Chapter 14 - Bedroom Floor

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Emily's POV:
'I'll be home in around 10 minutes.'
I read the text from Michelle and smile. I hadn't seen her for two weeks.
Her mom's funeral was yesterday and she got a flight earlier today.
I lay in bed, watching TV, waiting for her to come home.
Soon after, I hear the door open and a familiar voice shouts "I'm back!"
I sit at the edge of the bed as she walks in.
She was smiling, but I couldn't tell if it was real or fake.
"How was your trip?" I ask her.
"Long." She sighs.
I walk over to her and give her a huge cuddle.
"I missed you." I say, kissing her.
"Oh yeah?" Michelle says, putting her bag down. "How about you show me how much you missed me then."
I look her in the eyes and smile.

I attach my lips to hers and jump.
She catches me and I wrap my legs around her.
She begins to slowly bend down and places us both on the floor, her on top of me.
I watch as she takes her top off, revealing her bra.
I bite my lip as she leans down to me, kissing my neck.
I find the strength in me to roll us over so that I was on top. "Tonight I'm in control, 'kay?"
She nods, bring her hands round to my back, pulling off my top.
I kiss down her shoulder as I grind on her a bit.
Michelle lifts her back, just enough so that I can unclip her bra.
I remove it quickly and begin to kiss her body, my hands exploring elsewhere.
"Em..." Michelle says.
"Yeah?" I ask her, lifting my head from her body.
"Would it be okay if you went... down more?" She looks at me in a way she's never looked at me before, I don't know how to explain it.
I nod. "Yeah."
I begin to unzip her jeans as she strokes my face.
I take a moment to calm myself down. I was extremely nervous, not that I should be. Michelle knew I'd never done what I was about to do and I know she'll comfort me if I mess up somehow.
"Hey..." She says.
I look at her, her eyes were already locked on mine.
"It's okay if you don't want to. If you want to back out I don't mind, okay." She smiles.
"No..." I say. "This is supposed to be hot. So I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna please you okay?"
Michelle was taken aback by my sudden outburst of confidence. After the few seconds of shock had passed she smiled and nodded. "Well go on then."
I smirk as Michelle lifts up her hips, allowing me to take off her jeans.
My nerves came back again, that is if they ever left to begin with.
"Hey..." Michelle says. "Don't stress."
I smile and nod at her before kissing along her underwear.
Michelle's breath was already shaky.
My finger traced the top of her underwear, pulling them down slightly.
I kiss the top of her thighs, teasing her more than I clearly already was.
I bite down, obviously wanting to leave a mark, and Michelle lets out a gasp.
"Gosh, Michelle, keep it down. What will the neighbours think?" I smirk, before heading back to the top of her underwear, tugging at it with my teeth.
"Em, I need you. Right now." She bites her lips.
I nod, feeling satisfied with how much I've teased her.
Michelle lifts her hips again slightly so I can quickly pull off her underwear.

Michelle's POV:
I watch as Emily's head goes down. I can feel her breath, sending shivers all through my body.
She plants a few more kisses and I grow impatient, grabbing her head and pushing it against me.
I moan loudly as I feel her tongue enter me forcefully.
Her tongue tries to explore slightly.
"Fuck, Em, that's the spot." I cry out.
Before long I reach my high, accidentally pulling Emily's hair as I do.
I lay on the floor, gasping for breath as Emily licks her lips, standing up, taking her hair out of her bobble.
Emily laughs. "Tired out, are we?"
I nod.
Emily shakes her head as she continues to laugh.
"C'mon." She reaches her hand out to me.
I take another moment to recover before grabbing her hand and she pulls me up.
"Go clean up." She kisses me. "I'll get you a drink, then we can go bed, yeah?"
I nod and head into the bathroom.
⚠️End of maturity⚠️

Emily's POV:
I kiss Michelle. "I'll get you a drink, then we can go to bed, yeah?"
She nods and I head into the kitchen.
I grab some hot chocolate and make some for the both of us.
When I return to the bedroom Michelle was already lying in bed.
I hand her a mug. "Drink up."
She smiles. "Thank you."
I sit down on the bed and turn on the TV.
"I love you, Emily." Michelle says out of the blue.
"I love you too." I reply, smiling and kissing her cheek.
"I'm serious. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much." A tear forms in her eye and she puts her mug down on the bedside table.
I put my mug down too and wrap my arm around her. "I don't know what I would do without you either."
She rests her head on my shoulder and within minutes, we're both asleep.

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