Chapter 6 - Feels? What Feels?

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Michelle's POV:
I wake up to Emily snoring. Not a heavy snore, just a light snore, but it was enough to wake me up.
I didn't mind waking up to it though. I found it quite soothing. At first I would watch her in the morning so when she woke up it would look like I was admiring her. It became a habit... but after a while I actually was admiring her. I don't know why. I always have a good feeling in my stomach in the morning while admiring her, a feeling I'd never felt before. I still don't know what it is exactly... probably disgust. Yeah... disgust.
I don't know why, but I'm nervous. We hadn't spoken about what happened last night. She came into the room and went straight to bed, obviously exhausted. It was only our second time together and before the first, Emily had never done anything with anyone and that's something I really don't wanna play with. I was her first and that's something I'll always cherish, even if I'm only faking it until it's time to buy the studio with Steph. Obviously I feel bad about having to hurt her, she was my first love, but Steph really wants the studio so I have to do whatever she says.
After a while I snap out of my gaze and check the time.
It was only 5.30am but the sun was rising, light sneaking through the curtains just enough to light up Emily's face. She really was beautiful, and if I wasn't with Steph... I really could see me and her being a real couple.
I think about how Steph was treating me the other day, the way she was being verbally aggressive. I didn't like that side to her... but I know deep down she's really sweet, so I let those moments pass by.
Emily changes her sleeping position, letting the rays of sunshine hit her perfectly chiseled jawline. To me, Emily pretty much was the definition of perfect. Even while sleeping she just always looked like a supermodel, it was crazy. It's one of the things that I love- ...loved about her.
I'm startled by the sound of my phone pinging.
It obviously startles Emily too as she wakes up with a slight jump.
I see a text from Steph and quickly swipe it away.
"Who's texting you at this time in the morning?" Emily asks, groggily.
"Nobody important." I smile and kiss her.
I see her pull the duvet up over her a bit more.
"Cold?" I ask her.
She nods. "Care to cuddle me to make me feel warmer?"
I smile. "Smooth Beaton, smooth."
I wrap my arms around her, letting her snuggle up to me.
My phone pings again and I let out a huge sigh.
It was Stephanie again. I switch my phone off.
"I'm not letting her or anyone ruin this moment" I thought to myself as Emily placed her head in the crook of my neck.

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