Chapter 5 - Double Date

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Emily's POV:
I wake up to the bed shaking.
I open my eyes to see West, Daniel and Michelle jumping on the bed to wake me up.
"You guys are literal children." I say, closing my eyes again.
"Good morning to you too Emily." Daniel says, kissing my cheek. "Got a hangover I'm guessing?"
"Absolutely not." I say, even though I do have one. "I don't get hangovers."
"Well the time you've woken up at says differently." West laughs.
"What?" I say, checking the time.
It was midday.
"Oh god." I say, sitting up in a panic. "The kids. Rehearsal. Shoot!"
"Calm down love." Michelle says. "West called Thalia and Eldon to take over today."
"You're a lifesaver." I sigh in relief, laying back down.
"Hey uh- do you guys have any fruit?" Daniel asks.
"Yeah, it's in the kitchen. Why?" I ask.
"I'll make you one of my famous hangover smoothies." He says.
"I don't have a hangover!" I say, still trying to convince them, even though they're not believing me.
West flops down beside me and hugs me from behind.
"I think we should go on a double date." He says.
Michelle's face lights up. I wasn't too keen. I always thought double dates were really cheesy and dumb. But Daniel and West were my best friends so I knew it would be a fun time.
"When?" I ask.
"Tonight. There's no rehearsal tomorrow, right?" West says.
"Yeah." I shrug.
"Awesome!" West smiles getting off the bed.
Just then Daniel comes in with my smoothie.
"So what's been happening while I was in the kitchen." Daniel asks, handing me my smoothie.
"We're going on a double date." West says walking over to Daniel and kissing him.
"Awesome. Where to?" He asks.
"Don't worry." West says, smirking. "I have an idea."
He looks to Michelle.
Michelle smiles and nods after a few moments.
What the heck where they talking about?
I look to Daniel but he's just as confused as I am.
West laughs at our confusion. "Alright we better get going. We'll pick you up at 7."
He kisses both me and Michelle on the forehead before taking Daniel's hand and leaving.
"Why were you smiling? What's going on?" I ask Michelle.
"Don't even worry about it babe." She replies.
"Wrong person, love." I laugh.
Michelle kisses me. "Drink the rest of your smoothie. I'll put Netflix on in the sitting room." She says, walking out the room.
"Make sure it's Glee!" I shout after her.
I drink the rest of my smoothie and head into the sitting room.
"What episode are we on again?" I ask Michelle, sitting down beside her.
"Season three episode thirteen." She replies.
"Oh I like this one." I smile.
"You've seen it?" She asks.
"Babe... I was single for like seven years, five of those years I spent living alone in my apartment, the other two spent living with my mom. I've watched every damn series on Netflix." I laugh.
Michelle laughs. "Alright then."
We binge watch almost half a season before realising we have to get ready.
Michelle showers first, followed by me and before long West and Daniel come to pick us up.
"So are you gonna tell me where we're going yet?" I say, climbing into the back of West's car.
"Hello to you too." West laughs.
"Sorry... hi. Are you gonna tell me where we're going yet?" I reply.
"Not yet... but you'll soon know." West says and starts driving.
"I don't know where we're going either." Daniel says. "But West has been out all day."
West drives for a while and I recognise where we are.
"Oh... are we going to-" I'm cut off by Michelle putting her hand over my mouth.
"Shh! At least let it be a surprise for Daniel!" She says.
"Oh yeah... sorry." I say, smiling at Daniel.
Before long we arrive at the place.
The cliffside where Michelle and I had our first date.
"West... how did you know about this place?" I ask.
"How did I know about it? I was the one who brought Michelle up here and helped her prep for your first date." West replies, laughing a bit.
"Wow... ummm I didn't know about that." I shrug.
"Yeah..." Michelle says. "I forgot to mention it... sorry West."
We all laugh for a moment and step out of the car.
West had put fairy lights all around the rocks, lighting up the cliffside.
"West... it's beautiful." I smile.
"How'd you get electricity up here though?" Michelle asks.
"Batteries, Michelle." West laughs.
"Oh... yeah." Michelle let's out an embarrassed laugh.
We sit down on the blankets West had laid out earlier.

