Chapter 15 - Don't You Know That You're Toxic?

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Michelle's POV:
I sit up in bed. It was 9am. I rub my eyes and check my phone.
1 new message from Steph😘
Meet me at my house at 11. See you soon x
I sigh. Why this early in the morning?
Emily was still sleeping as we didn't have work today.
I get up and get dressed.
I kiss Emily on the head and walk into the kitchen, making myself toast.
As I eat my toast, I write a note for Emily.
Gone out. Be home later. Love you x
I stick it on the fridge and head out the door.
I drive to Stephanie's.
It was only 10.30am but I didn't think it would matter.
I knocked on the door and after around 5 minutes she finally opened the door.
She pulls me in and slams the door behind her.
"Why are you early? I told you 11, Michelle. God, you're such a liability." She sighs.
"I'm sorry, I-" I begin.
"Just be quiet. Kiss me." She says.
I give her a quick kiss.
"Why did you wanna see me?" I ask her.
"What? I'm not allowed to wanna see my own girlfriend?" She asks, quite angrily.
"Of course you are." I shrug. "What do you wanna do."
"Watch movies or something." She says, sitting down on the couch and switching on the TV.
I stand, feeling a little awkward.
Michelle Talking Head:
Why am I awkward? Stephanie's my girlfriend. I shouldn't be awkward.
Michelle's POV:
"Well don't just stand there looking like an idiot, sit down." Stephanie rolls her eyes at me.
I walk over to the couch and sit down beside her.
After a few hours of watching movies Stephanie turns to me.
"So..." she says. "How is everything going with Emily?"
"So that's why you called me here. You didn't wanna see me, did you?" I sigh.
"Answer the damn question, Michelle." She snaps, obviously getting frustrated.
"Th-they're good. She's a really good person, Steph. I- I feel bad about hurting her. We shouldn't be doing this." I say.
Stephanie slaps me in rage.
"Are you kidding me? After all this planning you're gonna get cold feet now, really? You better stick to this plan. I'm your girlfriend. Me! Not her. You love ME!" Steph stands up.
"Steph..." I say standing up, taking her hands.
She immediately pulls them away.
"Is this because of your mom? Is it because she's dead and I wasn't there? God, you're so petty Michelle." Stephanie was pretty much yelling at me now.
"No, it has nothing to do with that and you know it." I say, tears forming in my eyes.
"Don't lie, Michelle." She shouts.
"Well at least she actually cares about my feelings!" I yell back in anger.
Stephanie is taken aback. "Listen to yourself. She's turning you into a nasty person. Your mom was the final straw. Her death was such an inconvenience to her plans, you don't even care about your mom!"
"That's not true." I cry.
"Get out of my house." She says.
"W- what?" I ask.
"You heard me. I'm kicking you out of my house like your stupid mom did when she found out you weren't her perfect little girl." She screams
"You don't mean that-" I say.
"Yes I do. Now, get out." She looks away from me.
Tears stream down my face as I run out of her apartment and into my car.
As I drive home my eyesight was blurry from the tears.
As I arrived home, I was still sobbing.
I didn't want to go inside but I knew I had to.
Only one person could calm me down. Emily.
I walk into our apartment. Emily was sitting on the sofa.
"Hey, I was thinking of ordering takeout for- Michelle, what's wrong?" Emily asks, immediately standing up, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug.
"I- i just had a bad day, that's all." I sob.
"Come sit down, love." She says, taking me over to the couch and sitting my down, my head laying on her lap.
She runs her hands through my hair to comfort me. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
I shake my head. "It's personal, sorry."
"Hey, it's okay. I understand. You know if you ever want to talk about anything, you can let me know. I love you." She smiles at me.
"Thank you, Em. I love you too." I wipe away the last of my tears.
I sit up but place my head on Emily's shoulder. "So uh- what were you saying about takeout?"
"I'll order in whatever you want, my treat." She kisses the side of my head.
"You're the best." I say.
"Second best. You're first." She laughs a bit.
I do too.
"You know I'll always protect you, right?" She says to me.
I nod.
Michelle Talking Head:
I love her so much- in a friend way. Just as friends... I think.

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