Chapter 4 - Confrontation

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Michelle's POV:
I sit down on the sofa and turn on the TV. Steph had just dropped me off and I was already missing her. It hadn't hit me how much I needed to see her until we met up. It was hard staying away but I knew I had to if we wanted this plan to work. I couldn't get it out my head that she only saved up enough for her half. Like... what if something happened and I lost all my money? Emily would buy the studio instead. I turn the channel to Dance Mania, trying to clear my head.

Emily's POV:
At the end of the day I watch the dances that have been choreographed so far. I wasn't really paying much attention though... I couldn't stop thinking about Michelle. And also Reuben. He seemed off when I asked him his secret. I'll have to talk to him at some point.
After the dancers finish the last routine I give them a few pointers before telling them they can go home.
Reuben obviously noticed something was wrong as he walked straight over to me, unlike all the other dancers who just left.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." I say. "Why do you ask?"
"Emily, your head is somewhere else." He takes me over to the bench and sits down with me.
"It's just... it's Michelle. She lied to me." I sigh. Why was I telling one of my students this?
"Do you know why?" He asks me.
"No." I sigh.
"Well ask her then! You might be misinterpreting the whole situation."
I nod. "Thanks Reuben." I hug him. There was something about Reuben that was different. He was kind of like a guardian angel of some sort.
"Anytime Em. Now go get your girl." He smiles.
"Before I do..." I say. "Can I ask you something."
"Sure." He shrugs.
"Why did you act all weird when I asked you your secret." I ask.
"Because I'm scared. And embarrassed." He looks down.
"Reuben... I'm sitting here pouring out my emotions to my student who's 7 years younger than me... I'm not one to judge." I laugh.
He lets out a weak laugh. "Okay... but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Michelle."
"Promise." I say.
He takes a deep breath. "I'm gay."
I take a second to process it before leaning in and whispering "Me too."
He laughs. "I don't know how you do it Miss Emily, but you never fail to make me laugh."
"Have you told anyone?" I ask him.
"Nope, just you. I want to tell the team but... I'm not ready to just yet."
"Take your time kid. When I was your age I was basically forced to come out during a game of truth or dare. And then that night I kissed Michelle and why am I still talking?" I rub my eyes, embarrassed I just told him that.
He laughs again. "Wait... you've known Michelle since you were 16?"
"Yeah... she was my first, and only, girlfriend. Kind of fate we met again all these years later." I shrug.
"Well I hope one day me and my future boyfriend can be goals like you and Michelle." He says.
"Goals?" I ask him, confused.
"Never mind." He laughs. "Thank you Emily."
"No problem kid." I  hug him and stand up. "Now go home so I can lock up!"
He smiles and walks out the studio, leaving me to lock up.
Once I arrive home I sit in my car for a few minutes, thinking on which way I should approach Michelle.
After not finding any good way to go about it I decide just to be harsh with her, even though I hate to do that.
I open the door to find her sleeping on the sofa.
I tap her arm lightly to wake her up.
She opens her eyes to see me and immediately stands up.
"Hey." She says, walking over to me, her arms open for a hug.
I push her away gently. "Save it. I know you lied to me."
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"I know you weren't with West. So who were you with." I say, growing impatient.
She sighs, knowing she's been caught. "I was with a man. He was selling a necklace. And I wanted to get it for you. It turns out it wasn't the one I wanted though. I'm sorry for lying to you. I just wanted it to be a surprise."
I immediately feel bad.
"I love you." I say, pulling her in for a hug.
"I love you too." She kisses me, bringing my waist closer to hers.
Before long we were having a heated make out session.
"Okay, okay." I say, stopping the kiss. "West and Daniel will be here soon."
And, as if in cue, there was a knock on the door.
I open it and am immediately greeted with a hug by both Daniel and West.
I move over in the hug, letting Michelle come in too.
"Perfect timing guys." I say.
"Actually..." Daniel looks at West, who laughs. "We've been outside for about 10 minutes. We didn't wanna... disturb you guys."
I feel my face turn bright red. "Oh... uh... well come sit down."
They sit at the kitchen table and Michelle and I sit across from them.
"So what do you wanna tell us?" I ask them.
"Well uh..." West says. "We're kinda sorta getting married."
My face forms a smile. "I'm so happy for you guys!" 
"Ditto." Michelle says as we hug them across the table.
"So... who proposed to who?" I ask.
"Funny story actually." Daniel says.
"I dropped my rucksack on purpose so I could get down on my knee to propose to him." West says.
"And I bent down to help him realising that would be the perfect moment to propose to him." Daniel says.
"So we ended up accidentally proposing at the same time." West laughs.
We all laugh along with him.
"Great minds think alike." Michelle says.
I get a bottle of wine from the cupboard. "Let's celebrate!"
The others cheer as I pour glasses of wine.
We drink and we drink until it's around 9pm.
The boys had gone way over the alcohol limit for driving.
"Do you guys wanna just stay here tonight?" I ask them.
"Yeah... thanks Emily." Daniel smiles.
"You're gonna have to crash on the sofas though. Emily and I call shotgun on the bed." Michelle says.
Daniel and West shrug, not bothered by that so we say our goodnights and go to bed.
I turn to face Michelle in bed. She had her back to me.
"Michelle." I whisper.
"Yeah." She says, slowly turning round to face me.
"I can't believe they're getting married." I smile.
"Yeah, it's awesome." She replies.
"Do you think that'll ever be us one day?" I ask her.
She looks away from me for a few moments in silence before bringing her eyes back to meet mine. "Yeah."
I smile and kiss her.
"I love you. Goodnight Mich." I say, closing my eyes.
"Goodnight Em." She replies before we both fall asleep.

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