Special Arrangements

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Scarlet's POV
I woke up from the light coming out from the window in my bedroom, I saw my fiancé (Ghost) still asleep with Fynn on his arm, I went downstairs to prepare breakfast, then I saw Fynn suddenly in the living room
"How did you get down here so fast?" I said to Fynn, even though he can't speak yet. I finished making breakfast, I picked Fynn up from the floor and went upstairs
"Ghost, wake up." I said while Ghost slowly opened his eyes
"Good morning love." I said as I kissed his cheek
"Good morning honey." He got up.
We had breakfast as we talked about our wedding arrangement.
"Ghost, where do you think our wedding should be?" I asked
"We can use the Queen's Garden but I don't think it'll fit everyone, or maybe we should use the palace ballroom, it's huge." He said.
"Should we go to the palace today?" I asked.
"Sure, It'll be a perfect time to tell everyone about our wedding and Fynn." He said.
As we finished breakfast Scarlet teleported us to the palace we told everyone, my parents and friends, to come to the ballroom, we waited and as they arrived Ghost and I told them about a special announcement.
"Everyone, you're probably wondering why you are here, well, Ghost and I has a special announcement to make" Scarlet said
"*inhales* Ghost and I are getting married!"
Everyone cheered and that moment was very emotional, Ghost almost suffocated because Broken and Hollow hugged him so tight. First we chose the maids of honor and the groomsmans.
"Dryya, Isma and Hornet, you will be my maids of honor. I said as they screamed of happiness.
"Hollow, Broken and Quirrel, you'll be my groomsmans." Ghost said as they did like a victory pose.
"We need to prepare the invitations for the others that you want to invite." Mrs. White Lady said.
We made a list of everyone who we wanted to go to our wedding as Ghost told his siblings to deliver the invitations (they won't go to Deepnest, 'cause it's dangerous) and we left Fynn with Mrs. White Lady in the palace.


Ghost's POV
We started to organize the wedding with invitations and decorations.
Scarlet went with her maids of honor to choose her dress and hang out a bit. Me and my groomsmans chose our suits,
"Do I look good in green?" Broken asked as he came out from the changing room
"lookin' sharp hehe." Said hollow as he made guns gests with his fingers.
Hollow had difficulty to fit into any of the suits because he was so tall, but we found a suit 'suited' for him (pun intended) and finally my groomsmans and I picked a suit for me, I changed my clothes in the changing room and came out.
"So uh...what do you think?" I asked nervously
"It 'suits' you." Broken chuckled as we gave him a death stare.
"Do you think Scarlet will like it?" I asked.
"Well she loves you" Broken chuckled as I was ready to strangle him before releasing that that's true.
We bought the suits and went back to Hollow's house.
"So, bachelor party anyone?" Broken said.
"You read my mind." I said.
"But where?" Quirrel asked.
"What about we go to the bar?" Broken suggested.
"Sure." We all nodded as we went to the bar.
We arrived at the bar and it was kinda with more bugs, as we saw dad sitting along with two kingsmoulds on the balcon talking to the bartender.
"Hey dad, how's it going?" I said as we sat next to him.
"Hey kids and Quirrel, I see you guys are doing the bachelor party of Ghost, right? He asked.
"Yep, hey bartender, 5 glasses of whiskey please." Broken ordered.
The bartender nodded as he filled the glasses with whiskey and putted on the balcon.
"I'll pass..." Dad pulled the glass a little bit.
"C'mon dad, it's just one cup." Hollow tried to convince.
"*sigh* Fine but don't tell anything to your mother." Dad said as we all drank our cups at the same time.
*A few glasses of whiskey later*
Later we were extremely drunk as we started to tell jokes, laugh and argue about stupid things.
"10 points! Nice!" Quirrel said as he threw the dart right in the middle.
Hollow then threw a dart at the dartboard and completely missed.
"Nice try." Quirrel said.
"Oh yeah?! Check this out!" Hollow said as he came to dad.
"Hey Hollow what are you doing-" Hollow then grabbed dad as he threw him at the dartboard but he missed and dad got stuck in the wall (because of his crown thorns).
"I missed again, damn it!" Hollow said.
Me and Broken were talking about some things until someone entered the bar, it was Hornet's friend Lace.
"Who is she?" Broken asked as he was looking at Lace.
"Oh it's a friend of Hornet, she is from another kingdom, Pharloom, maybe she'll stay here at Hallownest according to Hornet." I said as Broken couldn't stop looking at her as I saw that he was blushing.
"Uhh...Broken?" I said as I waved in front of his face trying to see if he could respond but he just got up and went to talk with her even though he is drunk.
"Broken are you going to- *sigh*." I said as Broken sat next to Lace as I watched them.
"Eyyy girl." Broken said drunk.
"Uh-hey?" Lace said confused.
"Name's Broken nice to meet ya!" Broken said.
"I'm Lace..." She said as I left those two and went to see Hollow trying to pull out dad from the wall.
Then I saw Broken getting thrown into the dartboard hitting the middle, he must have annoyed Lace.
"Bullseye! 10 points!" Said dad still stuck in the wall as we all laughed, I pulled dad and Broken out of the wall we talked and had fun. It was getting late so we decided to go home, I decided to walk dad home because he was the most drunk, I really hope mom doesn't suspect that he's drunk.

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