Awkward Memories

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Ghost's POV
The living room was quite empty, there was a few siblings playing with toys but they weren't making loud noises, some of them were sleeping on the pillows around the room, it was calm and quiet.
I've sat on the couch and tried to rest a little but suddenly I felt a light pain in my hands, I looked at them and they were bruised and even bleeding because of my fight with Hollow.
"Damn it..." I said to myself.
I can't use my focus ability to heal myself because I don't have enough soul and I tried very hard to hold the pain.
"Oh there you are- Oh god what happened to your hands!?" Scarlet walked in and she got worried when saw my hands.
"It's...nothing." I tried to hide my hands to not get her worried.
"Wait here, I'll be right back." She said and went looking for something that can relief the pain.
A few minutes passed and she returned with some bandages and a syringe with a blue substance in it (lifeblood)
"It will hurt a little but it'll pass soon." She said calming me down.
She then first wiped the black blood off my hands using a little wet cloth and injected lifeblood in each hand.
"Argh!" I let out a little cry of pain.
"It's's okay." She said stroking my head while she was bandaging my hands.
"Now I recommend you to rest." She finished bandaging.
Then I felt a relief in my hands, the pain has passed faster than I thought.
"Where did you learn how to treat injuries like that?" I asked.
"I have my ways." She giggled.
A few time passed we were watching my siblings playing around.
"Have you ever thought about this?" She said.
"About what?" I asked.
"Like our future and stuff like that." She blushed a little.
" you have any plans?" I said a bit nervous.
"Ah of course I have some plans especially for you *giggle*" Scarlet said and smirked maliciously.
Her face expression and what she said made my face turn really red.
"I'll be right back, stay right here." She got up and went to somewhere.
"Sure." I said
When she left Lyn jumped on the couch next to me.
"Oh! Hi Ghost!" Lyn said happily.
I turned around and it was Lyn.
"Oh it's s just you Lyn, you almost scared me hahaha." I said.
"Heheheh. I heard some explosions and some nails clashing earlier. You know what happened with that?" She asked me.
"Oh uh...that was n-nothing." I started sweating.
"Are you lying?" She asked me.
"N-no....." I lied.
"Ghost just....tell me what happened. Come on I'm your sis you can tell me anything."She told me.
"*sigh*That was me and Hollow fighting." I let out a sigh.
"W-what?! W-why were you two fighting?" She asked me worriedly.
"It's something......private." I said.
"Please tell me." She told me.
"O-ok. Before I tell you, you need to promise me something." I said.
"Wh-what is it?" She asked.
"Promise me that you'll never tell this to anyone especially Scarlet." I made her promise that.
"Pinky promise" She said while she grabbed my pinkie finger.
"Ok here it goes....... So remember that evil moth called Radiance right?" I asked her.
"Y-yeah." She spoke with a bit of fear.
"Well Scarlet was having a "dream" about her one night." I said.
"Then?" She asked me.
"When we went here yesterday I asked dad about it and he used his future prediction." I said.
"What he predicted was horrifying." I said.
"Wh-what w-was it?" She said scared.
"Radiance will return." I told her.
"Wh-what?! H-how?!" She exclaimed.
"I.... don't know how and I don't know when." I said.
"Of course dad also told Hollow about this and he was pissed so he blamed me and Scarlet." I added.
"And....that's everything." I told her.
She hugged me and started crying.
"Hey..... It'll be fine. If she returns I'm gonna teach her a lesson." I said.
"B-but wh-what if y-you d-die?" She said.
"That ain't gonna happen, do you think that a dumb moth will get rid of me?" I said.
"I guess you're right..." She said but she was still in tears.
I picked her up and said
"You poor thing hehehe." I said while wiping away her tears.
After a bit Lyn got a hold of herself and calmed down.
Then Scarlet walked into the room and asked me.
"Your hands feel better?"
"Yep. Thanks to you they're not bad as before." I answered.
"Awww look who is here." Scarlet said in a cute voice while looking at Lyn.
"Hi Scarlet!" Lyn said happily while she let her pick her up to give a hug.
"So...what are you guys talking about?" Scarlet asked to us.
"You know, the usual like random things and other stuff." I replied.
"Ah I always wanted to know how you two met each other." Said Lyn wanting to know about us.
"Our past is kinda awkward *giggle*." Scarlet said.
"Yeah and it all started when her dad wanted to "dance" with me hahahaha." I laughed.
"That dance was technically a battle where my dad tried to burn Ghost alive." Scarlet said.
"Really?" Lyn laughed.
"Yeahhh after a long time trying I eventually won and Grimm trusted me." I said.
"Then I met Ghost." Scarlet said.
"You were really shy hahahaha." I said.
"I still remember what happened that day haha." Scarlet said.

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