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Scarlet's POV
The sun rised at Dirtmouth, birds were singing, everything was calm and quiet.
I looked at my phone to text Hornet (Note: they talked about the relationship between her and Ghost).
"Hey Hornet, are you awake?". I texted to her.
"Yes I am, but why did you wake up so early?" She texted back
"Well... I'm kinda nervous." I replied.
"Because of what?". Hornet asked curiously.
"I'm going to confess to Ghost." I texted while I was screaming inside my mind.
"I know that you're nervous, everything will be alright, you just need to relax." Hornet texted to calm me.
"Ok...ok, I just don't know how will he react". I texted.
"He will probably stay with you, because you two have a crush with each other." Hornet texted confidently.
"Wait, how do you know that he has a crush on me?" I texted curiously while i blushed.
"He told me in that day when we went to the cinema." She texted and I was suprised.
"When the moment comes tell him, just wait for the right time." She added.
"Thanks for the advice, I'm going to call him."
"No problem." She replied.
"Oh god.....I'm gonna actually do this. I.... can't believe it.... he actually feels the same way as I do." I thought.
I made my way to his place.

Ghost's POV (Note: the longest one)
I was playing some videogames but I was bored anyways.
I've heard a knock coming from outside my front door, I looked at the window and saw Scarlet waiting for me.
She seems to be nervous as i can see that she was looking down with an embarrassed expression.
I went downstairs making my way to open the front door to her.
"Hey Scarlet, how's going?" I greeted her when I opened the door.
"H-hey... do you want to... hang out a little bit?" She asked me.
"Sure, I was getting bored, thank god that you appeared." I said relieved.
"Great, let's go then!" She said.
We went through some places until we stopped at Queen's Station.
The place was empty, during this time of the day people are still working so the place tend to be empty.
Scarlet and I sat next to each other on a bench.
"Hey Ghost..." She called me.
"Yes?" I looked at her.
"... Do you mind me if i become a little selfish for a bit?"
Those words hit my chest.
Her voice was soft and warm.
At this moment I felt open up about what I want.
"You can be selfish all you want, there is no need to ask that." I said while I blushed.
Scarlet smiled brightly as she lays her head on my shoulder.
There was a silence for some seconds.
It's just the sound of the wind and us.
I can feel my heart beating strongly.
But, despite this, I need to have courage and confess to her.
"I probably haven't said this to you you..." I said while my face went a dark shade of red."
"Oh..." She pulls her head away from my shoulder, and stares at my face with a shocked expression while blushing.
However that expression soon turned into a soft smile, as i gaze towards her.
" you too..." She looked at me while her face blushed hard.
"You're the fire that keeps my heart warm." I said those words while my face turned more red.
"Hahaha that's a good one." Scarlet giggled.
"I'll never chose anyone else, because I'll always stay with you-"
I paused her at this moment and I stared at her red scarlet eyes.
Her words pierced through my heart.
I slowly closed my eyes, as I moved my face closer to hers.
She did the same, as if she was attracted by a force.
The closer we get to each other, the more I can feel her breath near me.
My heart beats strongly, because of this moment.
"Will I do it right? Will she enjoy it?" These thoughts crossed through my mind but it got cleared up.
The girl in front of me is the girl with the beautiful red eyes, the girl that chose me out of everyone else, the girl whose smile makes my day better, the girl who is now my girlfriend.
Her presence is the most important thing to me now.
...We kissed...
Our fingers were tangled between each other's hand.
The world around us doesn't matter anymore in that moment.
It was just Scarlet and me.
That was...our first kiss...
A moment that we'll never forget.
"I love you Scarlet...." I said softly.
"I love you too Ghost." She said.
We held each other's hands and we pulled each other into a hug.
"I promise you Ghost that I'll love you till the end of time."
She said.
"I promise you that too." I responded.
"You know that they're gonna tease us right?" She said.
"Yeah. At least when they get in a relationship we'll be able to tease them." I said jokingly.
"Hahahaha that's a great idea." She said.
"You wanna go now?" I asked here.
"Nah... I wanna stay here with you for a bit more." She said.
We sat there for a while.
Then I felt her lean on my shoulder.
I looked at her and she was asleep, so I picked her up.
"Well I should go back." I thought.
I went back to my place and I went to my bedroom (get your head out of the gutter)
I plopped her down on the bed and I let her sleep.
"She's still beautiful when she's sleeping." I thought.
"Well I can play beat saber."
I set it up and started playing.

Scarlet's Pov
I woke up at Ghost's house in his bedroom.
I went to look for him and i went to the kitchen.
"He even made breakfast to me, what a gentleman." I thought to myself.
"How did he even get me here?" I thought.
I went to his gaming room and I saw Ghost playing in Virtual Reality while i was eating.
He beat it and took off the headset and he noticed me.
"How long have you been standing there?" He said.
"For a good time *giggle*." I said while we sat on the couch.

Lil bonus:
Grimm's POV (when Ghost and Scarlet was arriving)
I was looking for Scarlet in that night until I saw Ghost carrying her bridal style.
"They grow up so fast *chuckle*." I wiped a tear from my eye.

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