She's back...

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Pale King's POV
Me and Hollow left the courtyard and went back inside.
The living room was kinda empty, only Grimm, Hornet and Broken were there.
"Oh...My Wyrm, I've already putted the children to sleep." White Lady said coming out of a room.
"Great, now I need to tell something to everyone in this room." I said while I was taking courage.
"Father, are you sure that do you want to tell them?" Hollow asked.
"They need to know and we need to prepare for her." I said.
"Prepare for who?" Grimm walked in curiously.
Hornet and Broken walked in too trying to know what I'm talking about.
"*sigh*...The Radiance." I said tensely.
"What!?" They all said at the same time.
"This c-can't be happening." Said White Lady with fear.
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Grimm said with a demonic voice almost turning into Nightmare King.
"Oh no..." Broken said desperately.
"I'm gonna tear her apart." Said Hornet while grabbing her needle.
"First of all, everyone settle down." I said in a louder tone.
They all calmed down, Grimm was still angry and the others were worried and scared.
"B-But My Wyrm, what about our children and the palace." White Lady said while she was about to cry.
"Don't worry My Root, I have a plan." I said calming her down.
"Kingsmoulds!" I called the kingsmoulds while I went outside.
They all gathered wanting to listen to me.
"Ok listen up! Activate the seals of bindings on these locations and close all the entrances of the palace." I commanded while I gave them a map showing where the seals were.
"Yes our majesty." They all nodded and splitted up while going to the locations.
Minutes passed and a white bubble surrounded the palace and City of Tears, Fog Canyon, a part of Howling Cliffs (where the Nightmare Latern is located) and a part of Fungal Wastes (Mantis Village) also had been surrounded by the bubble.
"Everyone is safe now." I said and everyone were relieved.
"But she haven't returned yet so we must wait ." Hornet said.
"And we need to warn Ghost and Scarlet about this." I said.
"I'll bring you guys to Dirtmouth, will someone stay here?" Grimm asked.
"I'll stay here to take care of the children." White Lady said.
"I'll stay with you mom." Broken said.
"Ok, anyone else will come with me?" Grimm asked.
"I'll go." Hornet said.
"Me too..." Hollow said while wearing the Pure Vessel's armor.
"I'm coming with you." I grabbed my nail.
We were about to go to Dirtmouth to see Ghost and Scarlet.
"Come back safe all of you." White Lady said.
"We will..." I hugged her and gave her a short kiss.
Then Grimm teleported us.

Ghost's POV
We arrived home, everything was quiet that it started to scare me.
"Wow, this place became a ghost town." Scarlet said with a bit of fear.
"C'mon let's go inside." I said while we entered our house.
"Finally we're home." She said while she gave a sigh of relief.
"And finally some rest." I added while I went to the bedroom and jumped on the bed.
"Hey, leave some space for meeee..." She said trying to push me a little so she could lay on the bed with me.
"Sorry *chuckle*" I said.
Then I knew that I had to tell about the Radiance to her but I'm afraid that she gets angry at me because I kept hiding this subject from her since my father predicted.
"Scarlet..." I called her.
"Yeah?" She said.
"I need to tell you something but don't freak out." I said.
"Ok...tell me." She said worried.
*Explains the whole story about the Radiance returning*
She stood for a moment in shock and she just hugged me and said:
"No matter if she comes back, I'll at least try hard to not lose you and I'll be pleased if we kill her." She said.
Then a knock in the door interrupted our moment.
"I'll answer the door." I said while I got up from the bed.
"I'll come with you." She said while following me.
I opened the door and my dad was there along with Hollow, Hornet and Grimm.
"Dad? W-What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"We're here to warn you about The Radiance." Dad said.
"Did she come back?!" I asked.
"Not yet, but she'll return as soon as possible." He said worried.
"Like right now?" I asked.
"Probably..." He said.
"Ghost...what's going on?" Scarlet walked in.
"Scarlet, I'm glad you're okay." Grimm said while he hugged Scarlet.
"D-Dad what's happening?" Scarlet asked.
"We need to get ready...." He said.
"Oh no..." Scarlet said scared knowing what will happen.
I grabbed my nail and went outside to talk to the others.

