A little visit

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Grimm's POV
I noticed that Scarlet was a little nervous when Ghost is going to visit us, I've never seen her acting strange like this before.
I suspect that she has a soft spot for him, but I won't be that protective father because Scarlet has known him for a long time.
I am quite mad that he left my daughter alone outside of that temple waiting for him, but I have to accept that he had no other choice but to eradicate the infection by almost sacrificing himself.
"Why are you that nervous?" I asked her.
"I don't know, it's been a long time since someone visited us." She said nervously.
"Ah come on! *chuckle*, i know that you're obsessed with him." I said while i patted her back.
"No! I'm not!" She said while her face was turning red.
"Don't lie to me! *chuckles* you love him don't you?" I teased her.
"F-fine yeah! I do love him!" She said.

*Doorbell rings*

"And look who just arrived." I laughed teasingly.

Ghost's POV
I've pressed the doorbell button and waited for a few seconds until someone opened and it was Grimm.
"Greetings my old friend." He opened the door.
"Oh! Hey there Grimm! Its been a while hasn't it?" I said.
"It sure has been a very long time my friend." He said happily.
"Would you like to come inside?" He asked.
"Oh sure!" I said and got inside.
Then I saw Scarlet sitting over on the couch.
I sat next to her and she smiled to me, she was happy to see me.
"Make yourself at home, just don't break anything *giggle*, I'll leave you two lovebirds for a while". Grimm said with a grin on his face while he laughed.
"Dad!" She said with an annoyed tone.
"Does she have a crush on me?" I whispered to myself.
"What did you say Ghost?" She said.
"N-nothing!" I said.
"If you say so." She said.
"So... how have you been doing?" I asked her.
"I'm doing a lot better lately because you came back." She smiled at me.
"I'm glad you're doing better." I said.
We sat in silence for a few minutes before Scarlet spoke
"So..." She said.
"So what?" I asked.
"I just wanted to ask you that have you ever liked anyone?" She asked.
"Well actually I haven't liked anyone except for one person (which is her). Obviously I'm not gonna tell you but why did you ask this?" I asked her.

Scarlet's POV
N-Nothing!" I stuttered.
That person must be me.
"Ok then." He said and putted his arm around me and putted his hand on my other shoulder. I blushed so hard.
"Oh! S-sorry!" He said while removing his arm around me.
"N-no its f-fine!" I said.
Wait... Did I just say... Oh no!
He put his arm around me again.
"So how are you lovebirds doing over there!?" Dad shouted from the other room.
"Dad please no...." I was embarrassed and buried my face into a pillow.
Ghost chuckled at me.
"Aw c'mon your dad is just teasing you." He said.
"To cheer you up I have the perfect solution." He said.
"W-what is it?" I asked.
He tickled me on my neck and I bursted out laughing.
I was about to fall off the couch but I grabbed Ghost and we both fell and he ended up on top of me.
Our faces were literally an inch apart. We stared at each other for a good 5 seconds and we blushed madly.
"Oh god.... I almost kissed my crush!" I thought.
He got off me and we just looked at each other awkwardly.
"I-I'm sorry!" He apologized.
"It f-fine. You did cheer me up th-though." I stuttered.
"Heheh If y-you so say so." He said nervously.

Ghost's POV
"So...do you want to hang out sometime?" I asked her while I blushed a little.
"S-Sure...but i need to ask my dad."She said with a nervous tone.
"Ok, I'll go back to my house and I'll get ready." I said while i stood up.
"See you later!"She waved bye and I left her house.

Grimm's POV
"Dad!" Scarlet called me while she entered my room.
"What is it, darling? I asked
"Can i hang out with Ghost? Pleaaaaseeee!" She said while she grabbed my arm and starts to shaking it.
"Hmmm...Sure but don't arrive late at home." He said.
"Yayy! Thanks dad!" She smiled.

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