Michelle's POV:
I look around. I love this place. It's where I first realised I was in love with Emily... but that's in the past now, Steph is the only girl for me.
"So..." I say. "Do you guys have a date for the wedding?"
"Yeah. June 27th." Daniel says.
"Shoot." Emily says. "Th-that's the same weekend as Regionals."
"Oh... ummm... maybe we can video call you guys? Yeah we can do that." West says with a smile on his face.
He was always so positive.
"Yeah..." I say.
"We're really sorry guys." Emily sighs.
"Hey... don't worry." Daniel says. "It's only a stupid wedding."
We all laugh.
"I love you guys." West says.
"We love you too." Michelle, Daniel and I all say at the same time.
West pulls us in for a group hug.
"Okay... now can we eat... I'm hungry." West laughs.
"Yes!" I cheer.
West pulls out a basket with some sandwiches and other snacks in it.
We eat and we eat until we can't anymore.
"Any juice?" I ask.
"Yeah..." West says. "I have apple cider."
Emily's POV:
West grabs the apple cider and some glasses and pours us all a drink.
Michelle takes a sip and places her glass down.
Unfortunately she places it down on an uneven part of the ground and it falls over, soaking me.
"Shoot!" I say, standing up, my jeans drenched in apples cider.
"Em! I'm sorry." Michelle gasps, standing up trying to help me.
"I-it's fine. I just have to get home and clean up." I say. "West, do you have a towel or something? I don't wanna mess up your car."
"Never mind that Em. Let's get you home right now." He says, jumping up, pulling Daniel up with him.
West rushes me home, knowing I'm cold from the apple cider.
Once we arrive home we quickly say our goodbyes and Michelle takes me inside quickly.
"Go straight into the shower, I'll grab you a towel." Michelle says to me.
I nod and head straight into the bathroom.
I take off my soaked clothes and step into the shower, turning it on.
I hear Michelle knocking on the door.
"Just leave the towel at the side please!" I shout, my back turned to the door.

"Anything else you want me to do?" Michelle asks.
"No thanks." I say, my back still facing the door.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"I'm sure." I say.
I turn around to see Michelle fully naked, standing proudly.
"Are you still sure?" She asks with a noticeable smirk on her face.
"Michelle... we had this conversation the other night... I thought you were okay with me not being ready." I say.
"When did I say you had to do anything?" She says, edging towards me.
I look her up and down and lick my lips as she comes within inches of me.
"Mich-" She cuts me off by kissing me.
I push her off slightly.
"What?" She asks. "Never had shower sex?"
"No?" I say. "Have you?"
"No..." She says.
"But I want to." Michelle whispers in my ear, sending shivers all over my body.
I put my hands on her waist and pull her in, making sure there is no space between us.
She kisses me again and as I open my mouth for air she slips her tongue into my mouth.
I do the same to her and our tongues battle for dominance.
"Jump." Michelle says in between our kisses.
I do as she says and I wrap my legs around her as she places her hands on my butt to support me, continuing to make out with me.
She breaks the kiss and moves on to my neck, biting down occasionally, leaving marks.
"Michelle..." I say. "I want you to fuck me."
Michelle looks at me and nods.
I feel her slip two fingers into me and I let out a gasp.
My back arches against the wall.
"Michelle that feels so good." I breathe with pleasure.
I grab her breasts, massaging them, wanting to pleasure her too.
I hear a muffled moan come from her as she kisses my neck.
Without any warning Michelle slips another finger into me.
"Fuck, Michelle." I say, as she pumps three fingers in and out of me.

Michelle's POV:
After a while I feel Emily become tight around my fingers and know that she's close.
I pump my fingers harder and within a few seconds liquid leaks out of her and onto my hand.
I put her down but she stumbles a bit, her legs weak, but manages to maintain her balance.
I begin sucking her juices off of my fingers as she watches me.
"You taste amazing Em." I say to her.
Michelle Talking Head:
But not as good as Stephanie... I think?
Michelle's POV:
"Really?" She asks.
"Yeah." I smile before whispering in her ear "It really turns me on."
I see her eyes widen. "Michelle..."
"I know." I say before she can say anything else. "I'm just letting you know that I'm ready for when you're ready."
She smiles and kisses me. "Now go get me a towel. And one for yourself too."
"Okay okay." I smile, leaving her in the shower alone.
⚠️End of maturity⚠️

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