Hyewon (Maybe if I could see you again)

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Gowons POV

After Halloween things between my and Olivia were more distant than ever. And I hated every second of it. Not being able to see Olivia after our kiss was like hell for me because all I wanted to see was her face again but with bambam ,mina and Wendy down me and yeojins back every two seconds seeing Olivia seemed like more of a lost dream. It's so slaughtering  when every second of everyday I'm trying to escape the 3 to see Olivia or even make eye contact but they are one step ahead of me. Even yeojin gets to look at choerry every couple of days but for me I can't even look at the same direction as her, breathe the same air as her or just exist near her without then right behind me. I hated this.

Maybe if I could just see her again

Olivia POV

It was a rough morning waking up after getting no sleep thinking of gowon all night again after the whole halloween thing. She had been on my mind every second of everyday but her friends were everywhere I went and after Halloween I tried to avoid them as much as I could only wanting to see gowon but they were always with her.

 If only I could see her again.

School time

Me and choerry were walking on our way to school as when we finally made it close to the front entrance as I had seen a large group of people surrounded by the door looking through the windows. "Woah come on let's see what up" said choerry as she then held my wrist and ran with towards the window pushing through people to look through the windows. Once we had made it I had peeked through and wow, the entire school was covered in pink and black sticky notes as I then realized the big game was next Friday and I then realized who did this.

"Everyone please walk into the auditorium in the gym for and emergency assembly now!" Said our principal Mr Daniel holding a megaphone as we all then fled into the school taking our seats into the auditorium as I then got a full look of our sticky note covered school which amazed me on how a human could do this. 

"See I told you mate sticky notes was a good idea" I heard what seemed like Felix from my gym class behind me as I then turned around in my seat only to see them. Gowon and yeojin. They were sitting right next to Felix as I then saw their friends right beside them before I pulled over my hoodie trying not to be seen. I tapped choerrys shoulder motioning my head towards the 2 of them as she then understood and stood up out of her seat fixing her skirt which caught yeojins eyes and also Gowons as choerry pointed towards me making Gowon look at me with the brightest smile before I had seen one of her friends look at choerry as I turned back around not trying to be seen . "Hey sit down I can't see ass-whole" said one of her friends as choerry than sat down quickly with a look of anger on her faec eas I patted her shoulder to console her "it's ok choerry" I said as the assembly than starred.

Gowons pov

Finally after a good week of waiting I had finally seen Olivia again as I couldn't help but smile and I think yeojin too but then the assembly started. 

"Hello students of loona high sorry to take away your time of learning but as you can see much of that won't be happening today and I think we all know why" said Mr Daniel and we then all shouted "bangtan high!". "Yup we all know them and as you can see 2 mysterious figure last night had broken in and started this whole mess as then after the rest of the students had been seen leaving a van into the school right after,leaving us with what we have today" he said while flipping through slides and videos of what had been seen happening last night as I could of sworn one of the girls in the video I have seen around school somewhere . "As of right now only our hallways are covered but in the meantime today will be cut short into a half day so from now till lunch have nice day have please help to try and clean our hallways for your safety thank you" said Mr Daniel as the then left the stage as we all dismissed back to our lockers as now was my shot with Olivia.

I had picked up a sticky note from the floor and took out a pencil from my backpack and wrote a little note to Oliva.

' hey on game night let's meet by the bleachers trust me I'll find a way to see you again -gowon'

 read the note as I quickly ran out running past mina, bambam and Wendy before meeting up to Olivia from behind and tapping her shoulder. "Hey here" I said as she turned around as I then gave her the note and waving at her before running back to mina, bambam and Wendy before they realized I was gone.

Once I had gotten back I had seen yeojin and choerry talking as the others looked around the auditorium before I met them. "Omg Gowon where were you I though we lost you" said Wendy as I was now sweating "oh sorry just had to umm...... Use the bathroom that's it" I lied as they looked releaved to see me as then yeojin then came towards us with a smile on her face. "Ok but lets go anad also mark just said we're going to nayeons again to plan more" said bambam as we all walked out as I still noticed yeojin was smilling "you seem happy " I said to her as she then blushed. "Choerry just confessed and wants to go out next Saturday" she said as I was shocked by how sudden but also happy for yeojin "wow that was fast" I said to yeojin as we reached our lockers "not really but I'll need your help im really nervous " she said looking down to her feet "don't worry I got you" I said and smiled at yeojin putting a thumbs up as we then walked to our respective classrooms.

Perfect now I dont have to wait to see Olivia again but how will I escape the 3 brick walls in my way?

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