A moment to remember

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Ghost's POV
Today is the great day, my bride is sleeping right next to me, I tried to resist looking at her, and save it for the wedding, I went straight down stairs and saw Fynn, drawing us, together, with me on the left, Scarlet on the right, and Fynn in between us and holding both of our hands, we look so happy together, I can't wait to finally be a family with my lovely wife and with my adorable son. I headed to the palace to spend some time with my siblings and get ready for the ceremony.
"I'll see you later, mommy will take care of you." I said to Fynn and he waved at me as I left and went to the palace.

Scarlet's POV
I've heard Ghost leaving the house and went to see Fynn.
"Aww who is the most cutie baby? It's you!" I said as a grabbed Fynn and tickled him
"I-I wove you!" Fynn said and I became suprised.
"Wow you're already learning that fast? Hehe I love you too." I said.
"U-Uh where did daddy go?" Fynn tried to ask where Ghost went.
"Well he went to prepare for something special for us, and then we'll be together." I said to Fynn and he just smiled.
I picked up Fynn and went to my dad's house to talk about the wedding.
"Dad." I said as we sat on the couch.
"Yeah?" He looked at me.
"Will you give me away?" I asked.
"Pfft of course not." He said ironically.
"*chuckle* I mean, will you walk with me to the podium?" I asked as he smiled.
"Oh...of course!" He said excited.
Then suddenly dad hugged me and he got emotional.
"Oh dad don't worry, he'll take care of me." I said as I hugged him back.
"My sweet baby girl, you're growing up so fast." Mom walked in and hugged me too.
"And we'll take care of him." I said looking at Fynn and he hugged my leg.
"Let's get ready." Dad said.

Ghost's POV
I was watching my siblings decorating the place and then Lyn came to me.
"Ghost, I'm so happy for you." She came wearing a suit.
"Why you're in a suit?" I asked as I felt weird seeing her.
"Well it's comfy." She said exhibiting herself.
"Do you want to change to a dress?" I asked.
"Well I want to wear what you wear but I'll try." She said as she went to change her clothes.
She came back wearing a dress.
"So what do you think?" She said.
"Awww you look adorable." I said as I chuckled.
"Well I guess I do." She giggled a little and was about to leave.
"Lyn wait!" I said as she turned back and looked at me.
"Yeah?" She said.
"I have an important task for you." I said and she became curious.
"What is it?" She asked.
"So, I need you to lead the flower parade when the ceremony starts, so you and our siblings are going to be the flower girls/boys." I explained to her.
"But what do I need to do?" She asked.
"Well, you just need to twirl this staff filled with petals and the others will throw flowers to the guests." I said while she was thinking.
"Hmm...I guess I can do that, I'll do my best!" She bowed as I bowed too and we both laughed a little.
Some time passed and I was walking around until I saw Hollow, Quirrel, Broken and dad talking about the wedding but I noticed Broken wasn't paying attention and he was staring off.
"Hey bro what's wrong?" I approached Broken and he let out a sigh.
"I'm just feeling guilty about that moment in the bar, Lace got mad at me." He said in a sad tone.
"Well, she is coming to the wedding so you can apologize her and maybe ask her out." I said.
"W-What!? No! She doesn't like me." Broken blushed.
"Aw come on, it's worth a shot." Hollow said as him and dad looked at us.
"Ok let's get to the point, son if you don't talk to her you're grounded." Dad said and me and Hollow laughed.
"Fine...fine, alright I can do this." Broken sighed.
"That's the spirit!" Hollow said.
Then suddenly I heard Scarlet and her parents arriving.
"Well I guess it's time to prepare." Dad said as he went to greet them and don't let me see my bride.
Me, Quirrel, Hollow and Broken nodded at each other then we went to get ready for the wedding.

Scarlet's POV
I went to the dressing room with my maids of honor to get prepared.
I came out wearing my wedding dress and the maids were surprised.
"You look gorgeous, even I'm jealous." Isma said.
"Ghost will be amazed if he sees you." Hornet smiled.
"I think he will, Hornet." I said to Hornet.
"Don't forget the veil!" Dryya said as I wore the veil then we got ready.
"H-Horn..." Fynn tried to say Hornet.
"Oh he's going to say my name!" Hornet looked at Fynn surprised.
"Horny!" He said as we laughed and Hornet was looking with a bland face.
Some time passed and then we arrived at the palace's ballroom, everything was colorfully decorated and everyone was there.
I saw Lyn and Ghost's siblings throwing some flowers to the guests and that was so adorable to see.
The ceremony started, I was walking along the ile, my dad's hand in hand, Hornet holding my veil, Dryya and Isma on my sides then I saw everyone looking at me, Ghost's parents and all their (many, many) children, Fynn on Mrs. White Lady's lap and mom that was looking so proud of me.
As we were near to the podium dad took his hand off me and sat next to mom and I was getting closer to my groom until I was finally there.
The music stopped and the snail shaman started to have his speech.
"Oh my god he is so handsome!" I thought to myself looking at Ghost and he was also very surprised with my look.

