The White Palace

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Scarlet's POV
The morning came and we woke up a little bit late than usual.
Ghost was already awake but i was still sleepy.
"Good morning..." I said while I gave him a sleepy smile as I stare at his empty eyes.
"Good morning love." He said while he kissed me on the cheek.
We did our morning routine and got ready to go to the White Palace to visit Ghost's parents.
We were making our way to the but outside was very sunny and hot, I even brought a parasol but it was still hot.
"Jeez...did the sun became bigger or what?" I said.
"Yeah, it's kinda annoying me." He said while he lifted his arm to cover his face.
I started to sweat but I suddenly felt relief, Ghost was in front of me covering me from the sunlight.
"Ghost d-don't do this your face and skin will burn or something." I said worried.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." He said while he was not caring about the sunlights.
"Oh, I think I can teleport us to the entrance of the palace, my dad taught me this power that I inherited." I gave him this idea.
"Fine, but don't teleport us to the sky or inside the ground *giggle*" He said.
"Y'know one time I teleported like 10 feet in the air and fell flat on my face *giggle*" I said.
"*giggle* Lets hope that doesn't happen again." He said.
"Yeah, but I never tried to teleport more than one person." I said with a little bit of fear.
"You don't need to to this, we can use the Stags or the trams." He said.
"Nah, I wanna try this *giggle*." I said
"Stubborn..." He said while he gave a little chuckle.
"Ok...ready?" I asked while I was preparing myself.
"Ready..." He said.
"3...2...1 and to the palace!" I said while I used my teleport ability.
Then in a blink of an eye we were in the entrance of the palace and gladly both of us didn't get hurt.
"Ghost, are you ok?" I said worried about him.
"Oh that was fast and we didn't get hurt." He said while he scratched his head.

Ghost's POV
We were in the entrance of the palace and there was a kingsmould securing the gate.
"Uh this the King's place?" I asked
"Affirmative, but first I have to certify that you're not an impostor." The kingsmould said.
"Ok, wait a second..." I raised the palm of my hand showing the King's brand and suddenly it started to glow.
"Oh, you're one of his children, my apologies for mistrusting you." The kingsmould apologized.
"Is she with you?" The kingsmould asked while he pointed to Scarlet.
"Yes, she is." I said.
"Alright, you two can enter now." The kingsmould said while opening the gate.
We entered in the White Palace, I can also say that this place changed a lot, no more buzzsaws, no more spears and no more spikey plants (note: And no more path of pain).
"Woow...this place is beautiful." Said Scarlet with an impressed expression.
"Yeah, my father did a great job of renovating this place, but I still have some bad memories here (*cough trying to parkour around *cough getting hit by a buzzsaw*cough)."
We entered in a corridor and the walls had pictures of me and my family.
"Hahaha you have a lot of siblings." She said while looking at one of the pictures showing me and my siblings.
"Yeah, some of them are playful and some are very quiet and shy." I said
"Awwww they look so adorable." She said when she looked at another picture of my siblings sleeping.

" She said when she looked at another picture of my siblings sleeping

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(Art made by Sloth-Power in DeviantArt.)

Then I saw a familiar figure walking in the hallway, It was my mother (aka White Lady).
"Mom?" I called her while she noticed me and Scarlet.
"*gasp* Ghost!" She said while she gave me a tight hug.
"Nice to see you mom!" I said.
"Nice to see you too!" She said.
"So son how have you been doing?" She asked me.
"I've been doing well mom!" I said.
"Hornet told me that you're in a relationship. So who's the lucky girl?"My mother asked.
"Oh Scarlet? She's here with me actually." I said.
Then Scarlet showed up.
"Hey there Ghos- Oh! hello there Mrs.White Lady!" Scarlet greeted her when she saw my mom.
"So you're Ghost's girlfriend?" She asked.
"Uh..yes!." She said while she blushed a little.
"You're perfect for him!" She said excitedly.
"By the way Ghost, why don't you go see your father and your little brothers? They must miss you, while I'm going for a walk with Scarlet around the palace." My mom said while she gave me a smile and went for a walk with Scarlet.
"We'll be right back." Scarlet said while she kissed my cheek.
"Sure." I said.
I kept moving in the corridor until I heard some giggles and little footsteps coming from a door.
I opened the door and saw my siblings playing while my father (aka Pale King) was watching them.
"Big sib! Big sib! Big sib!..." They kept repeatedly saying when they saw me, while they all surrounded me to give me hugs.
"Hahaha, you have no idea how much they missed you." My father said while he went to greet me when he saw me.
"Hey dad!" I said while I finished hugging my little brothers.
"Hello son, it's good to see you here!" He said while he gave me a hug and patted my back.
"So...I've heard that you have a girlfriend, is it true?" He asked curiously while he gave a teasing smile.
" is true." I said while I was a bit nervous.
"Awww, then who is your girl?" He asked.
"Scarlet...She is Grimm's daughter." I said while blushing.
"I knew it!, Grimm was telling me that something was going on." He said.
"She's actually here right now with mom."I said.
"Well..... I'm rooting for you and Scarlet." He said.
"Thank you dad."I said.
"Anyways you should explore around the palace and see some of your brothers and sisters cause they actually really miss you." He said.
"Ok dad. See you later lil bros." I said.
"Bye!" They said.
I kept walking throughout the palace and ran into a couple of my siblings.
I rounded a corner and bumped into another sibling of mine.
"O-oh! S-sorry!" She said.
"Its fine Lyn." I said.
"W-wait... Ghost is that you?" She asked me.
"In flesh and bones." I giggled.
"I missed you a lot!" She hugged me.
"Awww I missed you too." I said while hugging her back.
"I still can't get over how tall you are. Same thing with Hollow." She jumped trying to reach my height.
"*chuckle* short..." I made fun of her.
"Hey! You were short at one point too!" She said.
(note: His siblings are much shorter than him lol)
"Touché." I said.
"So how have you been doing Ghost?" She asked me.
"I've been doing great! I got into a relationshi-" I cut myself off.
"Ooooooo you're in loveee~" She said teasingly and I blushed.
"Yeah.....My girlfriend is actually here with mom exploring around the palace." I said.
"So how have you been Lyn?" I asked her.
"Oh! Uh.... You know I'm doing great! I haven't fixed me being shy though......" She said.
"Y'know what I could introduce you to her." I said.
"To her?" She was a bit nervous.
"Yes." I said.
"Wh-what? N-no! You know I'm s-shy around new p-people!" She stuttered.
"Relax. Scarlet is really nice. She'll like you!" I said.
"I dunno....." She said.
"Aw c'mon! Just try it! She could help you with being shy!" I convinced her.
"Auuuggggh why can't I disagree? F-fine G-ghost!" She said while crossing her arms.
I picked her up and put her atop my head. She grabbed on to my horns as I started to walk around while looking for Scarlet.

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