Chapter 3 - Dangerous Lies

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Michelle's POV:
I wake up with Emily in my arms. She was still sleeping. I decide to just lay there so not to disturb her. Just as I close my eyes to enjoy the moment my alarm goes off. Why does something always interrupt moments like this!? Not that I was actually enjoying it, but still. Emily rubs her eyes sleepily.
"Good morning." She says with a smile.
"Morning, love. How are you after last night?" I grin at her.
"I'm amazing." Emily giggles a bit.
"Alright so are you going for a shower first or am I?" I ask her.
"I'll go. I take longer in the shower." She says, sitting up.
"True." I say to her.
As soon as she closes the bathroom door I go straight to my phone to text Stephanie. I had to tell her what happened last night. She had already said she would let me do whatever I want in order to make sure Emily had fallen hard but it felt wrong not letting her know.
I sign off the text with 'I'll make it up to you soon. I promise' before putting down my phone and going into the kitchen to make me and Emily coffee.
After I pour us some I start walking to the bedroom to take the mugs there.
As open the door using my elbow then push the door with my back.
When I turn around I see Emily in her towel. She looked so gorgeous.
"Did you enjoy your shower?" I ask, putting the mugs down then giving her a quick peck on the lips.
"What kind of question is that?" Emily laughs at me.
I shrug. "I just... don't know what to say."
"Aww you've gone all shy." Emily teases me.
"No... I haven't. It's just uh-" I say.
"There's no need to be shy, love." Emily interrupts me before kissing me.
I smile. She's right. There is no need to be nervous around her, I don't like her.
"Alright I'm gonna go for my shower. See you in a bit." I say.
After my shower, I come out to see Emily already dressed.
"Jeez, that was fast." I say to her.
"Yeah... I wanted to get ready quicker so I could get to my phone quicker. It's hard surviving without it y'know." She replies, turning to face me.
I look to her neck and start to giggle.
"What? What is it?" She asks confused.
"Uh- it's uh..." I point to her neck and she suddenly realises.
"Michelle I have to go work with children now!" She says with anger and embarrassment.
"It's fine. Put makeup on it or something, nobody will notice." I say, trying to calm her down.
"Of course they're gonna notice. Especially Reuben, you know what he's like!" She sits on the bed and sighs.
"No he won't. Here." I grab some makeup from the side table and hand it to Emily. "Put that on."
"Fine, but if anyone notices-" She stands up and goes to the mirror. "Just get dressed. We're leaving soon."
I wait until Emily leaves the room before getting dressed. Don't ask why I did that. I just did.
Once I'm ready I meet Emily in the kitchen.
"Ready to go?" She asks.
"Yeah." I reply.
Just as I say that, Stephanie texts me.
Steph😘: Meet me at Express Cafe in half an hour.
I delete the text and look to Emily.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"I uh- I completely forgot to tell you. I told uh- West I would meet him this morning. Can you drive me?" I lie.
"Uh- yeah sure. Where to?"
"Express Cafe." I say.
Emily nods her head. "Alright let's go."
We get in the car and she drives me to Express.
Once we arrive she kisses me. "Text me when you need picked up, okay?"
"It'll be okay." I say. "West can take me home."
She smiles and nods. "I'll see you later. Love you."
"Love you." I say before getting out the car and heading into the cafe.
I watch as Emily drives off and I take a seat.
Around 10 minutes later Stephanie walks through the door.
I run into her arms.
"I've missed you." I say, giving her a quick peck on the lips.
"I've missed you too babe." She says as I lead her to our table.
I sit down, Stephanie doing the same on the opposite side.
"So what did you want to meet me for?" I ask.
"I found out when Kate's selling the studio." She replies.
"That's great! When?"
"July. Anywhere between the 9th and the 12th. That's just before she officially leaves for England." Stephanie tells me. "So you need to convince Emily that you should sign the contract on the 12th whereas we've already signed it on one of the other days, that way she doesn't have a chance at owning the studio."
"But it's only January!" I complain.
"Hey... patience is what we need if we want this plan to work okay?" She snaps.
"Yeah... you're right." I say. "So what have you been doing to get the money we need then?"
She looks at me confused. "Michelle, I've already told you this. I worked my butt off in Madison so I could earn enough to move here, be able to pay rent for my apartment each month and still be able to afford my half of the money we're paying for the studio."
"Oh yeah... I must've forgotten." I say, knowing for a fact she's never told me that before. But I don't like arguing with Stephanie. She gets... controlling. It's not like that with Emily, but I don't care about her so I deal with Steph because I love her.
"Wait... you can only afford your half?" I ask her. "Isn't that a bit risky?"
"Yeah... but that's why I need you. You pay half and I pay half. It's our dream." She says.
I nod and smile. "Can you drive me home please?"
"Sure babe. Let's go." Stephanie takes my hand and leads me out to her car.

Emily's POV:
I arrive at work and immediately go straight to my office. I had work to do.
When the dancers come in, Reuben comes into the office, like he does every morning, just to make sure we're having a good day.
"Good morning Miss Emily." He says with a smile, knocking on the office door even though he's already invited himself in.
"Morning Reuben." I say, not looking up from my paperwork.
"Have fun last night?" He asks me.
I look up at him and see the smirk on his face.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Emily don't play dumb. And plus... let's just say you haven't covered it up very well." He laughs.
"Shoot." I say under my breath.
"Listen... don't you dare tell anyone." I say, seriously.
"Don't worry, I won't. I wouldn't like it if someone told my secret." He says.
"Well what's your secret then?" I ask him.
He looks down. "Nothing. It doesn't matter. I uh- better get rehearsal started."
He quickly walks to the dance floor.
"That was weird." I thought to myself.
As I begin to do my paperwork again my phone pings.
1 new message from Daniel
I open the text and read it.
Daniel: Hey Em, is it okay if West and I come over tonight? We have something to tell you.
Me: Yeah! West is actually with Michelle right now!
Daniel: Wdym? West is with me.
Me: That's impossible, I just dropped her off at Express around 20 minutes ago to meet him.
Daniel: No sorry West's been with me all day.
Me: It'll be fine. I'm sure I just misheard her or something. See you later.
Daniel: See you later.
I switch off my phone and go back to my paperwork but I find it hard to concentrate.
Why would Michelle lie to me?

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