Chapter 16 - Before She Cheats

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Michelle's POV:
I lay in bed trying to drown out the noise of the alarm. After around 5 minutes Emily finally turned it off.
"Come on." She shakes me. "We have to get into the studio early today to run the last rehearsal for Reuben."
"What for?" I ask.
"He's the Regionals soloist. Sorry, I forgot to tell you." She says, standing up and stretching.
"Just five more minutes? Please?" I beg. I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up early.
"Okay... but only five minutes!" She laughs, walking into the kitchen.
Exactly 5 minutes later she comes back with coffee.
"Okay... time's up. Drink this, it'll waken you up." She smiles at me.
"Thank you." I take the mug and drink.
After I finish my coffee we both get dressed and head to the studio.
Reuben was already sitting outside when we arrived.
"You're early." I laugh.
"I know... I'm just eager to get started." He smiles.
"That's what we like to hear." Emily says as she unlocks the studio doors.
Reuben had already perfected his dance but we had to run his rehearsal anyway. He's such a talented dancer.
Just as we wrap up all the other dancers come in.
They say 'hello' to us and start warming up.
"Okay dancers... today's our last day. We leave for Regionals first thing tomorrow morning. Orla, can you stay behind after rehearsal. We just have to run through your dolo a few more times." Emily says.
Orla nods at her.
After hours of dancing, rehearsals finally finish.
All dancers, except Orla, leave.
Emily starts to run a rehearsal with Orla and I head into the office.
After a while my phone pings.
1 new message from Steph😘
Michelle, come over please. We need to talk
I switch off my phone and try not to think about the text, but it wasn't easy. Before long my head had overpowered my heart and I found myself telling Emily I was leaving to go deal with some things.
I drove straight to Stephanie's.
She answered the door almost immediately once I knocked, like she was waiting for me.
She hugs me but I don't hug her back.
"Michelle... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. It was wrong and me and I really regret it." Stephanie says.
"Steph... those things you said hurt more than you know." I sigh.
"If I could go back and change what I said, I would. I love you Michelle. I love you so much." She cries.
I had never seen her this emotional and vulnerable before.
I look down at the floor, then to the ceiling and back to the floor before finally looking to Stephanie.
"I love you too." I say.
She smiles and hugs me again. This time I hug her back.
"This doesn't mean I forgive you, you know that, right?" I look in her eyes.
"Yeah... but what can I do to make you forgive me?" Steph smirks, running her fingers down my arm, onto my hips.
"Emily will be expecting me home... we leave for Regionals tomorrow morning." I shrug.
"C'mon Michelle... you've got time." She whispers.
Stephanie stops me before I can even finish my sentence by smashing her lips onto mine, pretty forcefully.
She wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me closer so there's little to no space between us.
"C'mon." Stephanie says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bedroom.
Even though I knew it was wrong, I still found myself following her into her room.
She kisses me again as we enter, slamming the door shut behind her.

Emily's POV:
"Okay Orla, you're definitely ready for Regionals. I'm so proud of you." I smile.
"Thanks, Miss Emily." She hugs me before leaving.
I quickly grab my things and head home.
It was around 9pm so it was getting pretty late.
"I'm home!" I shout, opening the door.
No answer.
"Mich? Are you home?" I say.
Still no answer.
I shrug it off and make myself some toast.
I sat around in the bedroom for a while, waiting for Michelle to come home.
Soon it was 10.30pm and she still wasn't home.
I decide just to go to sleep but before I do, I send Michelle a text.
Where are you? I'm going to sleep now, you'll have to make yourself something to eat when you come in x
I switch off my phone and try to fall asleep, but it wasn't easy because I was worrying about Michelle.

Michelle's POV:
I lay in bed with Stephanie.
"Am I forgiven?" She asks me.
"Yeah." I smile and kiss her before falling asleep in her arms. She was, surprisingly, the only one on my mind.

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