Training and Concerns

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Scarlet's POV
After me and Ghost spent the whole day in his parents house we decided to leave but Mrs. White Lady said that we could sleep at the palace and so we decided to spend one night.
I started to notice that Ghost was behaving strangely, he was too quiet and it looked like he was scared as we headed back to our house.
"Are you okay love?" I asked while I slowly putted my hand on his shoulder.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine." He said.
"We should sleep, it's getting late by the way." I suggested.
He nodded as we layed on the bed and tried to sleep.
A few hours later I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that Ghost wasn't sleeping.
He was sitting with his hands covering his eyes.
"'s like 3am you have to sleep." I said sleepily.
"I'll try..." He said with a non-emotional tone.
I cuddled up with him as I fell asleep.
The morning came and he wasn't on the bed, he woke up early.
I called by his name, but I he didn't responded.
I went to the living room and he was there sitting on the couch staring at the floor.
"Ghost, what's the matter? Did something happened?" I asked.
He remained silent for a while.
"Do you really want to know?" He said while he looked at me.
"Y-Yes..." I said with a little bit of fear.
"S-Scarlet.....remember that you thought about bad things that could happen to us, specially with me?" He said.
"Y-Yeah, why?" I said with fear.
"You know what.... forget what I said." He told me.
"Ghost please tell me." I tried to convince him.
"N-no its better if you don't know." He insisted.
"Ok....I won't force you." At the moment I got very curious but at the same time I was very worried about him, he never behaved like that.
I gave him a hug and he hugged me too.
"Please Ghost cheer up.....for me" I said giving him a sad look.
"Hehe I cannot resist you.....*chuckle* Ok I'll cheer up just for you." He smiled.
"Yay!" I said happily.
"By the way me, Hollow, Hornet will practice our combat skills." He said.
"Sure, but I don't know how to spar." I said.
"Nah, you can use your fireballs *giggle*." He said.
"I hope I don't set the place on fire hahahaha!" I said and laughed.
A bit of time passed and I noticed that his expression changed, he is not that emotionless self rather he was his happy self from before but I still suspect that something very seriously happened to him that made him act strangely last night.

Hollow's POV
I was training at the palace in the training camps.
I recovered that "Pure Vessel" powers and that gives me a great advantage in combat.
Then suddenly my father walked in.
"Hollow...I gotta tell something very important, but don't panic." He said while he was a bit with fear.
I checked if someone wasn't near us to hear our conversation.
"Ok...what is it?" I asked.
*Minutes of explaining later*
"She...she will return." He concluded.
I grabbed my nail and cutted the head of the training dummy.
"Calm down son, she haven't returned yet, but when the time comes we'll know what to do." He said worried about me.
My anger and fear has risen up.
"Listen here old man, I don't want to be locked into that temple just for someone comes and take my place like in the past, if Scarlet haven't remembered The Radiance none of this would happen." I said while I turned my back to him.
"Hollow..." He called me.
"Shut up!" I yelled at him and left him alone.

Ghost's POV
Me and Scarlet were walking through the hallway in the palace when suddenly saw Hollow, he was very angry and he bumped into Scarlet making her fell on the floor.
"Oh, sorry." He apologized.
"What happened bro?". I asked while helped Scarlet to get off the floor.
"I'll tell you later." He said while he walked away.
"Bro, I'm not forcing you or anything but you need to tell me." I tried to convince him.
"Fine, meet me in the training camp and then we'll talk." He said and kept walking away.
"Jeez... I never seen him like that." I said worried.
"Me neither." Said Scarlet confused of what happened.

Scarlet's POV
After I noticed Hollow's behavior, I suspected that the same thing that happened with Ghost happened with Hollow too but different.
There is something very serious going on, maybe I should ask Hornet.
"So Ghost, I'll go look for Hornet then we'll meet at the training camp." I said.
"Sure, I'll go do something." He said while he pulled his nail.
"W-What are you gonna do?" I asked worried.
"I'll be back." He said while he ran to the training camp.
"Ghost wait!" I called him but he is already gone.

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