Ghost's POV
"She looks so goddamn pretty." I said when I saw Scarlet walking to the podium.
We were looking at each other while the shaman was still giving his speech.
Some minutes later we got to the point.
"Now, do you have something to say?" The shaman looked at me.
"Here we go, Scarlet...when I was young I was an emotionless being but then you changed that when I saw you, you made me have emotions and mostly you made me feel love, love for the most precious things in the world which is you, my friends, my family and our lovely little son." When I said those words, Scarlet became emotional, I could see tears in her eyes, I saw my dad wiping a tear on his eye and mom with Fynn smiling at me.
"And what about you?" The shaman looked at Scarlet.
"Ghost, in the past I was powerless, I was sad and weak, but when you came and became friends, everything changedand after years when you were gone, you came back to me like you promised and every single day we spend our time together I could feel that feeling in my heart getting stronger, I was happy, I am happy and I always be happy...with you." She said as more tears were escaping from her eyes and mine too.
"Ghost, son of the king and the queen of Hallownest, do you take Scarlet to be your wife, to take care of you in sickness and be with you in sadness?" The shaman continued.
"I do." I said trying to not get too emotional.
"And Scarlet, daughter of the Nightmare king and queen, do you take Ghost to be your husband, to give you a shoulder to cry and to be at your side all the time?" The shaman said then I saw Grimm starting to tear up a bit and Millie calming him down.
"I-I do!" She said trying to fight back from her tears.
"I renounce you two husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride." When the shaman said that, we got closer and then we kissed as everyone cheered up and popped some confettis.

Broken's POV
*crying emotionally*
"Are you crying?" Hollow looked at me a bit worried.
"No, I'm just...allergic to happy moments like this." I said as I took Hollow's tie to wipe my tears and blows my nose.
"Aw come on! That tie was expensive!" Hollow said slightly annoyed trying to clean his tie.
"Sorry..." I said.
Some time later and I saw everyone dancing, talking and laughing until I saw Lace talking to Hornet then I was kinda feeling bad because of that night in the bar.
"Are you going to talk to her or not?" Hollow asked.
I sighed and looked at Lace again.
"Fine." I got up from the chair and went to Lace.
"Uhm hey..." I said nervously.
"Oh...it's you." Lace said trying to avoid me.
"Look, I'm really sorry about the other day at the bar, I wasn't (literally) myself." I apologized.
"Hmmm...apologies accepted, nice to meet you Hornet's brother." She said and smiled a bit.
"Well I'm kinda her half brother but let's not get into that, nice to meet you Lace." I said as I blushed a little.
We stared at each other for a while until I took courage and said
"Uhm shall we dance?" I blushed hard.
"Uhh well I kinda want to-ahh!" I grabbed her hand as we started to dance.
We both smiled at each other as we were blushing hard.
"Well that was fun, maybe we should like...hang out sometime." I said as we stopped.
"Hmm well, that sounds good but now let's enjoy your brother's celebration." Lace said as we took a seat and started talking, I also saw my dad in the back looking proud of me and did a thumbs up.

Ghost's POV
Looks like everyone is happy, eating, dancing and Lace accepted Broken's apology.
Then I saw Fynn he was talking to a a little moth that kinda reminded me of her...
But I decided to walk to them, as I was approaching them the little moth looked like exactly like her.
Golden eyes, fluffy and the three thorns on her head but this might be just a coincidence.
"So Fynn, who's your new friend?" I asked curiously.
"Oh this is Shimmer, we just met today." Fynn said as I was observing the little moth that also waved and smiled at me.
"Well it's nice to meet you Shimmer, it's nice that my son got a friend." I said as I stopped getting worried.
"Well son, have fun with your friend I'll be back." I left those two talking.
The night came as me, Broken Hollow and the others threw a party, we had some drinks and as it was almost late and we were almost getting drunk, we decided to go back to our places.
"Hey dad, can Shimmer stay with us? She's kinda lonely." As we were making our way back home Fynn asked me while holding the little moth's hand/wing who was looking at me with a sad face.
"I don't know..." I said as I was thinking.
"Aw come on Ghost, he made a new friend we'll see what we can do about her." Scarlet said convincing me.
"Hmm fine but I don't want these two messing the entire house." I said convinced.
"Yay you hear that Shimmer?" Fynn said to the moth.
"Thank you Mr. Ghost, I won't cause any problems." Shimmer smiled at me.
It looks like she has been..."reborn" but at least she is not like she was before.
The fireflies were illuminating the path as we were walking hand by hand back home, now I can't wait to rest and wake up in the next day with a new life.

(So guys this is basically the end but I don't know if I should add more things or if you guys want to suggest something, could be another chapter or even another story.)

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