Chapter 18 - Party People

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Michelle's POV:
The dancers carry the trophy to the trophy cabinet, which hadn't been touched for a few years.
"Alright guys! I'll order some pizza, Emily's getting us a cake, just sit around for a bit, dance if you want! You guys make me so proud!" I say.
The dancers start flooding me with "We love you too, Michelle".
I play some music and everyone starts dancing and having fun. I order in some pizza and when it arrives we eat as much as possible.
We danced for hours. We were just so excited that we had won.
"Hey Michelle..." I hear someone say.
"Yeah?" I look around to see Reuben.
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Well you just did but sure." I laugh.
"Well, uh-" He begins.
"Hey, who wants cake!" Emily interrupts Reuben, walking in with a large cake.
"Sorry Reuben, go on." I say.
"It doesn't matter. I know what I'm doing." He says.
He walks round in front of everyone.
"Hey, guys! I uh- I gotta tell you guys something before we have cake." He takes a deep breath.
The dancers sit down and look at him, waiting for him to speak.
"Well uh- I just wanted to let you guys know that... I-I'm gay." He sighs if relief, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
I was taken aback by the news.
Reuben was so brave to come out on front of the entire team like that. It reminds me of Emily... and when she first came out. I was so proud of her and it was really inspiring to see her do that. I think that was the moment I first realised that I had feelings for her. It reminded me of how our first kiss lead to me being so in love with her that every time she's nit around I'm sad. And-
Michelle Talking Head:
Oh my gosh... I love Emily. As more than a friend. And I always have. I'm in love with her.
Michelle's POV:
"So..." Reuben says. "Thoughts?"
The dancers kind of just sit around, still trying to take in the news. They seemed fine with it, which makes me so happy.
"Well I think that was really brave, Reuben." Niall says, standing up.
"Thanks Ni-" He's cut off by Niall running over to him and kissing him.
The dancers look around before standing up and running over to hug them both.
I wish I had been that open with my feelings when I was their age. Emily and I could've been together for almost 7 years instead of only meeting up again last year.
But now I've messed everything up. I'm buying the studio with Stephanie when I really want to buy it with Emily.
I really don't know what I'm going to do.
"Hey babe." Emily says, hugging me from behind.
"Hey." I smile.
"They're definitely a cute couple, right?" She says.
"Yeah... it reminds me of us, when we were younger. And I was too scared to admit my feelings but I loved you back when we were 16. I loved you so much. And I don't know how it's possible but I love you even more now." I smile.
"I love you the most." She kisses me.
I am so screwed...

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