Chapter 11 - Waves

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Michelle's POV:
"Alright guys... you're doing great." I say to the dancers.
Today was our first rehearsal with the 10 official A-Troupe dancers. Emily was in the office doing some paperwork.
"Orla, how is your arial going?" I ask her.
She shrugs. "I've still not gotten it fully, but I'm almost there."
"Well, I think you can do it. Then we can put it in the dance." I say.
"Michelle... I don't know. I'm not confident with it." She says.
"C'mon! You got this!" I cheer her on.
"Okay..." She says as the dancers move back to give her space.

Emily's POV:
I'm in the office doing paperwork for Regionals while Michelle is running the rehearsal.
I hear a thud and then I cry.
I run out of the office to see Orla lying on the ground in pain.
"What the heck happened!?" I ask, kneeling down to her.
"I told her to do her arial- I'm so sorry Orla." Michelle says.
"Can you stand on it?" I ask Orla.
"I think so." She says.
I help her up, only for her to cry in pain.
I pick her up, carrying her to the bench. "I'll call your parents."
Orla nods and I go into the office and call her mom to come pick her up and take her to the hospital.
Once I've finished the phone call I storm out to Michelle and drag her back to the office.
"Why the hell would you do that Michelle!?" I shout. "You know she's not got her arial properly yet!"
"Well I thought she could do it because I actually have faith in these dancers, unlike you." She yells back.
"What's that supposed to mean? I have plenty of faith in my dancers. You have no idea how much of my time and effort I've given to these dancers, meanwhile you and Stephanie were swapping spit back in Madison." I scream at her. I don't even know what I'm saying.
"Don't bring her into this just because you were jealous I was with her over you for all those years." She shouts.
I'm taken aback by what she says. "We both know that is not the case."
She grabs her things. "Whatever. I'm going home."
"Rehearsal isn't done." I say.
"Well I am." She says, already walking away.
I sigh and sit down in my chair, frustrated.
The rest of the day went in so slow.
Orla had went to the hospital but we were yet to hear anything about her injury.
I was so angry with Michelle for what she had said and done.
Finally, the day was finished and I went home, only to find Michelle sitting on the couch, watching TV.
"So this is what you've done with the rest of your day when you should've been working?" I say.
"Yeah. I was sick of you treating me like garbage." She replies, still facing the TV.
"Are you kidding me?" I say. "After dumping me for no reason, I took you in, I gave you a job, I gave you a home when Stephanie left you and your parents threw you out."
"Why are you bringing up our breakup? It was over six years ago, get over yourself." She says, getting up off the couch and walking round to me.
"Get over myself? Are you for real?" I shout.
"Yes, I am for real." She says. "How long did it take you to get over me?"
I let out a sigh. I still wasn't over her when she came back to me.
My reaction was a good enough answer for Michelle. She turns around and walks into the bedroom.
I follow her in, pushing her against the wall and kissing her roughly.

Michelle pushes me off slightly. "What are you doing?"
"I'm ready." I say, still having her pinned against the wall.
"Ready for what?" She asks.
"This." I say, spinning us round and pushing her onto the bed.
I get on top of her and start kissing her neck.
"Emily... are you sure you want to?" She asks.
"Yeah... are you okay with that?" I ask her, pulling away from her neck, I look at her, still straddling her.
She smiles. "Yeah."
I pull off my top, revealing my red bra.
I see Michelle lick her lips before I go back to her neck, sucking it roughly.
Michelle's hands wander round to my back, unclipping my bra, taking it off me and throwing it across the room.
"God, Em.. you are so beautiful." She says.
I caress her cheek and smile before my hand moves down to her leggings. "Do you still want to?"
Michelle nods.
I get off her and remove her leggings, revealing a lacy thong.
I smile. "Fuck, Michelle. You're so hot."
"Thought you might like it." She smirks.
I attach my lips onto hers and push my hand into her underwear.
I don't really know what I'm doing which becomes obvious to Michelle.
"Take your time." She says in between kisses. "Here."
She puts her hand into her underwear, grabbing my fingers and directing them.
Slowly she pushes my fingers inside of her and she lets out a moan.
"God, Emily, you have no idea how good that feels." She pants, taking her hand back out and placing them on my naked back.
I begin to pick up the pace, earning low moans from Michelle which was turning me on.
"Take your top off." I say to her. "I want to see you."
She obliges, pulling her top over her head as I focus on making her feel good.
To my surprise she had not been wearing a bra.
I was entranced by her, her breasts turning me on even more than I already was.
I slip another finger into Michelle and I hear her gasp.
I pump my fingers harder and faster, Michelle's moans were becoming louder.
I felt her tightening around my fingers and knew she was close.
I put my mouth up to her ear and whisper, "Cum for me, Michelle."
And with that, she reached her high, the warm liquid pouring onto my fingers.
I sucking my fingers, tasting her. "You're so hot." I say, laying down beside her on the bed.
"Emily, you were incredible." Michelle smiles and begins tugging on my leggings.
I smile and let her, raising my bum so she could pull them off.
"My turn." She whispers, already pushing her hand down into my underwear.
I pant heavily as she feels around.
"Fuck, Em, you're so wet." She smirks.
"Well that's what you do to me, Mich." I giggle.
She smiles proceeds to do to me what I did to her.
After she is finished we both lie on the bed, out of breath.
⚠️End of maturity⚠️

"Maybe we should fight more often... if that's how it ends." Michelle smirks.
"Definitely." I laugh and kiss her before we both immediately fall asleep.

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