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Ghost's POV
It's been a couple of years ever since Radiance was stopped and everybody's doing great ever since the infection was gone.
Hornet is with her mother Herrah, Hollow recovered from Radiance's infection and became one of the great knights, my father is not a murder anymore and so much more has been going so well.
I live in Dirthmouth now and I am doing fine myself.
"I'm bored." I thought to myself.
I decided to head out, I grabbed my nail and left.
I went into the crossroads which is now called The Restored Crossroads.
I ran into Quirell on the way to Greenpath.
"Hey Quirell." I greeted him.
"Ey there pal!" He greeted back.
"So how are you and Monomon?" I asked him.
"We're doing really well! We've been pretty busy lately though. I actually gotta go." He said.
"See you later I guess." I said.
I waved goodbye to him and made my way to Greenpath.

(Note: Grimmchild is called Scarlet here)
Scarlet's POV
"I'm gonna go to Greenpath now dad!" I said.
Dad went up to me and kissed me on the forehead.
"Stay safe out there and don't come back late." He warned.
"I will. Love you dad." I left and made my way to Greenpath.

Ghost's POV
I've encountered some of the remaining infected enemies along the way, I was tired and a little bit lost until I found a bench nearby.
I was checking my map to see where i am, when suddenly I've heard some footsteps getting closer and saw a familiar figure coming next to me.
When I realized who the person was I've started to have a feeling of regret for what I've done to her, I've left her waiting for so long and she was genuinely really worried about me.
It was Scarlet...
She then gave me a tight hug while I blushed and tears started to drop from my eyes.
"I-I've missed you..." I whispered.
Then she gave a weak slap on my face.
"Ouch!" I said
"You should have told me! She said in a angry and sad tone.
"I'm really sorry, I tried to not get you worried!" I said while wiping my tears and hugging her.
She continued to cry and I wiped away her tears.
"Let's get back to Dirtmouth so i can explain to you what happened." I said and she nodded.

Scarlet's POV
I couldn't believe it. My best friend that's been missing for years just..... here again
At the same time I'm a little bit mad at him because he could've found me and the loneliness I've been through wouldn't have happened at all.
But he genuinely regrets what he's done and that makes me feel like that he really cares about me.
"Ghost?" I called him.
"Huh?" He looked at me.
"Do... you care about me?" I said.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I care about you." He hugged me and I blushed.
"Come on. Let's go to Dirtmouth and sort this out."
"O-ok." I said as we headed back.

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