The Move

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Scarlet's POV
Today is a big day. I will move to Ghost's house and live with him.
I just don't how dad will react if i tell him this new.
"Ghost!" I called him.
He leaned his head looking at me with a smile on his face.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I'm going to my house to talk with my dad about the moving." I said
"Sure!" He said happily while he quickly kissed my cheek.
I arrived at my house and saw my dad sitting on the couch.
"Hi dad! Sorry about yesterday, I had to sleep in Ghost's house because I was very tired." I said while I was afraid to tell him.
"It's okay darling, I know that you two are together so don't worry, I'm not angry or something." He smiled.
"Wow, I thought you were gonna be angry or something, but anyways I need to tell you something." I said.
"What is it darling?" He said curiously.
"I-I'm gonna move to Ghost's house...and live with him." I said very nervously.
"Oh, of course I'll let you stay in his house with him, he is your boyfriend after all and you two need to be closer." He said
"Dad, I don't know what to say...but thank you." I said relieved.
"It's okay sweetheart, just make sure to visit me because I'll miss you." He said with a happy tone.
"Of course I will." I said while I kissed his forehead.
I started to pack my things and little bit later the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I said.
I opened the door and Ghost was standing there.
"Hey Scarlet." He said as he waved at me.
"Hi Ghost!" I said.
I let him in and dad came to us.
"Sooo Ghost I heard that you and my daughter finally confessed to each other right?" He asked Ghost.
"Oh... That...... yeah we did confess to each other." He said.
"Well.. I just gotta say something." He said.
"What is it?" Ghost asked.
"You break her heart... you're dead to me." He said in a dark tone.
"Trust me dad he'll would never do that." I said.
"Grimm, I promise that I'll never do something bad like that." He promised.
"That's what I wanted to hear." He said while he patted Ghost's back.

Grimm's POV
We helped Scarlet to pack her things and bring it to Ghost's house.
"Ghost..." I called him.
"Yeah?" He answered.
"I'm sorry for being rude before." I apologized."
"It's okay Grimm, I regret for letting her waiting in that temple when the infection started and I'm trying to rebuild our confidence because of that." He said in a sad tone.
"Ghost..." I said while putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Take care of my daughter." I smiled.
"I promise". He said

Ghost's POV
Grimm went back to his house while me and Scarlet were left in the house in the living room.
"Ah, finally some time alone." Scarlet said in a seductive way.
"W-what do you mean?" I said while my face turned red.
She started to kiss me passionately as I put my hands on her waist.
"It's getting late I think we should sleep..." I said while hugging her.
She nodded and we went to the bedroom. (get those lewd thoughts out of here)
We took a shower before and dressed our pajamas.
We've layed on the bed and stared at each other smiling for a while.
"Ghost..." She said with a sleepy voice while she wrapped her arms around me.
"Huh?" I said.
"You still feel...*yawn* like a pillow." She said sleepily.
"Thank you." I said.
I brought her closer to me.
"Good night Ghost." She said while staring at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.
"Good night Scarlet. Love you." I said.
"Love you to-" I cut her off by kissing her.
She blushed madly and I chuckled.
"Y'know you're cute when you blush." I said.
"Sh-shut u-up!" She stuttered.
Your even cuter when you stutter." I said. (hey that rhymed)
She blushed even more.
"Anyways....good night." I said.
I wrapped my arms around her and we both fell asleep.

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