Chapter 13 - Missing You

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Emily's POV:
Dear Diary, Michelle has been gone for just over a week. Her mom was in a car crash back in Madison so she had to go to see her. Her condition isn't good. Michelle and I text every single day but I still miss her. I said I would go with her but she told me to stay here, take care of the studio. I just really want to be there for her. I'm really worried for both Michelle and her mom. I hope everything will be okay. I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose a parent.
I close my diary and look out of the office window to the dancers.
My phone pings and I immediately pick it up.
There was a message from Michelle.

Michelle💞: Hey Em, just to let you know I'll be in Madison for another week and a half. My mom passed away... we have to plan a funeral. I'll see you soon though, I love you.❤️
Me: Michelle, I'm so sorry. Please let me fly out and be there with you.
Michelle💞: Stay in Toronto and keep an eye on the studio. I promise I'm okay. I'll call you tonight.

My heart sinks. I feel so bad for Michelle. I wipe tears away from my eyes and walk out onto the dance floor.
"Okay dancers." I say. "As you know Michelle has been in Madison for the past week. Her mom has just passed away so when she comes back, please be extra kind to her, okay?"
The dancers all nod.
"Come here guys." I say opening my arms.
They all walk over and hug me.
"Go home early, give your parents a hug, okay?" I say.
Everyone nods and goes to their cubbies to grab their things and head home.
I grab my things from the office and drive home.
I lay in bed, watching TV, waiting for Michelle to call me.
Around 9.30pm she finally does.
"Hey." I say to her. "How are you."
"Hey, I'm okay." She replies.
"I'm really sorry Michelle." I sigh.
"It's fine, Em. I feel kind of guilty though... y'know. I don't feel as sad as I should. I mean... of course I love my mom but it's never been the ssme since she kicked me out for being lesbian." She says.
"Don't feel guilty about it. That's completely understandable." I reply.
"Thanks Emily. I gotta go but I'll keep texting you everyday. I love you." She blows a kiss down the phone.
I do the same. "I love you too." And with that, the phone call ended.

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