Chapter 12 - It'll Be Okay

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Emily's POV:
I wake up to a text message on my phone.
It was from Orla.
Hey Miss Emily! The doctor said I'm fine, I just need to rest up over the next 24 hours. I'll see you tomorrow.
I smile at the text. I'm so happy she wasn't majorly injured. I don't know what I would've done if she was.
"Michelle." I say, shaking her a little.
"Emily, it's Sunday... can't I sleep in a little late?" She says.
"Sorry... it's just that Orla just text me. She's okay." I say.
"That's great." She smiles.
"I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have acted out like that." I take her hand.
"It's okay. I shouldn't have pushed her to do it." Michelle says.
"Let's just hope everything is positive from now on." I say.
"Yeah." Michelle laughs.
"How about a coffee date?" I ask her.
"Sure." Michelle smiles.
After we've both showered and gotten dressed we head out.
"Wanna go to Express?" I ask her.
"Sure." She replies.
Once we arrive I order coffee for me and Michelle then we sit down.
"So... have you given any thought to what you would want to do with the studio?" I ask.
"Not really. I'm just happy we get to buy it together." She smiles.
"I really don't deserve you, do I?" I rest my head on my hand and look at her.
"Trust me... it's me who doesn't deserve you." She replies.
"That's not true. You're so perfect." I say.
"Emily listen-" She lets out a sigh.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing... it's just- I love you." She says.

Michelle's POV:
"I love you too." She scrunches her nose, which is the cutest thing in the world.
I almost told her about Stephanie's plan. I don't like hurting her, especially when I know how she feels about me. And I've grown to like her... kind of. I mean- a part of me has always liked her but... never mind. It was a long time ago I liked her. Not now. I only like Stephanie now.
"So I was thinking-" She begins but is cut off by my phone pinging.
"Sorry, keep going." I say, picking up my phone.
"Okay so..." I half listen to her while I read the text.
After I've read it, it's like everything goes silent. I see Emily's mouth moving, but it's like she's not saying anything. I can't think straight.
"Mich?" I hear as a distant echo. "Mich!"
I look at Emily.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"I gotta go to Madison." I say.
"What's going on Michelle? Is everything okay?" She asks, taking my hands.
I shake my head. "My mom's in hospital."

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