Radiance's POV
I suddenly woke up...
Everything is dark but I can see a small light really far away.
I started flying towards that light.
I can't believe that I got defeated by one of the Wyrm's discarded vessels...I'll make him pay.
The light leaded to the Dream Realm, I wonder what happened to my kingdom when I was "gone".
I saw a reflection of the real world and I got horrified and furious.
"WHAT HAS HE DONE!?" I shouted furiously.
"Technology?! Bugs with free will!? Currencies!?"
That Wyrm ruined my kingdom, I'll deal with him and I shall start rebuilding my kingdom all over again.
Starting now...

Hollow's POV
"Father, what happens if she takes over the kingdom?" I asked.
"She will spread the infection first and then she'll implement hive mind control on those who she infects." He explained.
We went outside talking about how we will fight Radiance until we heard a familiar roar coming down from the well which probably leads to the Black Egg temple.
"She's here..." Father said.
Then a giant flying figure teleported in the sky and a nail came flying towards my father.
"Watch out!" I jumped pushing my father away and the nail didn't hit anyone.
"Well well well...if it isn't the Wyrm and the Nightmare King along with their group of failed vessels." Said Radiance approaching us.
"They're not vessels, they're my children." My father said enraged.
"And what do we have here?" She looked at Scarlet hiding behind Ghost.
"DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!" Grimm shouted while he made a small cut on her wings using his cloak.
Radiance looked at the cut made by him and she just laughed.
"What's so funny?" I asked pointing my nail at her.
"Ahh I remember you, the knight who sacrificed himself to seal me." She said provoking me.
"You should be ashamed for being by your father's side." She added.
"But at least I'm not by the side of a selfish tyrant like you." I said.
"Well if you say so. Now if you all excuse me I think we talked too much and I have to take care of you." She looked at my father and grabbed him using her legs (like an eagle grabbing a fish).
We all looked in shock at her.
"Release me you stupid moth!" He shouted at her.
"Force me you fool." She provoked while she was trying to fly away.
"You're not going anywhere." Ghost and Hornet jumped at her trying to hit her.
I raised my hand summoning shining daggers and some of them pierced through her wings while Grimm opened his cloak sending fire bats at her and Scarlet was spitting fireballs leaving burn marks on her.
"Enough!" She shouted and she teleported leaving a trace of dream particles.
"Where did she go?" Ghost asked
Me and Hornet shrugged with confusion.
"There is only one place that she probably went..." Grimm said.

Pale King's POV
Radiance have captured me, she is taking me somewhere.
While she was flying, she was leaving a trace of an orange cloud that turned the bugs that haven't escaped or that weren't inside the secured locations.
"We arrived." She said.
"Royal Waterways? Really?" I asked.
"You'll see..." She said and she brought me to the Junk Pit.
Then I saw a closed sarcophagus-like cocoon and it looked pretty familiar.
"Open it..." Radiance said while she dropped me on the ground.
"B-But..." I got cut off by her.
"Don't make me repeat it again!" She said angrily.
I knocked on the sarcophagus and then suddenly it opened from inside.
"*yawn* Who dares to wake me up?" Said Godseeker coming outside sleepily.
Then she realizes who we are and desperately bowed at us.
"Oh ehm...Sorry I was sleeping." Godseeker apologized.
"Lock him in a cage and hide him." Radiance said to Godseeker.
"But he is the king..." Godseeker said shocked about what she said.
"And I am your god." She made a comeback.
"W-Wait...don't do this..." I begged while Godseeker grabbed me and threw me in her sarcophagus.
"I'm sorry..." She whispered at me while closing the sarcophagus.
At least I still can hear what they're talking about.

Godseeker's POV
"So...are you just going to leave him there?" I asked Radiance.
"I have other things to deal with and then...I'll kill him." She said.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked.
"Take me to Godhome." She said.
"You don't need to ask." I said letting her get inside my dreams.
"By the way if you let Wyrm escape you're dead." She threatened me.
"I won't..." I said while sweating of nervousness.
She is now inside my mind in Godhome, I wonder what she'll do next.

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