Chapter 19 - Break My Heart Again

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Michelle's POV:
I try to tiptoe out of the room, hopefully not waking Emily. We were having a break from the studio since we won but Steph and I were buying it today while Emily was having days off.
"Mich?" I hear Em say, groggily.
"Oh, hey Em." I say.
"Where are you going? We're not working today, remember?" She says.
"Yeah... I know. I just have to go out for... personal reasons." I lie. I hate lying to her. "I was trying not to wake you."
She smiles. "Well, I'm awake now. Give me a kiss before you leave."
I walk over snd quickly kiss her. "See you later, morning breath." I laugh.
She laughs too. "I love you."
"I love you too." I kiss her forehead before leaving the room.

Emily's POV:
After Michelle left I tried to get back to sleep but it was really hard with Michelle's phone ringing or pinging every five minutes. I decided I would take a message for her so I grabbed her phone.
9 missed calls, 1 new message from Steph😘
'What?' I think to myself.
I didn't want to invade Michelle's privacy but I was really curious.
Her phone had a pin and it took me a few guesses to get in. Her pin was my birthday.
I looked at her message.
Today's the day we can get our dream and you can finally dump Emily. You said to meet in the Lounge, right? See you soon, missing your beautiful face xx
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I scroll up, seeing more text messages.
There were some blanks in the conversation, making me think Michelle had deleted some of the messages, but the idea of what they were doing was still clear.
'This is a dream. It isn't real.' I kept repeating in my head.
I got another text from her.
Michelle? In the lounge room, right? And Emily's definitely at home all day?
I read the message over and over before replying.
Yeah, Emily's at home all day. Meet you in the lounge room! Love you!
I hovered over the send button for several minutes before finally sending it.
My heart sunk when I got the reply.
I love you so much!
I got up out of bed and quickly got dressed.
I sat in my car, trying to calm myself down before driving.
The messages kept replaying in my head.
I punched the wheel and screamed. I was such an idiot.
I finally took enough deep breaths to control myself and I drove to the studio.
I looked around.
Sure enough, Michelle's car was here.
I wiped away tears from my eyes and walked up to the studio doors, pushing them open.
I walked straight to the lounge where Michelle was sitting... but no Stephanie.
I sighed in relief and Michelle turned her head round.
"Emily!" She stands up shocked. "What are you doing here?"
I run into her arms, hugging her as tight as possible. "I love you. I'm sorry for doubting you."
"Doubting me about what?" Michelle asks, confused.
"There was some text messages with Ste-" As I say that I'm interrupted by another voice.
"So Michelle, what's the plans for-" Stephanie stops dead in her tracks.
I look at Michelle and immediately pushing her away.
"So it is true?" I ask.
Michelle had fear in her eye, but Stephanie didn't.
"True that we're buying the studio and putting you out a job?" Stephanie says. "Yes, I suppose it is." She laughs.
"How could you, Michelle? I love you." I say to Michelle, but she just looks down.
"Well she doesn't love you. She loves me and only me. It'll only ever be me. Michelle and I are gonna spend the rest of our lives together with a studio that we own and that's something your sad little self will have to deal with." Stephanie spews out her venom.
"You know what?" I say. "You can have the studio. I don't want anything to do with this or her ever again." I point to Michelle as I say 'her'.
I quickly run out of the lounge and into the office Michelle and I had shared.
I sit in the chair and cry, more than I've ever done before.
I look up to see a picture of me and Michelle. It was taken on Christmas day. That was a really special day for us.
I grab the picture and stare at it for a few moments before throwing it onto the ground, smashing it.
I run from the office, not wanting to be in there a moment longer as all of the memories Michelle and I had in this room were all flooding into my head.
I ran to Studio 1 where I just sat and cried.
I cried and cried and cried.

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