Lewd Night

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(Warning: this chapter will be extremely lewd so I recommend you to skip or pretend that this chapter doesn't exist or if you want to see the "sin" you made your choice so prepare your bible).

Ghost's POV
"Ghost *yawn* I think I am going to sleep." Said Scarlet.
She went back into the house and said
"See you in the morning love."
"See ya. Sleep well!" I replied to her.
*A couple of hours later*
I think its like 1am right now and I can't sleep.
"What should I do?" I thought to myself.
Then an idea popped into my mind.
"I should see what powers I have in this form!" I thought to myself.
*After destroying some parts of Greenpath and scaring the shit out of Hornet*
"But I want to find out if I can turn back normal though......"
I kept trying and I was losing hope that I could even change back at all.
"Damn it..... Cmon there's gotta be a way!" I told myself.
Then somehow I did change but.....not exactly the way I wanted.
I resembled my regular form except I had tendrils coming out of my back and I'm not with my mask to contain it.
"Eh..... This'll do." I thought to myself.
I made my way back to my place and it was pretty late like 2am.
"I gotta get some sleep....." I said.
I went to the front door and turned the doorknob and it was locked.
"Oh no...... Scarlet's is already sleeping . How am I gonna get in?!" I thought to myself.
After a while of trying to get in I gave up.
"I'll sleep on the floor if I have to!" I thought then I found out that a window was opened.
It was dark so I couldn't see and I think I'm in the kitchen.
I was feeling around for anything that could help me navigate.
Instead I knocked over some pots which luckily had nothing in them but they were LOUD.

Scarlet's POV
I woke up by a sound of something metal falling from the kitchen.
"Did somebody break in?!" I thought to myself.
I made my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I was mildly terrified and when I looked at the corner of the kitchen.
A dark figure was there with tendrils on its back and it spotted me.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed and teleported back into the bedroom.
I slammed the door behind me and locked it.
"What was that thing?!" I told myself.
Then one of it's tendrils opened the door by lock picking it.
"Sorry Scarlet ehehehehe......." It told me.
"Wait a second....Ghost is that you?!" I asked him.
"Yeah..... sorry about scaring you." Said Ghost.
"You almost gave me a heart attack! *giggle*" I told him.
"Y'know you remind of Cthulhu or something like it right now." I told him.
"I can see why. But hey! At least I got a second Halloween costume for next year! *laugh*" Ghost said.
"My question is how the hell did you turned from bigger than the damn house to more or less your normal form?!" I asked him.
"I don't know! It just happened!*laugh*" He told me.
"Hmmm wait a second." I said while I opened a closet full of masks with Ghost's mask shape.
"There you go." I said handing him his mask.
When he putted the mask his size reduced to normal and the tendrils disappeared.
"Haha! I'm back to normal!" He said happily.
"Finally..." I said while I kissed him and a desire came to my mind.
(Uh oh)
"Uh...shall we sleep?" He asked.
"Sleep can wait..." I said seductively while I grabbed his hand.
"W-What do you mean?...." He blushed hard.
I gave no response and pushed him making him fell on the bed.
"Scarlet...what are you doing?" He asked while I slowly took off his sweater.
"You know that I'm always yours..." I said alluringly while my hands were exploring his chest.
"Hehe and I'm yours too..." He putted his hands on my small waist and a lascivious feeling came when his warm hands touched my cold body.
We kissed passionately for a while and then suddenly I licked and lightly bit his neck leaving a bite mark.
"Ow!...why?" He said confusely.
"This is for scaring me before hehehe." I smirked as he made out with me until our breathing hitched and became quicker.
(Then you know what happened after).

A little narrator's POV
Ladies and gentlemen...
Prepare your bibles and holy water and take a deep breath...
Because this is what actually happened:

Because this is what actually happened:

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I'm so sorry...

Ghost's POV
I don't know what got into Scarlet's mind but I think she had been waiting for this for a while but I cannot deny that I had been secretly waiting as well.
We ended up exhausted and we decided to sleep and it was very late.
"That was...fun." Scarlet said while she looked at me with a satisfied face.
"Well...uh...I-I have to agree with that." I said while my face turned red.
"Maybe we can do it again next time *giggle*" She said with that look again.
I felt that my heart was going to explode.
"Y-Yeah but I-I think we should sleep now....you must be tired and it's almost 3am." I said while looking at the clock.
"Sure...and by the way I'll visit my dad tomorrow." She added.
"Ok and I think I'll stay at home or hang out with Hollow then." I replied.
"Anyways good night love..." I smiled putting my hands on her waist cuddling her.
"Good night honey...I love you." She snuggled up.
"I love you too." I told her.

(you may crucify me now)

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