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Ghost's POV
We need to save my father and stop the Radiance but we need to know where she is.
"So does anyone know where did she go?" I asked everyone.
"She went to Godhome to recover and will try to deactivate the seal of bindings so she will infect the rest of the kingdom but she needs the Godtuner to become powerful." Grimm said.
"You mean this thing?" I said showing the godtuner to him.
"Wait, how did you get it?" He asked suprised.
"I was in Royal Waterways exploring the Junk Pit long time ago and a bug called "Godseeker" gave it to me." I said.
"What does this thing do actually?" Scarlet asked looking at the device.
"Hmm...once I saw that father was studying this thing and he said that you can become very powerful like a god or something." Said Hollow.
"Wow really!?" I said impressed.
"Let's find out when we fight her." Hornet said encouraged.
"Ok before we go we need more help, our group can't fight her just us when Radiance recovers." Grimm said.
"Quirrel can help us if we find him." I suggested.
"The Mantis Lords and the Hive Knight can help too." Hollow added.
"Don't forget about me!" Broken appeared suddenly.
"Wait how did you get out of the palace?" I asked.
"Well...I felt that you guys were in danger so I said to mom to open the exit to help you." He said.
"And where is dad?" He asked.
"The Radiance captured him and we need to stop her." I said.
He got shocked when he heard that but he nodded and readied his nail.
"Ok we need to split up, Ghost and Hornet will search for Quirrel while Hollow and Broken will search for the Mantis Lords and me and Scarlet will search for the Hive Knight." Grimm planned.
"We'll meet at the entrance of Royal Waterways." He added.
We all nodded, readied our weapons and prepared to go.

Radiance's POV
I've finally recovered from my wounds, they almost got me.
"Damn vessels nearly tore me apart." I thought to myself.
The seekers looked at me and I heard them whisper:
"The forgotten light..."
"Mindless dumbasses." I whispered.
I went through the hall of the gods and I was disgusted about some of the placements.
"Ha! That Pure Vessel as a god?! That weakling couldn't even contain me properly!" I said.
I was observing the statues according to the placements including a statue of myself and suddenly I saw a statue different from the others.
"What is this thing?" I thought.
The statue is of a strange creature with four arms, eight eyes and with tendrils that trail behind it.
The description just says "Void given focus." and I remember when I was fighting the vessel who banished me, the void form that came out from that mask, it can't be.
"No! No one is powerful than me and no one will take me down." I thought proudly.
Godseeker was staring blankly at it.
"What are you looking at?" I asked.
"Your pride scares me if you think you're powerful than this creature ." She said.
"Speaking of powerful, where is the godtuner?" I asked looking at her.
She suddenly became tense.
"Uh...I don't know...I-I might have lost it." She said while sweating.
"There is no way that you lost it, you gave it to someone!" I said infuriated.
"Uh...yes...I-I gave it..." She said with fear.
"TO WHO!?" I asked furiously.
She stayed in silence knowing that there will be consequences.
"YOU IDIOT!" I slapped her using my wings and she hit against the wall.
"I thought I could trust you but I was wrong, you'll be dead along with the Wyrm." I threatened.

Ghost's POV
Me and Hornet were in Fog Canyon looking for Quirrel and killed some of the infected bugs along our way.
"Do you think he will help us?" I asked Hornet.
"If we find him of course he will." She said.
"Help in what?" Quirrel suddenly appeared.
"Quirrel!" Me and Hornet said suprised.
"So what's going on?" He asked.
"We need your help, Radiance returned and captured our father." I said while hoping he will help.
"Not to mention that other bugs became hostile as well." Hornet added.
"Oh's happening again like before." Quirrel said worriedly.
"So what do you say?" I asked.
"I'll do everything for my friends and everything to keep Monomon safe." He said confidently while readied his nail.
"If we made it alive meet me in the city's cafe." Hornet said.
Quirrel blushed and nodded.

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