They both look at each other and shake their head.
"Did you guys fall out?" Reuben asks.
"Okay... first of all, you're not allowed to ask questions about my personal life and second of all, no." I sigh.
"Listen Emily... if Michelle isn't coming-" Reuben begins.
"She is coming! Just stop talking about it okay!" I cut him off, practically yelling.
I see he's taken aback by this.
I soon notice Niall had put his hand on Reuben's shoulder to comfort him but as soon as he realised I had seen it, he removed his hand.
"I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous. She didn't come home last night. I hope she's okay. Get on the bus, you two." I say.
They do as I say and I look around to see if there's any sign of Michelle.
"C'mon Michelle... where are you?" I say to myself.

Michelle's POV:
I wake up to Stephanie's snoring. It wasn't even a cute snoring, it was the really annoying kind.
I shake her lightly to wake her up.
"Babe?" I whisper.
She lets out a grunt to let me know she's awake.
"What's the time?" I ask her.
She opens her eyes slightly to look at the clock before quickly closing them again. "7.50am."
I sit up quickly.  "Shoot! Regionals, the bus, I'm gonna be late." I stand up.
"Who cares?" She says. "Just stay here with me instead."
"I can't, the team needs me." I say, pulling off Stephanie's tank top I had borrowed and pulling on my clothes from yesterday.
I quickly kiss her forehead.
"I'll see you when I get back. Love you." I say, walking out of the bedroom.

Emily's POV:
I sigh, still looking around for Michelle. She was 25 minutes late... I was really worried.
"Emily... we really gotta go." The bus driver said to me.
"5 more minutes, please?" I say. "If she's not here, I'm gonna call the police."
The next 5 minutes went past slowly.
I checked my watch. 8.31am.
I pull out my phone to call the police but as I do, I hear shouting.
"I'm here! I'm here!" The voice shouts.
I look up to see Michelle running from her car towards the bus.
"Michelle!" I shout, relieved, running to embrace her with a hug. "I got so worried!"
"I'm sorry... I just got caught up in my thoughts. Let's get going." She smiles at me.
I take her hand and walk her over to the bus.
"I packed your case and brought it." I say to her.
"You're a lifesaver." She kisses me as we step onto the bus.
"Get a room!" One of the dancers shout from the back if the bus, followed by an eruption of laughter from everyone else.
"Oh, that reminds me." I say. "You guys have to choose who you're sharing a room with so Michelle and I can write it down and sort it out before we arrive at the hotel."
They all pick their roommates after about an hour of arguing about who's going with who. They aren't the same as when Michelle and I were on A-Troupe. We knew who we wanted to be with.
We finally get settled about an hour and a half into the 4 hour bus journey.
"Do you remember last time we were on a bus to Regionals?" Michelle asks me.
"Yeah... we had to share headphones just so you could lean on my shoulder and not be suspicious." I laugh.
"Yeah... well. I'm out and proud now. So I don't need headphones to do this." Michelle leans her head on my shoulder.
"You're so cute." I smile. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." She says before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
I lean my head gently against hers and also fall asleep.
"Michelle! Emily! Wake up, we're here!" I hear dancers scream in my ear.
I rub my eyes, adjusting to the light and Michelle does the same.
"Okay, okay!" We say. "We're up!"
The dancers start to get off the bus as Michelle and I stand up to stretch.
"Were we that annoying as teenagers?" Michelle asks me.
"Probably." I laugh before walking out the door of the bus.
Michelle follows me.
We grab our cases out of the bottom of the bus.
"Thanks Yohance." I say, peeking my head back round the corner of the bus door.
"Anytime, Emily." He smiles before closing the bus doors.
"Okay... we have to get checked in to the hotel, then straight to Regionals to sign in.
The dancers follow me and Michelle into the hotel.
We check in and get our room keys.
"Okay so half of the rooms are on the 9th floor and half are on the 10th." I say. "So Reuben and Niall, Jamie and Tiana, Marianne and Bailey, Alison and Jay. You guys are on the 9th."
"And that means Orla and Kayla, Aidan and Isabella and Emily and I are on the 10th." Michelle says.
We hand out the keys to the dancers.
"Go get unpacked, meet back here in 30 minutes, okay?" I say.
All the dancers nod and start rushing to their rooms.
"How many of the pairs do you reckon are dating." Michelle laughs as we head to our room.
I let out a sigh. "I don't think any of them are."
"Oh, come on." Michelle says. "When we were at Regionals literally all the pairs were dating or secretly dating."
"That's true." I laugh as I unlock the door to our room.
"Double bed." Michelle smirks at me.
"Beats last time." I shrug, putting my case on the little sofa in the room. "I claim this side." I point to the right hand side if the bed.
Michelle nods and heads to the other side of the bed.
"So... we have 30 minutes... what do you wanna do?" Michelle smiles.
"Unpack." I say, unzipping my suitcase.
Michelle's smile turns into a frown.
"You're boring." She says, flopping onto the bed.
"I'm not boring. I'm professional. C'mon, we've already wasted 20 minutes." I say, folding up my clothes and putting them in the wardrobe."
"We've still got 20 minutes." Michelle says.
"I'll give you a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less." I say, walking over to the bed.
Michelle stands up. "C'mon then."
I cup her face and give her a quick kiss.

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