Chapter 8 - Memories

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Emily's POV:
I wake up to the sound of my alarm.
Michelle groans. "Those kids are lucky I love them or else I would not be getting up."
I let out a slight laugh. "You can finally see the completed dances today."
"Are they good?" Michelle asks.
"Of course they're good! These kids are the best of the best." I say.
"True. I'll go for a shower... will you make breakfast please?" She asks with a petted lip.
"Sure." I smile and kiss her.
She heads for the bathroom as I go into the kitchen to make us pancakes.
As I finish making the last pancake, Michelle comes into the kitchen, already dressed and ready to go.
"Enjoy." I say as I put 2 pancakes on a plate for her before heading into the bathroom.
I quickly shower and pull on my clothes, wanting to get to the studio earlier to plan some things for when Michelle and I buy the studio.
I walk into the kitchen and over to the counter where I had left pancakes for myself, only to find out they were gone.
"Did you eat my pancakes?" I turn to Michelle.
"Those ones were yours?" She says as she swallows the last of my pancake.
I frown for a second before it turns into a smile, then a laugh. "Never mind. Let's go."
I grab my keys and follow Michelle out of the door, locking it behind me.
Once we arrive at the studio it was around 7.30am so we only had 30 minutes to plan some things before the dancers arrived.

Michelle's POV:
Emily sits down in her chair and I sit in mine.
"So... anything you want for the studio?" Emily asks me.
"I can have a say?" I ask her, confused.
"Yeah... why wouldn't you." Emily chuckles.
I shrug. "I don't really have any ideas... anyway, your ideas are better."
I hadn't really thought about what I would like to do with the studio. Stephanie never let me have any input. It's all about what she wants.... but with Emily it's different, she actually cares about what I want. It's nice y'know?
Before long the dancers arrive.
I follow Emily out of the office as the dancers start to warm up.
"Alright dancers." Emily says. "I want you guys to show Michelle the dances."
The dancers immediately get into position and Emily starts the music.
I watch the dancers as they perform the dances, most of them I'm impressed with. The only one that is letting me down is the 10 person dance.
The dancers finish their last routine and Emily and I clap.
"That was great A-Troupe. I'm proud of you guys." I say. "However... there's something missing from the ten person dance... it needs that something to make it stand out. How about a duet at some point during it?"
Emily seems surprised at my suggestion but looks okay with it.
"What kind of duet?" Reuben asks, sort of out of breath.
"A romantic one?" I suggest.
I see most of the dancers faces light up.
"Well can we have some inspiration Michelle?" Tiana asks.
The other dancers cheer, obviously backing up the idea of wanting inspiration.
I look to Emily. "Do you still remember our duet at Regionals?"
She forms a huge smile. "Of course I remember it."
The dancers clap and cheer, wanting to see mine and Emily's duet.
"Will your knee be okay?" I ask her.
"It should be." She shrugs.
"Come on guys! Get on with it!" Patrick shouts.
"You're lucky we both wore leggings today." I laugh.
The dancers clear off the dance floor, giving me and Emily the space to perform our duet.
Reuben connects his phone to the speaker. "What song?"
"Stand up." Emily says.
Reuben searches it up and presses play.
The music starts and Emily and I start dancing, both of us not missing a single beat as if we've been performing the dance our whole life.
The music finishes and we finish, our faces practically touching, just like we did 6 years ago.
And just for a moment, I felt 16 again. Young and dumb, but I was in love... and it was real.
The dancers clap and both Emily and I look round to them and smile.
"Well I hope that inspired you enough." I say. "Now partner up, come up with a duet. Auditions will be tomorrow."
Emily walks into the office and I follow.
"How did you know about my knee injury?" She asks me, sitting down.

Michelle sat at home, watching the Nationals competition on her iPad. The Next Step were about to perform their semi-finals routine. She had been watching the competition the whole way through, only to watch Emily dance.
"And now taking to the stage... The Next Step." Michelle hears Chuck Anderson say. She smiles as the team walks out on stage. Even though Emily and her had been broken up for two years and she was now dating Stephanie. She always had that little bit of her that still loved Emily. The team dances to 'Unsinkable' and Michelle thinks about how she could've been there with the team if she hadn't been selfish and left after the team had just suffered a massive loss. As the dance finished, Michelle noticed something was wrong with Emily. She rushed off stage as soon as the number finished. "It looks as if The Next Step captain Emily injured herself during the dance. And from what we're now hearing, it apparently sounds very serious." Chuck Anderson says. "No, please." Michelle says as the screen cuts to the SNR logo.
*End of flashback*

Michelle's POV:
"I don't know." I lie. "I think you told me at some point."

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