Another little visit

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Ghost's POV
The morning came.
I woke up earlier than her but I didn't get off of my bed because I was looking at her sleeping.
"She is so cute when she sleeps". I thought to myself.
She then opened her eyes and saw me sitting on the bed next to her while looking at her.
"Good morning love...*yawn*" she woke up.
"Good morning, slept well?" I asked.
"Well, I slept cuddling with a pillow which is you, so of course yes." She said while she giggled.
"So I'm going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast". I said while I got off the bed.
"Ok. While I stay here being lazy." She said jokingly.
"Nah, you're coming with me." I said while I picked her in bridal style.
"Hahahaha, sure." She said while giggling.
We went to the living room and I put her on the couch as I went to the kitchen.
I finished cooking and I suddenly felt arms wrapping around me as I blushed.
I looked at her and she had a sad face.
"Something happened?" I said while i was worried.
"I-I had a n-nightmare..." She said while she buried her face in my chest.
"Y-You were...gone...again..." She said while she started sobbing.
"It's okay... it's okay... it was just a nightmare, it's not going to happen, I'll always stay with you no matter what." I said while i was calming her down.
"I know...b-but it looked so real..."She said while I hugged her to calm her down.
"Hey look at me, it's not real, nothing like this will happen." I whispered to her.
She stopped sobbing while I gave her a short kiss.
We had breakfast and we went to the living room.
We both sat down on the couch and she was shaking a little.
"Hey.... What's wrong? You can tell me. I won't bite." I said.
Just the t-thought of l-losing you again..... It-it scares m-me." She said teary eyed.
"Scarlet listen, I am never gonna leave you. No matter what happens I'll find a way to get back to you no matter what."I said.
"Y-you w-would do that f-for me?" She said.
"Yes." I hugged her and she hugged me back. We both blushed really hard.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
I stood up and went up to the door and opened it.
Wouldn't you know it was Hornet, Hollow and Broken.
"Suprise!" Said Hornet.
"Oh hey guys, I didn't expect you to come visit us." I said
While they entered the house Hollow wanted to talk with me.

Hollow's POV
"Sooo... a bird told us that you and Scarlet are now together." I said while I chuckled.
" is...true." He said while blushing.
"That's my brother!" Broken interrupted while he gave weak punch in Ghost's arm.
"Yeah, I'm proud of you." I said while I gave a little laugh.
"Our big bro here is doing the same too with Dryya-" Broken teased me while I cut him off by punching his arm.
"Shut up! We are just...friends..." I said while I blushed a little.
"Nah, I'm pretty sure I saw you together with her hehehehe." Broken teased.

Hornet's POV
"Hey Scarlet!" I said happily while I greeted her.
"Hi Hornet, it's good to see you." She said.
"So, did it all go well with Ghost?" I asked while I giggled.
"I never been so happy with him, he is my boyfriend now." She said happily.
"See? You just needed to maintain your calm and look at you now." I said.
"But really thank you Hornet for helping me." She said.
"No problem." I smiled.
"Anyways where are those three?" I asked.
"I dunno." She said.
I looked around for them and I got to Ghost's bedroom and I heard them talking.
I opened the door and said
"Oh! there you guys are. So what have you been guys talking about?"
"Nothing." Ghost said.
"Hollow has a crush on Dryy-" Broken got cut off by Hollow by him grabbing a pillow and slamming it into his face.
"Oooooo our big brother here likes someoneeeee~ I even took a picture of you two walking hand in hand." Said Broken showing the picture in his phone.
"And I am going to post on social media." Broken laughed evilly.
"Broken when I get my hands on you... you're dead." Said Hollow while he was preparing to run after him.
"You have to catch me first! See ya Ghost!" He said while he ran for the door as fast as he possibly could.


"Well I gotta go now before those two kill each other. Byeeeee~" I said to Ghost.
"Hey guys! Wait up!" I shouted to them.

Scarlet's POV
I saw Hollow running after Broken with an angry expression on his face and Hornet said bye to me and left. Hollow even broke the front door.
"What was that all about?" I asked Ghost.
"Oh that? The usual sibling banter." He replied.
"Pffft Haha." I chuckled.
"And even the front door is got taken off Haha." He laughed.
"That shouldn't be too bad to fix right?" I asked.
"It'll be pretty easy." He said.
"So what do you wanna do? We've still got some time left." I asked Ghost.
"Spend that time with you of course." He said and rested his head on my shoulder.
I blushed when he did that.
"S-seriously wh-what do you wanna d-do?" I said.
"Well, I'm thinking about it..." He said while he was deciding.
"Well...we could just watch TV." I said.
We started to watch some series or movies in the TV until the night came and we both fell asleep on the couch.

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