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Ghost's POV
I couldn't wait to finally rest after all of what happened, me and Scarlet headed back home tired.
My mom lend me some baby toys and other things because the egg will hatch very soon like tomorrow or even today.
We got inside the house the house as I jumped on the couch and laid down.
"*relieved sigh* Thank god that it's over, no more infection and no more moths trying to take over Hallownest." I said.
"So what will be his name?" Scarlet asked pointing at the egg.
"Is it going to be a boy?" I asked as Scarlet nodded and I smiled.
" about...Fynn?" I said.
"Aww that's a cute name." Scarlet said cutely.
"I'll be right back, just wait a second." I said as I went to the bedroom upstairs.
"Ok Ghost, you're going to have a child but then I need to propose to Scarlet, but how!?" I thought to myself nervously.
Minutes have passed as I tried to think about how I'm going to propose.
I'll try to ask Hollow for help tomorrow, even if he is not married but he got to have an idea.
"Ghost! Come here!" Scarlet called me as I went to the living room.
I saw Scarlet looking at the egg that was about to hatch.
"Is it hatching already?!" I said.
Then the upper part of the egg cracked and an adorable baby came out.
"Awwwww~... he is so cute!!" Scarlet almost died of cuteness while I did the same too.
"Welcome to the world, Fynn." I said stroking Fynn's head and my eyes were filled with tears of joy.
"Awww he have the eyes of his father." Scarlet said while she picked up Fynn.
"And wings like his mother." I said examining the little baby.

(Made by "the infected vessel" in Tumblr)Scarlet wrapped him in a baby cover and held him between her arms

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(Made by "the infected vessel" in Tumblr)
Scarlet wrapped him in a baby cover and held him between her arms.
"B-Bah!" Fynn said cutely.
"T-This is the most happiest thing that happened to me..." Scarlet said crying of joy while I hugged her from behind and smiled.
Some time has passed as we were taking care of Fynn by feeding, bathing and playing, I also learned that he is a bit messy because he almost set the couch on fire by accident (he sneezed a fireball).
The night came and Fynn was already sleeping and we were almost falling asleep too because we hadn't time to rest when we got home.
"Is he going to sleep with us?" I asked Scarlet while she picked up Fynn.
"Well, our bed is big so there is a space for one more." Scarlet giggled.
We went to the bedroom and got ready to sleep, Fynn was sleeping on the pillow in the middle next to us on the bed.
"Be careful to not wake him up with your snorings." Scarlet tried to hold her laughter.
"Seriously I don't snore." I said looking with an unfunny face.
"Anyways, I can't believe that we've come this far, I just feel one more thing missing but I don't know what is it." Scarlet said.
My mind was repeatedly saying "marriage" and then I got nervous again because I still don't know how to propose to her.
"Well, I kinda have a suprise for you tomorrow..." I said nervous.
"Really? I wonder what is it..." Scarlet said curiously.
"Heh if I would tell you the suprised will be ruined." I said.
"Hehe, anyways good night love and good night Fynn." Scarlet said as she kissed Fynn's forehead and we fell asleep.
Then something make me wake up in the middle of the night, I felt a little kick in my arm.
"Huh? Hey little buddy..." I woke up sleepy, it was like 3am.
It was Fynn, he was sitting and looking at me sleeping.
"Go back to sleep or your mom will kill us..." I whispered at him.
After we did a little stare contest, he went to check out our bedroom as I got up from the bed too.
"Bah!" Fynn pointed at the closet.
"This is a closet, see?" I opened the closet and it was full of clothes and my masks.
He nodded as he continued to explore.
"Bah...?" He pointed at the little glowing lampshade.
"This is a lamp, now it's bright and now it's dark." I said as I turned on and off the lamp to show him how it works.
He then looked at the mirror and got a little scared.
"Don't worry, it's just a mirror and our reflection." I said as he waved at himself at the mirror.
Then he pointed at downstairs to the kitchen.
"What do you want from down there?" I asked as I picked him up while we went to the kitchen.
He pointed at his mouth region, he was hungry I guess.
I putted him on the balcon and I grabbed some milk that was in the fridge and filled two cups of milk, one for me and one for Fynn.
"There you go." I gave him a cup of milk as he held with both of his hands and we drank.
"Feel better?" I smiled.
Fynn yawned and I picked him up again and we went back to the bedroom to sleep.

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