Chapter 2 - Moments

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Emily's POV:
After rehearsal is finished I send all the dancers home. I had work to do.
As I look out of the office windows I see Michelle dancing. She looked so beautiful.
I walk over to the windows to get a better view.
Once she finishes dancing I walk out of the office clapping.
Michelle pushes her hair behind her ears, a little embarrassed.
"You saw that?" She asks.
"Yes, and it was incredible." I say as I walk over to her. I hold her hands. "But it looked like there was something on your mind... is there?"
"No... just dancing for fun." She replies with a smile.
"Michelle... I've been a dancer for 21 years. I know when something's up." I say.

Michelle's POV:
I look around before looking Emily in the eyes. "I just... I'm really happy I have you. I'm so in love with you and I just can't believe that after all these years we found each other again."
Emily scrunches her nose and lets a smile appear on her face. She kisses me. "You're so cute."
Michelle Talking Head:
She's so stupid. Obviously I'm not dancing with her on my mind. I'm dancing with Stephanie on my mind.
Michelle's POV:
I smile back. "You're even cuter."
"Alright c'mon." She says, pulling me.
"C'mon where?" I ask.
"I'm taking you out for dinner. You're favourite restaurant." She says.
I sigh with a smile. "I love you."
"I know, I love you too." She says kissing me.
"Just a second, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom first. Meet you outside? I'll lock up."
Emily nods and walks away.
After I go to the bathroom I lock up and place the key under the plant pot outside the studio and text Steph.
Me: Key is where you told me to leave it. Going to dinner with Em🙄you have lots of time.
Steph😘: Thanks babe! You're doing great so far. See you soon love❤️
I smile at her text before walking around the corner and into Emily's car.
"Ready to go?" She asks me.
I smile and nod.
Once we arrive at the restaurant we sit down and order our food.
My phone pings.
1 new message from Steph😘
Talk about the studio. Ask about buying The Next Step.
I swipe away the notification so Emily can't see.
"So..." I begin. "About buying the studio... when are we planning on doing this?"
"Can we maybe talk about this another time babe?" Emily says. "I want tonight to be about just us."
"But I'm really curious... like-"
"Seriously... another time." Emily says, taking my hands in hers. "We don't have to worry about that just now."
Michelle Talking Head:
Shoot! Looks like I'll have to wait a little bit longer to get some information for Stephanie.

Emily's POV:
After we eat our food I lead Michelle out of the door and into the car.
"We have to go back to the studio. I think I left my phone there." I say to her.
"No!" Michelle quickly blurts out in a panic.
It was a little weird to me so I asked if she was okay.
She nods. "Yeah uh- I uh- believe it's bad luck to go to your Dance Studio twice in one day, especially after you've locked up for the night."

Michelle Talking Head:
I knew Stephanie was still at the studio, so I had to make up an excuse that could maybe even stall Emily.

Emily's POV:
I laugh and shrug. "Okay... uh- how about I drop you off at home then I go back for my phone?"
She smiles. "Okay... I lied... I just wanna get home."
"It'll only take like an extra 15 minutes babe." I say to her.
"I don't wanna wait that long!! I just wanna get home!" She complains.
"Alright, okay. I'll just live without a phone for a night." I say, smiling at her.
"Thank you."
"Alright let's go home." I say, starting the car.
"Can I connect my Spotify to the car please?" She asks.
"You can do that?" I ask her, confused.
"Wow... Reuben was right. You ARE a boomer." Michelle laughs.
"Still don't know what that is but sure, connect your whatever it is to the car." I shrug and start driving.
"Is the indie playlist good for you?" She asks.
"Michelle you already know that's my favourite genre." I say as I drive. "What artists are on there though?"
"ROLE MODEL, The Neighbourhood, Wallows, people like that." She replies.
I nod my head in approval. "I gotta hand it to you Mich... you do have good taste in music."
"And good taste in women." She says kissing my cheek.

Michelle's POV:
As soon as we arrive home I get a text from Stephanie.
Steph😘: Jeez, this place is the same as it was like 6 years ago. Won't be like that for much longer once we buy it.😉❤️
I smile at the text before quickly deleting it.

Emily's POV:
I sit on the couch and switch on the TV. Michelle goes straight to the cupboard.
"Want a snack?" She asks.
"I already am a snack." I reply, laying back.
"Yeah you are." Michelle says.
I tilt my head to the side to look at her. She was walking over to me. I admire her as she walks.
She kisses my cheek softly.

I tap my leg, telling her to come round to me.
She does as I say and sits on my lap.
"God, you're so beautiful." I say to her. "How did I get so lucky?"
Michelle smiles and kisses me.
"I love you so much, you know that right?" I say to her.
"Yeah, and I love you so much too Em." She replies.
I put my hands on her waist, pulling her in closer.
She begins kissing my neck, making me moan quietly.
Michelle begins to play with the zip on my jeans. "Can I?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
She unzips my jeans before laying me down on the couch and pulling them off.
She takes her jeans off too. I can't take my eyes off her.
She kisses my thighs softly which makes me breathe heavily.
She makes her way to my underwear and looks at me. "Do you still wanna do this?"
We've never actually done it before. We almost did on Christmas, but we ended up not.
"Yes, Michelle. God, please." I pant, wanting her more than ever.
She begins biting down on my neck roughly as she pulls down my underwear.
She rubs her hand softly on my inner thighs.
"Babe, stop teasing, please." I beg.
She gives me one more look and I nod for consent before she slips two fingers inside of me.
I moan loudly, which pleased Michelle.
Michelle kisses my neck, leaving my mouth free to moan in her ear.
I feel Michelle slip another finger inside of me.
I bite down on her shoulder, not wanting to make any more noises, remembering the walls to our apartment are paper thin. Michelle gasps as I do that, letting me know she enjoys the mixture of pain and pleasure.
She slides her fingers in and out of me and soon enough I feel my body tense up and my mouth forms a perfect 'o'.
Soon after, my body relaxes and Michelle lays down beside me.
"God, Michelle, you were so good." I breathe out.
"Thank you. It was my first time, I didn't know if it was okay or not." She replies.
"It was perfect, love."
I place my hand on her underwear and start tugging at it. Michelle stops it.
"Do you not want me to-?" I ask.
"It's not that, babe. It's just that I know you're not ready to do that yet." She says.
"But you-" I say.
"It doesn't matter." Michelle interrupts. "Just because I did it to you doesn't mean you have to do it to me. I can wait."
I smile and give her a quick peck. "Thank you."
⚠️End of maturity⚠️

"We should probably go to bed." I say, checking the time.
"You're right." Michelle replies, switching the TV.
I smile, following her into the bedroom, wondering what I ever done to have a girlfriend as perfect as Michelle.

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