Chapter 20 - Steal Your Dreams

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Michelle's POV:
"Emily wait-" I say as she runs off but it was too late, she was already gone.
Stephanie was on the couch, laughing more than I've ever seen in my life.
"How could you be laughing, Steph?" I say, frustrated.
"What? It's not as if you care about her, right?" She asks.
"No, but those things were really hurtful. She was in love with me. For real." I shrug.
"Oh Michelle... it doesn't matter. You didn't like her so it doesn't affect you." Steph says.
"Yeah, but-" I say.
"No buts." Stephanie interrupts me. "This is ours now, babe. You have to forget about Emily. She's irrelevant to us, 'kay?"
I nod my head and sigh. I can't believe I ruined the only good thing in my life. Still, at least I can have the studio with my girlfriend...
"Can I at least go check she won't do anything stupid?" I ask.
Stephanie groans. "Ugh, fine. Go find her. I don't know why you want to but go."
I stand up and start searching around the studio, hoping she's still there.
I look around Studio A before going into the office.
I find the smashed picture on the floor and pick it up.
It was mine and Emily's Christmas photo. This was one of my favourite memories with her.
Tears started streaming down my face.
How could I let things get this far? I should've called it off with Steph months ago. I didn't love her, I never loved her. It was Emily. It's always been Emily. And now I've lost everything. I've ruined both mine and Emily's happiness. I should've done everything in my power to prevent this from happening. As soon as I first saw Emily when I came back to Toronto, I should've broken up with Steph. God, I'm such an idiot! How could I let the one good thing in my life go, and for someone who makes me feel like trash? I had to do something.
All of a sudden I'd remembered a conversation Stephanie and I had.
I knew what I had to do. I knew it wouldn't win me Emily back, but at least Stephanie wouldn't get the satisfaction she wanted.
I storm back to the lounge where Stephanie is still laughing about Emily.
"Stephanie." I say, firmly.
"Yes, babe?" She says.
"First of all, don't call me that, we're done. And second of all, get out of this studio, get out of this city and get out of my life. I'm not buying the studio with you." I say.
She immediately stands up.
"Michelle... you know I can't afford it on my own." She says.
"I know... a conversation that I wouldn't have even remembered if you weren't so mean to me. Your nastiness backfired, Stephanie. Now get out of this studio. You're not welcome here." I shout.
"You'll regret this." She says, her body, clearly, filling with rage.
"No, I won't. And if you come anywhere near me, Emily or the studio I'll call the police. Understand?" I say.
She panics, not knowing what to do. After standing for a few moments doing nothing she just storms out.
I sigh in relief, knowing that she won't come back. Inside she's just a scared little girl. She doesn't have the nerve to ever show up again.
I calm myself down, taking a seat for a few minutes.
I have to get the love of my life back.

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