Dream or Nightmare?

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Ghost's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night, we were still on the couch and Scarlet was still sleeping.
I turned off the TV as I silently grabbed Scarlet in bridal style and brought her to our bedroom.
While I putted her on the bed she started to say some interesting words.
"No...Ghost...don't...leave...me..." She said while she was dreaming or having a nightmare as tears started to drop from her eyes.
"Scarlet..." I woke her.
"G-Ghost...?" She said while she started to cry.
"It's okay...I'm here." I tried to calm her down while hugging her.
"W-why is this h-happening to me? I'm getting s-scared.." She said while she continued to cry.
"It'll go away eventually. I know that you're scared but I'll be right here with you." I said.
"Ghost..... stay with...me p-please..." She begged.
"I promise you." I said while I held her hands.
I hugged her tightly and she snuggled up.
"You can explain your nightmare if you want." I said while i was worried.
"I was in a strange place, everything was foggy with some bright things floating."
When i heard that I remembered of the Dream Realm where i used to go to fight and obtain essence during the period of the infection.
"A-And then...I-I saw...you and everyone...dead..." She said while she was sobbing.
"Ok that's enou-" I got cut off by her.
"A-And a...moth?" She said confused.
"Oh no..." I thought to my self while I was shocked when I heard that.
"Wh-why? I-is it something b-bad?" She asked.
"That was the Radiance. The thing that started the infection." I explained to her.
"She is also the reason that I was gone for many years in the past." I added.
"Y-You killed her right?" She said.
"Yes of course, she was the source of the infection." I said.
"W-What if you didn't kill her? W-What if she is coming back?" She said while she was scared.
"That would be impossible, but if she truly comes back I won't hesitate to face her again." I said while I clenched my fist.
"B-but w-what i-if you d-die?" She said while tearing up.
"I won't die, I promise you." I said.
"I don't want to l-lose y-you a-again!" She said.
"You won't lose me, I have a girlfriend to love and have a future with." My face got really red when I said this.
"R-Really?" She said while she wiped her tears and blushed hard.
"Yes..." I said while I gave her a long kiss trying to console her.
"Feel any better..?" I asked
"Hm...much better." She said with a more calm tone.
"You're beautiful and sweet." I started to say lovely things about her.
"A-And you're handsome and lovely." She said with a blush on her face.
"Ghost..." She called me.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Just to let you know that I won't be the same if I lose you again." She said with a sad tone.
"Don't think this way, Scarlet...How many times I have to say that I'll always be with you?" I said.
"I know...I know...It's because I can't stop thinking about it." She said.
"Try to think about the good things that could happen to us." I said trying to cheer her up.
"Yeah... though we may have had tough times in the past we're still for the most part really happy now. Especially me since you came back and we've gotten closer and closer." She said while she gave a little smile.
"You remember that time back in fog canyon where you shot an Ooma and it came flying at my face and blew up?" I said.
"Pffft Hahahahaha!" She burst out laughing.
"You feel better now?" I asked her.
"Yeah! Nobody could ever cheer me up this fast! I suppose that's another reason why I love you!" She said.
"Awww thank you." I said while blushing.
I kissed her on the forehead and she hugged me.
I stroked her head lightly and she cuddled with me and felt asleep.
"Good night." I said before falling asleep.

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