Radiant Retribution

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Ghost's POV
I heard Scarlet screaming happily.
"What happened?!" I shouted.
Then she came downstairs, her two hands were holding and hiding something behind her, then I became very curious.
"What you got there?" I asked her while trying to take a peek to see what she is hiding.
"Close your eyes..." She smiled and giggled a little.
I closed my eyes and waited.
"You can open them now." She told me.
I opened my eyes and she was holding a black and red egg.
"An egg...hmmm..." I was looking curiously.
"*chuckle* it's our child, love." When Scarlet said I became shocked suddenly.
"W-What!?" I jumped off the couch and stood up.
"Are you angry or something...?" She asked in a lower tone.
"No no no *chuckle* it's because I wasn't expecting this and I'm so happy that we are going to be a family." I hugged her tightly.
"This is the best thing that happened to my life." Scarlet was almost crying of joy.
"You'll be the best mom." I stroked her head.
"And you'll be the best dad." She kissed my cheek.
Damn I gotta think about how should I propose to her.
"Do you want it to be a boy or girl?" She asked.
"Honestly...it doesn't matter, I'm worried how we're going to take care of the child." I said worriedly.
"Remember that time when we took care of Lyn in the palace? It was like a parenting experience for me so I think that I don't need to worry too much about that." She said.
"Dang, I need have a serious talk with my dad about parenting." I smiled nervously.
"Should we tell your dad about this?" I asked.
"He certainly will be happy that he is going to be a grandpa." Scarlet giggled and we sat on the couch and start watching TV but suddenly my phone started ringing.
"Wait a second, I'll be right back." I said to Scarlet while I got up from the couch.
"Sure, love." She smiled.
I checked my phone and it was Hollow calling me.
"Oi Hollow, what's up?" I answered the phone.
"Sorry to interrupt your moment with Scarlet but father said to come to the palace tomorrow, we still have "that problem" to handle..." He said.
"Shit...does anyone else will come to the palace besides me?" I asked.
"I have a list here of everyone who is important that will go: The Six Great Knights (Hollow became the new member), Vespa, Hive Knight, Grimm, you, Scarlet, Hornet and Godseeker." He told me.
"Is this gonna be like a reunion?" I sighed.
"Yes and it's an urgent one but anyways I got some stuff to do, I'll see you tomorrow and good night." He said and I hanged up the phone.
I came back to Scarlet and let out a sigh.
"Is there anything wrong, love?" She asked me worriedly.
"Well....we gotta go to the palace tomorrow." I said.
"Why?" She asked.
"We still have to figure where Radiance is and finish her once and for all." I replied.
"She's still alive!?" Scarlet seems to be shocked.
"I should have killed her when I had time....I'm sorry." I clenched my fist with anger.
"Hey it's okay...she must be weakened so it will be way easier to finish her off." She calmed me down a bit.
"I hope so....but who will take care of the egg while we gonna be fighting her?" I asked.
"We can leave it with your mom at the palace." She said as she putted the egg on a pillow and putted on the center table.
"Perfect, now let's enjoy our free time." I said as we started watching then until we both fell asleep.
*The next day...*

Hollow's POV
I was with dad at the reunion room waiting for the others.
The other four knights arrived early and the others started to come later.
"You better have a plan this time, Wyrm." Grimm arrived and he sat on the table.
"Well yeah, our plan is to find and stop that goddamn moth before she infects the whole kingdom." Said dad.
"We can discard that option of Radiance trying to get the Godtuner to become powerful because Ghost already used it, so she will try to find another way to kill us especially you." Godseeker said.
"Could we just talk about where the hell she is!?" Dryya interrupted angrily.
"After we took care of her in Godhome she vanished away..." I said and tried to calm her down.
"She haven't flew away so she might not be so far from here." Ogrim said.
"Don't forget that we need to deal with the bugs who got infected." Vespa added.
"Damn...we still have this problem." I sighed.
"We need to split up and solve all of this." Dad suggested.
"One team to handle with the infected and other one to stop Radiance, right?" Ghost said.
He nodded affirmatively.
Ogrim, Isma, Ze'mer, Hegemol and Hive Knight volunteered to handle with the infected bugs while me, Dryya, Ghost, Scarlet, Hornet and Grimm will go after Radiance and Vespa and Godseeker will stay here at the palace because they don't want to fight or they don't know how to.
"Dryya, are you sure that you want to come with us? I mean...Radiance is very powerful and I w-worry about you." I said as we left the reunion room.
"Hah! That bitch ain't nothing, she thinks that she can take the kingdom, let me show to her who is in charge." She smiled evilly.
"But I don't want to get hurt..." I stroked her cheek.
"You're the one who should be careful." She giggled.
"Stubborn..." I sighed.
"C'mon you two, we gotta a job to do." Hornet called us as we nodded and readied our nails.

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