Movie night

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It was night, the sky was dark and the weather was a little windy in Dirtmouth, Ghost was getting ready to go out with Scarlet.

Ghost's POV
"Ok Ghost relax... it's your first time hanging out with someone that you like so much, just don't mess it up." I thought to myself while i was looking at myself in the mirror.
I walked to the door to go outside and sat on a bench next to Scarlet's house to wait for her.
I've heard the front door open and saw a small girl in red. (Note: he is a bit taller than her)
"H-hi..." She said while greeted me.
"Hey..." I said a bit nervous
"So uh... any idea on where to go? Because I have no idea." She asked and gave short giggle.
"Oh yeah, I just thought we could go to the cinema in City of Tears." I suggested with a hopeful feeling.
"That's sounds good!" She smiled at me and nodded

Scarlet's POV
"I really hope nothing awkward happens." I thought to myself.
We were walking towards the City of Tears and we were talking about random things.
"Would you rather look like a potato or feel like a potato?" I asked him.
"I'd rather feel like a potato than look like one." He replied.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Well if I looked like a potato somebody might try and turn me into French Fries or something and I would look ugly." He answered sincerely and we both laughed a little
We kept walking towards the City of Tears and we saw Hollow, Dryya, Hornet and Broken on the way. They didn't seem to notice us when we were right behind them.
We overheard their conversation and they were talking about the potato question that Ghost asked me earlier.
While they were asking each other what being a potato would be like Ghost snuck up behind Hornet and whispered to her "Hey Hornet."
"Jesus! How long have you two been behind us?!" She asked.
"We've been behind you guys for a good minute or two." I said.
"You almost scared me". Said Hollow while he gave a little chuckle.

Ghost's POV
The six of us made our way to the cinema through the city, Scarlet, Dryya and Hornet were talking about girls stuff while me, Broken and Hollow were talking about how have been our days.
"So... what you guys been doing these days?" Broken asked me and Hollow
"Well, I've been quite busy training." Hollow responded.
"I've spent some time in Scarlet's house, it's been a long time that we haven't saw each other." I answered.
Both Hollow and Broken stared at me with a malicious face and laughed.
"You like her don't you?" Hollow teased.
"N-no I don't." I blushed.
"You do like her!" Broken insisted.
"Alright f-fine! Y-yeah I her!" I stuttered and turned red.
"But if you say anything to her... you are dead to me." I threatened them jokingly.
"Relax.. we'll shut up about it." Said Broken.
"Yeah. But you know that you are gonna have to confess to her at one point." said Hollow.
"I-I know but not now." I said.
"What are you guys talking about?" Hornet asked.
Hollow pulled her towards us and she asked "Well? What is it?"
"Well, Ghost just admitted that he has a crush on Scarlet." Broken said.

Hornet's POV
"Awwww that's adorable, you two are so cute together." I teased.
"Stop!" Ghost said with a red on his face.
"What are they talking about?" Scarlet looked at me with a curious face.
"Nah, just boys stuff *giggle*. I smiled.
We arrived at the cinema, we look at the movies that were on.
"Any good movies?". Ghost stood besides me.
"Ah this one looks good (insert any recent movie)!" Said Hollow looking upon the movie board.
"When's that on?" Scarlet asked.
"Uh... the earliest starts in ten minutes, waiting for this time can't hurt." Ghost said.

Ghost's POV
"Meanwhile let's get the tickets, popcorn and something to drink." I said.
Everyone nodded and went to buy.
I've chosen the seats where we were going to sit and bought the tickets for everyone.
We all entered in the cinema room, I sat next to Scarlet and the others next to each other.
The room was large, black and red with neon lights on the sides of the line of the seats, it reminded me of Grimm's theater.
While the movie was playing Scarlet rested her head on my shoulders and my face immediately turned into red and my heart was beating faster.
"Ok Ghost don't move!" I thought to myself.
"Y'know Ghost you feel like a pillow." She said.
"T-thank you." I tried to keep my cool.
I'm somehow getting really comfortable with this.
I put an arm around her and she looked at me and blushed.
I pulled her closer to me and immediately regretted it.
"You comfortable?" I asked her.
"Y-yeah i-im f-fine." She said.
When the movie ended, we all ended up tired and a few funny things happened during the movie:
Broken fell asleep because he was bored so I decided to prank him by putting ice on his back, Hollow ended up with a back pain because the seat was uncomfortable to him, Hornet ate all her popcorn when the movie haven't started and Dryya was throwing popcorn at Hollow since the movie started.
We left the cinema and went outside.
Because of the rain everyone got desperate because they didn't brought an umbrella, so Hollow and me used our cloaks as an umbrella and we made our way back to our houses.
Now it's just me and Scarlet heading back to Dirtmouth, she started to feel cold on her hands so she grabbed my hands and lace her fingers with mine.
My face became entirely red when I looked down on her hands, Scarlet was looking away, probably too embarrassed.

Scarlet's POV
I think I have an emotional warmth for being with him, it's feels like it's time to tell him or maybe not.
"Maybe i should confess to him tomorrow." I thought to myself.
"Sooo... what are your thoughts about this night?" Ghost asked.
"It was very fun, specially because you were there." I blushed as he blushed too.
"Hehehe...anyways, is kinda late we should go back to our houses, my dad will be worried about me." I said
"Sure, I hope you enjoyed this night". Ghost said in a happy tone.
"Of course I liked it." I kissed his cheek and went back to my house.
That was a pretty daring move.

Ghost's POV
I opened the front door of my house and got inside.
I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss on the cheek that she gave me.
"I'll have to confess to her...tomorrow..." I thought to myself and fell asleep shortly after.

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