Already having a crush

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Ghost's POV
We arrived to Dirtmouth, it was day, clean weather and no wind.
Everything was calm with a happy energy.
"This place looks different but better since i was...gone." I said.
" sure does look different." Scarlet said in a sad tone while looking at my house. We went inside and sat down on the couch.
"What's the matter?" I saw that she was looking a bit sad.
"I miss the times when you always come to visit me." She said while she gave me a sad look.
"I'm sorry that I didn't go and find you right away." I seriously apologized.
"Could you just.....explain to me what happened?" She wanted answers.
"Well it all started back in the black egg after I stopped the infection.... I was supposed to be dead for good but I survived somehow, Hollow and my siblings also managed to survive. I wanted to look for you but I had to recover from the battle and I got so sidetracked that I almost forgot about you until you appeared in Greenpath." I told her.

Scarlet's POV
"Since you were gone, i kept asking my dad if he saw you or heard news about you." I said.
"Wait, is Grimm around here?" He asked suprised.
"He is probably busy taking care of the troupe or doing some random dad stuff, maybe tomorrow you can come into our house to see him and he'll be happy to see you." I said while giggling.
"Anyways it's kinda late, *giggle* it's funny how time passes faster the more we talk, I'll see you tomorrow lov- I mean Ghost." I said while my face turned into red.
"Yeah, I think we deserve to rest, by the way I am really happy to see you after all that time". He said with a red on his cheeks.
"I'm happy to see you too, anyways have a good night rest." I said while I left his house.

Ghost's POV
I waved goodbye at her and went to sleep.
I layed on my bed I couldn't stop thinking about her.
"Do I have a crush on her? Does she really like me that much? Should I call her on a date? When should i confess my feelings to her?" I kept asking for myself these questions on my mind.

Scarlet's POV
On my way back I couldn't stop thinking about Ghost.
"I have a crush on him.... Oh god." I thought.
"But how could I not, he's my best friend and he regrets not finding me and he wants to make it up to me...
I dunno! Ahh jeez emotions are weird!" I contemplated to myself.
I blush just thinking about Ghost. Eventually I made my way back to my house. I got in and dad was there who had an angry look on his face.
"What took you so long?" He asked.
"Dad... you remember Ghost right?" I asked.
"Yeah.... He was your best friend before he disappeared." He remembered him.
"Well......we met again today." I said.
"Wait.... Is he alive?" He was suprised.
"Yeah he's alive and he and some others started to restore Hallownest." I said this good new to him.
"He might come here tomorrow actually." I said.
"You should sleep. You don't want him coming here and you being asleep again." He giggled.
"Ok dad. Goodnight." I said.
I walked to my room and layed on my bed.
"Ghost why can't i stop thinking about you.... Auuuugggghhh..." I said to myself. I blushed again just thinking about him.
"I actually think I have a crush on him." I said to myself.
I fell asleep shortly after.

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